LandBroaderWealth-PovertyPresentableProblemUnassigned public landExcellentSoil degradationExcellentShortage of waste landfill sitesExcellentInfertile landExcellentEnvironmental hazards of empolderment of wetlandsExcellentDestruction of wetland environmentsExcellentDestruction of agricultural landExcellentCultivation of marginal agricultural landExcellentAnti-personnel bombsExcellentAgricultural mismanagementExcellentVulnerability of lakes and riversPresentableUnequal property distributionPresentableUneconomical small farmsPresentableUncertain land zoningPresentableThreatened seasonal inland saline lake habitatsPresentableSoil salinizationPresentableShortage of urban landPresentableRival claims for conservation landPresentableRising water tablePresentableRising sea levelPresentableProhibitive cost of landPresentablePollution of inland watersPresentableOxygen depletion in inland water bodiesPresentableMisuse of agricultural land for fuel productionPresentableMaldistribution of land through customary tenure systemsPresentableMaldistribution of land associated with large traditional estatesPresentableMaldistribution of agricultural landPresentableLegal havensPresentableLeaching of salts through irrigationPresentableLandlessnessPresentableLand subsidencePresentableLand pollutionPresentableLand degradationPresentableInsufficient common land in urban environmentsPresentableIncreasing proportion of land surface devoted to urbanizationPresentableInadequate rail transport facilitiesPresentableInadequate inland waterway transport facilitiesPresentableInadequate arrangement of housing with respect to common landPresentableExcessive military usage of landPresentableExcessive land usage by transport systemsPresentableExcessive land usagePresentableEminent domainPresentableDisorganized approach to land ownership in tropical villagesPresentableDestruction of land productivityPresentableDerelict industrial wastelandsPresentableDeliberately unused farm fieldsPresentableDegradation of cultivated land systemsPresentableDegradation of agricultural land by cash cropsPresentableDeclining agricultural landPresentableBoundary constraints on land planningPresentableAlienation of land through acquisition by foreignersPresentableAdverse environmental consequences of depressed agricultural pricesPresentableUnregulated land ownershipUnpresentableUnbridled competition for landUnpresentableUnavailability of building sitesUnpresentableTradition-bound land distributionUnpresentableThreatened tree-dominated freshwater wetland habitatsUnpresentableThreatened species of StylommatophoraUnpresentableThreatened permanent inland delta habitatsUnpresentableThreatened irrigated land wetland habitatsUnpresentableShortage of land for cemeteriesUnpresentableScarcity of residential landUnpresentableReduction of fallow periods on agricultural landUnpresentableLand rehabilitation difficultyUnpresentableLand misuseUnpresentableLand enclosureUnpresentableLand controlled by business groupsUnpresentableIrresponsible property tenantsUnpresentableInsufficient public land upkeepUnpresentableInadequate working conditions for land tenantsUnpresentableEffluent runoff from agricultural land useUnpresentableDiscredited moneyed hereditary classUnpresentableDifficult land acquisitionUnpresentableDesiccation of lakesUnpresentableDeclining area of irrigated landUnpresentableUnused landYet to rateUnproven land preparation techniquesYet to rateUncoordinated use of community propertyYet to rateUnchecked crab damage to cropsYet to rateThreatened species of Triodopsis occidentalisYet to rateThreatened species of Polygyra peregrinaYet to rateThreatened species of Paryphanta traversiYet to rateThreatened species of Paryphanta rossianaYet to rateThreatened species of Paryphanta lignariaYet to rateThreatened species of Paryphanta hochstetteriYet to rateThreatened species of Paryphanta gilliesiYet to rateThreatened species of ParyphantaYet to rateThreatened species of Mesodon jonesianusYet to rateThreatened species of Mesodon archeriYet to rateThreatened species of Melanochelys tricarinataYet to rateThreatened species of Land operculatesYet to rateThreatened species of Conolophus subcristatusYet to rateThreatened species of Conolophus pallidusYet to rateThreatened species of ConolophusYet to rateThreatened habitats on natural grazing landsYet to rateThreatened habitats of shelterbeltsYet to rateThreatened habitats in croplandsYet to rateRestrictive land ordinancesYet to rateRestricted land choicesYet to rateOwnership as a basis for land allocationYet to rateObscure ownership recordsYet to rateLoss of agricultural land due to artificial floodingYet to rateLimited family landYet to rateLand reclamationYet to rateLack of transport vehiclesYet to rateIrrational land divisionsYet to rateInsufficient pasturelandYet to rateInsufficient loan collateralYet to rateInadequate agricultural capitalYet to rateIdle private landYet to rateExploitation of land for the burial of the deadYet to rateExcessive use of land by automobilesYet to rateDisrespect for the landYet to rateConflicting land rightsYet to rateBlocked land negotiationsYet to rateArbitrary land assessmentsYet to rateAir pollution from agricultural land useYet to rateStrategyProviding affordable loans to womenExcellentImproving agroforestry practices by clarifying land tenureExcellentEnsuring sustainable agricultural developmentExcellentEnsuring comprehensive system of protected areasExcellentDeveloping sustainable land use policyExcellentUsing residue management agriculturePresentableRehabilitating degraded landPresentableReclaiming landPresentableProtecting best farmland for agriculturePresentablePromoting women's