DeathDeathsDyingBroaderRestoration-DestructionPresentableLife-DeathPresentableProblemSudden deathExcellentPostmodernismExcellentPlagueExcellentMaternal mortalityExcellentIrreversible comaExcellentInfanticideExcellentInfant mortalityExcellentGovernment sanctioned killingExcellentForest declineExcellentExecution of young offendersExcellentDehumanization of deathExcellentDeath wishExcellentDeath by executionExcellentCapital punishmentExcellentViolent death of young peoplePresentableVigilantismPresentableUnequal regional distribution of deathsPresentableUnderpopulationPresentableUncertainty of death of missing personsPresentableTolerated atrocitiesPresentableSudden infant death syndromePresentableStill-birthPresentableSea-bird deathsPresentablePrison deathsPresentablePrenatal wrongful deathPresentablePoisonous fungiPresentablePlanned obsolescencePresentablePedestrian accidentsPresentableOverworkPresentableNatural human abortionPresentableInduced abortionPresentableIndeterminacy of deathPresentableHuman denial of deathPresentableHuman deathPresentableExtermination of street delinquentsPresentableEndangered culturesPresentableDying intestatePresentableDying a bad deathPresentableDecrease in mortality ratePresentableDeath threats to abortion clinicsPresentableDeath threatsPresentableDeath from fearPresentableDeath and disability from inhumane confinementPresentableCultural suicidePresentableBroken heart syndromePresentableBride burningPresentableBereaved childrenPresentableAnimal road deathsPresentableViolent deathsUnpresentableVideo violenceUnpresentableUnmanageable cost of dyingUnpresentableSudden death syndrome of feeder cattleUnpresentableSanctions against trade union workersUnpresentableProhibitive death dutiesUnpresentableMorbid preoccupation with deathUnpresentableLack of protection for victims of intimidationUnpresentableHarassment of the judiciaryUnpresentableFoetal infectionUnpresentableFailure to notify the imprisonment or death in prison of foreign nationalsUnpresentableEngineered deathUnpresentableEnd of natureUnpresentableDying unshrivenUnpresentableDenial to animals of the right to a natural deathUnpresentableDenial of a proper deathUnpresentableCivilian casualties of warUnpresentableAssassination of trade union leadersUnpresentableAnaesthetic deathUnpresentableAbandonment of the dyingUnpresentableUnwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateThreatened species of AnobiidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Agabus rumppiYet to rateSocial structure of sinYet to rateRitual pollutionYet to ratePreventable child deathsYet to rateMotivational deathYet to rateMind-induced deathYet to rateKilling sanctioned by religionYet to rateFear of deathYet to rateExcessive prolongation of the dying processYet to rateEndangered unwritten languagesYet to rateDeath of the soulYet to rateDeath of plantsYet to rateDeath of living creaturesYet to rateDeath of GodYet to rateChronic boredomYet to rateAnimal deathsYet to rateStrategyResearching sudden unexpected infant deathExcellentEuthanasiaExcellentRehabilitating degraded landPresentableReducing maternal mortality ratesPresentableReducing expense of dyingPresentableProviding hospice carePresentablePreventing injuries to childrenPresentablePreventing child deathsPresentableLowering death ratePresentableImposing capital punishmentPresentableDeveloping cure for AIDSPresentableAbolishing death penaltyUnpresentableWriting a willYet to rateValuing near-death experiencesYet to rateUsing anticipation of death as tortureYet to rateStudying deathYet to rateSentencing to deathYet to rateSafeguarding rights of those faced with the death penaltyYet to rateRisking deathYet to rateRelaxing morbid preoccupation with deathYet to rateReducing uncertainty of death of missing personsYet to rateReducing road accident deaths and injuriesYet to rateReducing regional inequality of distribution of deathsYet to rateReducing measles deathsYet to rateReducing incidence of violent deathsYet to rateReducing incidence of death threatsYet to rateReducing incidence of childhood diarrhoeaYet to rateReducing antenatal foetal deathYet to rateRecording dying languagesYet to rateReclaiming birth and deathYet to rateProviding evidence of death of missing personsYet to rateProviding access to treatment for acute respiratory infectionsYet to rateProlonging the dying processYet to rateMonitoring routine deathsYet to rateMaking death threatsYet to rateInducing deathYet to rateIncreasing death rateYet to rateHumanizing dyingYet to rateFearing deathYet to rateExperiencing near deathYet to rateExercising conscientious objection to causing deathYet to rateEnsuring a proper deathYet to rateDying strategicallyYet to rateDying shrivenYet to rateDying intestateYet to rateDying a bad deathYet to rateDyingYet to rateDonating body to scienceYet to rateDocumenting regional distribution of deathsYet to rateDeveloping dyesYet to rateDetermining cause of deathYet to rateDenying rights of those punished with death penaltyYet to rateDenying deathYet to rateConserving endangered languagesYet to rateConserving endangered culturesYet to rateCommemorating deathYet to rateChoosing violent deathYet to rateChoosing to viaticateYet to rateCausing violent deathsYet to rateBoring to deathYet to rateAssisting families of the dyingYet to rateArranging animal funeralsYet to rateAbstaining from deathing awarenessYet to rateAbandoning the dyingYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectLife ยป DeathContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND1093DOCID11410930D7NID193174Last updateDec 2, 2024