ProblemProblemsBroaderPleasantness-UnpleasantnessPresentablePerfection-ImperfectionPresentableFacility-DifficultyPresentableCertainty-UncertaintyPresentableIntelligibility-UnintelligibilityUnpresentableProblemNeglect of environmental consequences of government policiesExcellentIllness anxiety disorderExcellentFear of the cityExcellentEnvironmentally caused learning disordersExcellentBurden of servicing foreign public debtExcellentWicked problemsPresentableUnwillingness to resolve problemsPresentableSimplistic technical solutions to complex environmental problemsPresentableRestriction of funding for research on social problemsPresentableResignation to problemsPresentablePolarized protest against problemsPresentableMultiplicity of problems facing societyPresentableMaladjusted childrenPresentableLatent problemsPresentableLack of political willPresentableLack of participation by local communities in democratic processesPresentableIrreversible problem emergencePresentableInsensitivity to non-immediate hazards to societyPresentableInadequate research on proposed solutions to problemsPresentableInaction on problemsPresentableHealth risks of atmospheric destructionPresentableGovernment inactionPresentableGeneral obstacles to problem alleviationPresentableFish stressPresentableFamily violencePresentableExcessive emphasis on fashionable problemsPresentableCosmetic and health problems related to human hairPresentableConstraint of inherited problems on policy innovationPresentableBureaucratic inactionPresentableUnintelligibilityUnpresentableShortage of equipment and materials needed to act against problemsUnpresentableRegional divisions within countriesUnpresentableMarital stressUnpresentableLack of national funds to cope with problemsUnpresentableInsoluble scientific problemsUnpresentableInadequate buildings, services and facilities for organized action against problemsUnpresentableExcessive reliance on fashionable solutions to problemsUnpresentableUnproven relationships among problemsYet to rateUnpleasantnessYet to rateUnknown synergistic effectsYet to rateUnderreported issuesYet to rateUnawareness of health problemsYet to rateSuppression of information concerning social problemsYet to rateStructural amnesia in institutional systemsYet to rateShortage of financial resources for action against problemsYet to rateShortage of adequately trained personnel to act against problemsYet to rateRecurrence of misapprehended world problemsYet to ratePursuit of affluenceYet to ratePreoccupation with isolated problemsYet to rateParochial preoccupation with community problemsYet to rateOveremphasis on effective use of technical resourcesYet to rateNon-recognition of problemsYet to rateNon-recognition of health problems by the medical professionYet to rateMystique in attitudes to problems of disabled peopleYet to rateMinimization of problemsYet to rateLag in policy conceptualizationYet to rateLack of international cooperationYet to rateInstitutional preoccupation with obsolete problemsYet to rateInadequate technical cooperation on problemsYet to rateInadequate research and development on problems of developmentYet to rateInadequate public information concerning problemsYet to rateInadequate organizational mechanisms to act against problemsYet to rateInadequate mobilization of public opinion for developmentYet to rateInadequate legislation relating to action against problemsYet to rateInadequate implementation of plans and programmes against problemsYet to rateInadequate global consensus concerning problems and prospects of humanityYet to rateInadequate exchange of technical information concerning problemsYet to rateInadequate education concerning the nature of problemsYet to rateInadequate delivery mechanism in response to problemsYet to rateInadequate dataYet to rateInadequate coordination of action against problemsYet to rateInadequate application of available knowledge to solve problemsYet to rateInability to resolve problems realisticallyYet to rateImperfectionYet to rateFixation on partial solutions to problemsYet to rateFailure to integrate knowledge to empower humanity in response to the global problematiqueYet to rateFailure to conceptualize large-scale problemsYet to rateFailure of remedial action plansYet to rateDiseases of female reproductive organsYet to rateDeliberate invention of new threatsYet to rateDelay of religions in acknowledging social problemsYet to rateContractual constraints on reporting systemic problemsYet to rateConceptual repression of problemsYet to rateComplex interrelationship of world problemsYet to rateStrategySolving hunger problem through empowermentPresentableDisseminating information on world problemsPresentableApplying game theory to social problem solvingPresentableReviewing measures to address debt problems of low and middle income countriesUnpresentableImproving global cooperation to solve world problemsUnpresentableImproving consensus concerning global problemsUnpresentableImproving buildings, services and facilities for organized action against problemsUnpresentableDisseminating information on remedial strategiesUnpresentableDeveloping problemsUnpresentableCooperating to tackle environmental problemsUnpresentableAddressing health problems of the vaginaUnpresentableAccommodating multiplicity