access to land and propertyPresentableMaximizing agricultural land yieldPresentableManaging landPresentableManaging agricultural landsPresentableIncorporating sustainable indigenous management systems for land resourcesPresentableImproving land marketsPresentableImproving inland waterway transport facilitiesPresentableImplementing land reformPresentableDeveloping marginal agricultural landsPresentableCreating community land trustPresentableAnalysing land cover changePresentableWorking the landUnpresentableImproving land use practices to prevent silting of lakesUnpresentableCreating comprehensive drainage schemeUnpresentableConverting land to cropsUnpresentableUtilizing landYet to rateUtilizing available land resourcesYet to rateUsing swidden-fallow land managementYet to rateUsing public environmentYet to rateUsing land-locked and island countries as havensYet to rateUsing environmentally sound land-use practicesYet to rateUsing economic instruments to encourage sustainable use of land resourcesYet to rateUndertaking surveys on land capability for afforestationYet to rateUndertaking research on land useYet to rateUndertaking national survey of land resourcesYet to rateUncovering purchasable landYet to rateUnbalancing exports and imports of land-locked developing countriesYet to rateTreating land infertilityYet to rateTransferring sustainable land management practices to and among developing countriesYet to rateTraining on land conservationYet to rateTraining in land resource managementYet to rateTerracing landYet to rateSupporting research on land degradationYet to rateSupporting professional associations on land management sciencesYet to rateSupporting investments in land resourcesYet to rateStudying contaminated landYet to rateStructuring land resources guardianshipYet to rateStrengthening United Nations advisory role on drought, desertification and land resource managementYet to rateStrengthening monopolized land ownershipYet to rateStrengthening local organizations responsible for land managementYet to rateStrengthening land management researchYet to rateStrengthening international coordination of land resource management activitiesYet to rateStabilizing landYet to rateSimplifying land systemYet to rateSettling indigenous land claimsYet to rateSetting land boundariesYet to rateSetting aside land for cash cropsYet to rateSecuring private land holdingsYet to rateReviewing public agencies responsible for land resource managementYet to rateRestricting landYet to rateRestricting agricultural landYet to rateRespecting the landYet to rateRespecting land rights of a peopleYet to rateResolving competing land use requirementsYet to rateResisting foreign ownership of landYet to rateResearching soil infertilityYet to rateResearching migration to rural areasYet to rateResearching land useYet to rateRelieving scarcity of residential landYet to rateRelieving scarcity of landYet to rateReleasing additional usable landYet to rateReinventing the commonsYet to rateRehabilitating land degraded by water-loggingYet to rateRegulating sea access for land-locked countriesYet to rateReducing public land ownershipYet to rateReducing pollution of inland watersYet to rateRecovering land lost to plantationsYet to rateRecording landslip disastersYet to rateReclaiming land with solid wasteYet to rateRationalizing landYet to rateRaising public revenues by land taxYet to rateProviding sufficient land spaceYet to rateProviding short term land tenureYet to rateProviding security for land-locked countriesYet to rateProviding sea access for land-locked countriesYet to rateProviding public land management agencies with modern computer and survey equipmentYet to rateProviding prime landYet to rateProviding land fundsYet to rateProviding institutional and legal support on land tenure for farmersYet to rateProviding guidance on control technology for marine pollution from land-based sourcesYet to rateProviding alternatives to informal land supplyYet to rateProtecting transport rights of land-locked countriesYet to rateProtecting right of unrestricted access to landYet to rateProtecting public landYet to rateProtecting endangered monuments and historic sitesYet to ratePrivatizing common landYet to ratePreserving peasant title to landYet to ratePreserving land rights of the poorYet to ratePreserving landYet to ratePreparing detailed land capability inventories as basis for sustainable land managementYet to ratePlanning suburban areasYet to rateOwning landYet to rateOrganizing land ownershipYet to rateOpening access to public landYet to rateNegotiating conflicting claims to terrestrial territoryYet to rateNeglecting the landYet to rateMonitoring pollution of inland watersYet to rateMitigating tropical land depletionYet to rateMapping land systemsYet to rateMapping land fertilityYet to rateManaging land useYet to rateMaking restitution of peasant landholdingsYet to rateMaintaining databases on agricultural land useYet to rateLiving off the landYet to rateLimiting urban encroachment of the countrysideYet to rateLimiting rights to landYet to rateLimiting monopolized land ownershipYet to rateLimiting availability of landYet to rateLiberating landYet to rateLabouring on the landYet to rateKeeping land ownership recordsYet to rateInvolving absentee landlords in land careYet to rateIntegrating use of land resourcesYet to rateIntegrating urban land use and transportation planningYet to rateInforming about integrated land resources managementYet to rateIncreasing security of land tenureYet to rateIncreasing municipalization of landYet to rateIncreasing land vehiclesYet to rateIncreasing land supply by incentivesYet to rateIncreasing land