ExpertiseBroaderTaste-VulgarityPresentableSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentableKnowledge-IgnorancePresentableProblemLimited agricultural advicePresentableInequitable distribution of construction expertisePresentableCommunity expertise drainPresentableImmigration of skilled workers to undesirable destinationsUnpresentableExpertise unconstrained by wisdomUnpresentableDependence on external expertiseUnpresentableUnavailability of appropriate expertiseYet to rateNeglect of expert adviceYet to rateLimited funding expertiseYet to rateIndividualistic utilization of expertiseYet to rateInadequate construction expertiseYet to rateEconomic ignoranceYet to rateBiased expertiseYet to rateStrategyAppropriating relevant technologiesExcellentUtilizing volunteer task forcesPresentableStrengthening scientific and technological capacityPresentableReinforcing UNEP liaison and interaction with UNDP and the World BankPresentableDeveloping new crop expertisePresentableDeveloping construction expertisePresentableDeveloping and sharing health care information and expertisePresentableProviding helpful technical expertiseUnpresentablePlanning for expertise developmentUnpresentableDistributing practical farm expertiseUnpresentableWidening local practical expertiseYet to rateUtilizing locally available skillsYet to rateUtilizing local technical expertiseYet to rateUtilizing general business expertiseYet to rateUtilizing accessible global expertiseYet to rateUsing professional expertise unselfishlyYet to rateUsing interdisciplinary teams with local expertise for sustainable development studiesYet to rateUsing available community expertiseYet to rateTransmitting accumulated knowledgeYet to rateTransferring professional expertiseYet to rateSupplying technical expertise resourcesYet to rateStrengthening national capability to assess global climate changeYet to rateSharing experience across countriesYet to rateSecuring particular project expertiseYet to rateSecuring needed commercial expertiseYet to rateRequiring that expertise meet needsYet to rateProviding sufficient expert knowledgeYet to rateProviding skilled labour potentialYet to rateProviding illegal expertiseYet to rateProviding expertise on privatizationYet to rateProviding expertiseYet to rateOrganizing local commercial expertiseYet to rateMaintaining specialist expertiseYet to rateLinking needed business expertiseYet to rateLimiting availability of technical expertise in remote communitiesYet to rateLimiting availability of expertiseYet to rateInvolving women entrepreneurs in national expertise groups for sustainabilityYet to rateInviting diverse outside expertiseYet to rateIncreasing business management expertiseYet to rateIncreasing availability of impartial expertiseYet to rateIncreasing access to technical expertise in remote communitiesYet to rateIncorporating expertise of NGOs in planning United Nations programmesYet to rateImproving quality of teacher trainingYet to rateImproving ability of small countries to maintain specialist expertiseYet to rateHonouring wisdom of the elderlyYet to rateGathering political advisorsYet to rateGathering economic advisorsYet to rateGathering cultural advisorsYet to rateExpanding information exchange among local authoritiesYet to rateExchanging experienceYet to rateExchange expertise on boilersYet to rateEstablishing skills exchangesYet to rateEnsuring water programmes use local expertiseYet to rateEnsuring local repair expertiseYet to rateEnlisting agricultural consultants' expertiseYet to rateEnhancing corporate procedural expertiseYet to rateEmbodying communal expertiseYet to rateDisputing advice and expertiseYet to rateDeveloping versatile skilled tradesmenYet to rateDeveloping mechanical techniquesYet to rateDemonstrating local farming expertiseYet to rateDemanding specialist expertiseYet to rateDemanding practical industrial skillsYet to rateDecreasing skilled expertiseYet to rateCreating expertise resource fileYet to rateCoordinating tourism legislationYet to rateCoordinating local expertiseYet to rateCoordinating interchange of nuclear expertiseYet to rateAssuring required technical expertiseYet to rateAssisting developing countries to build up expertise in international sustainable development lawYet to rateAppropriating needed expertise resourcesYet to rateAmplifying formal educational expertiseYet to rateAdvancing geochemistryYet to rateAcquiring needed expertise personnelYet to rateAcquiring needed employable expertiseYet to rateAcquiring appropriate technical expertiseYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectInformation ยป ExpertiseContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0717DOCID11307170D7NID190953Last updateDec 2, 2024