supply by fiscal meansYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of land collateralYet to rateIncreasing available landYet to rateIncreasing amount of urban landYet to rateIncreasing amount of cultivable landYet to rateImproving transport transit systems for land-locked countriesYet to rateImproving port facilities for land-locked countriesYet to rateImproving national capacity to implement land conservationYet to rateImproving land use practices to prevent land degradation and erosionYet to rateImproving land registration systemsYet to rateImproving land fertilityYet to rateImproving land and water management by farmers in arid regionsYet to rateImproving landYet to rateImproving fish yields in inland waters using environmentally sound management methodsYet to rateImproving existing commercial sitesYet to rateImproving empolderment of peat landYet to rateImproving data systems on land resourcesYet to rateImproving cultivated land systemsYet to rateImproving career development programmes for land and water management staffYet to rateImproving arrangement of housing with respect to common landYet to rateImproving analysis of data on land useYet to rateImproving accessibility of land resourcesYet to rateImproving ability to use land for agricultural purposesYet to rateHolding land in commonYet to rateHarmonizing guided land transportYet to rateFencing landYet to rateFarmingYet to rateFallowing landYet to rateFacilitating public participation in sustainable land managementYet to rateExpropriating land from indigenous populationsYet to rateExposing violation of land rights of a peopleYet to rateExpanding partnerships for managing land resourcesYet to rateExpanding land ownershipYet to rateExchanging information on participatory planning of land resourcesYet to rateEvaluating effectiveness of land resource conservation programmesYet to rateEstablishing land use classificationsYet to rateEstablishing environmentally sound land-based waste disposal alternatives to sea dumpingYet to rateEnsuring land users implement improved land use measuresYet to rateEnriching potentially arable landYet to rateEncouraging land developmentYet to rateEncouraging environmentally sound land use practicesYet to rateEnclosing adequate arable landYet to rateEnabling land beautificationYet to rateEmploying unused landYet to rateDoing without adequate land spaceYet to rateDiversifying land useYet to rateDiversifying dry land cropsYet to rateDistributing land through customary tenure systemsYet to rateDisseminating land use informationYet to rateDisrespecting the landYet to rateDeveloping sustainability indicators for land resourcesYet to rateDeveloping profitable public land use practicesYet to rateDeveloping ortho-photography landbasesYet to rateDeveloping land believed unprofitableYet to rateDeveloping landYet to rateDeveloping inland trafficYet to rateDeveloping inland fisheriesYet to rateDeveloping brown field sitesYet to rateDetermining public land designYet to rateDestroying land resourcesYet to rateDestroying land fertilityYet to rateDelegating land resource management responsibilities to rural organizationsYet to rateDecreasing landYet to rateDeclaring moratorium on export of anti-personnel land minesYet to rateDe-commodifying landYet to rateDamaging agricultural landYet to rateCultivating landYet to rateCreating image of scarcityYet to rateCorrecting defective land use planningYet to rateCoping with inadequate inland waterway transport facilitiesYet to rateCoordinating land developmentYet to rateControlling water quality for inland fisheriesYet to rateControlling public land useYet to rateControlling growth of farm landYet to rateControlling building developmentYet to rateConserving vulnerable landYet to rateConserving land resourcesYet to rateConserving land fertilityYet to rateConserving agricultural landYet to rateConfiscating propertyYet to rateConducting environmental site assessmentYet to rateCondemning traditional elitist land ownershipYet to rateCompiling information on indigenous land resource conservationYet to rateClearing unused landYet to rateClearing land minesYet to rateClaiming inland water resourcesYet to rateCaring for the landYet to rateCampaigning for indigenous land rightsYet to rateBuilding capacity for land managementYet to rateBalancing the land bio-dynamicallyYet to rateBalancing exports and imports of land-locked developing countriesYet to rateAssuring condensed land developmentYet to rateAssisting prospective land usersYet to rateAssessing state of national land resourcesYet to rateAssessing regional agreements on marine pollution from land-based sourcesYet to rateAssessing hydrobiology and environmental requirements of inland fish speciesYet to rateAssessing forest land utilizationYet to rateAssessing current land situationYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to ensure sustainable land use planning and managementYet to rateAssessing consequences of different land tenure systemsYet to rateApplying land use policies to protect environmentally sensitive areasYet to rateApplying land customsYet to rateAdopting legislation to guide sustainable land developmentYet to rateAddressing problems of forced relocation of peasants onto marginal landsYet to rateAcquiring landYet to rateAcquiring increased farm landYet to rateAccepting inferior landYet to rateAccelerating rural land productionYet to rateAccelerating farm land usageYet to rateAbstaining from integrated land managementYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectGeography ยป Land type/useContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1048DOCID11310480D7NID193257Last updateDec 2, 2024