of problems facing societyUnpresentableUpdating programmes against social problemsYet to rateUpdating problemsYet to rateUndermining governmental resistance in response to problemsYet to rateTeaching problem analysisYet to rateTackling problems from all sidesYet to rateSuppressing information concerning social problemsYet to rateSupporting growth oriented solutions to debt servicing problemsYet to rateStudying problems affecting childrenYet to rateStudying intractable problemsYet to rateStrengthening technical cooperationYet to rateStrengthening disability awarenessYet to rateSolving problems connected with petrochemical industryYet to rateSolving environmental problemsYet to rateSlowing down irreversible problem emergenceYet to rateSabotaging problem resolutionYet to rateRestricting funding for research on social problemsYet to rateResponding to symptoms of problemsYet to rateResolving problemsYet to rateResisting problemsYet to rateResearching world problemsYet to rateRepressing problemsYet to rateReporting problemsYet to rateRelying on fashionable solutions to problemsYet to rateRelaxing preoccupation with isolated problemsYet to rateRelaxing parochial preoccupation with community problemsYet to rateRelaxing institutional preoccupation with obsolete problemsYet to rateReducing suppression of information concerning social problemsYet to rateReducing number of problems facing societyYet to rateReducing mechanical breakdown problemsYet to rateReducing government delay in response to symptoms of problemsYet to rateRecovering capacity for handling problemsYet to rateRecognizing problemsYet to rateRecognizing health problemsYet to rateRecognizing communal interestsYet to rateRanking environmental problems for national environmental action plansYet to rateRaising awareness of delayed emergence of problemsYet to rateProviding source of wisdom for solutionsYet to rateProviding public information on rural energy problemsYet to rateProviding comprehensive protest to problemsYet to rateProtesting against problemsYet to ratePromoting study of geographical problemsYet to ratePromoting cooperation amongst geographersYet to rateProblem-solvingYet to rateModelling groundwater flow problemsYet to rateMobilizing support against problemsYet to rateManaging urban environmental problemsYet to rateListening post for problemsYet to rateLimiting problem alleviationYet to rateIntegrating problem-solving approachesYet to rateIntegrating planning of action against problemsYet to rateIncreasing willingness to resolve problemsYet to rateIncreasing number of trained personnel to act against problemsYet to rateIncreasing amount of financial resources for action against problemsYet to rateIncluding local populations in solutions to problemsYet to rateImproving public information concerning problemsYet to rateImproving organizational mechanisms to act against problemsYet to rateImproving legislation relating to action against problemsYet to rateImproving international transport lawYet to rateImproving institutional memoryYet to rateImproving implementation of programmes against problemsYet to rateImproving exchange of technical information concerning problemsYet to rateImproving delivery mechanism in response to problemsYet to rateImproving ability to resolve problems realisticallyYet to rateImplementing technical solutions to problemsYet to rateImplementing technical solutions for socio-political problemsYet to rateIdentifying problem arena locationYet to rateIdentifying general obstacles to problem alleviationYet to rateGuarding normal physical vitalityYet to rateGlobalizing problemsYet to rateFunding research on social problemsYet to rateFocusing on obsolete problemsYet to rateFocusing on isolated problemsYet to rateFocusing on fundamental systemic problemsYet to rateFocusing on depth problemsYet to rateFocusing on community problemsYet to rateEstablishing nighttime sports to combat youth related problemsYet to rateEducating about world problems and solutionsYet to rateDoing without adequate description of problem interrelationshipsYet to rateDiscounting causal relationship among problemsYet to rateDeveloping creative strategies against problemsYet to rateDetecting unidentified medical problemsYet to rateDescribing interrelationships between problemsYet to rateDelaying recognition of problemsYet to rateDelaying acknowledgement of social problemsYet to rateCreating problem solving groupsYet to rateCountering sabotage of problem resolutionYet to rateCounselling children with learning disabilitiesYet to rateCorrecting habit of creating problemsYet to rateControlling moisture problems affecting indoor air qualityYet to rateConducting research on critical problems of waste management and disposalYet to rateConceptualizing large scale problemsYet to rateConcentrating on technical cooperation on problemsYet to rateCompensating for problems generated by uncertaintyYet to rateBeing concerned with immediate problemsYet to rateAvoiding issuesYet to rateAvoiding discriminatory import action to address environmental problems of exporting countriesYet to rateAnalysing social problemsYet to rateAnalysing community problemsYet to rateAdvocating humanitarian issuesYet to rateAdvancing insurance lawYet to rateAdvancing applied mathematicsYet to rateAddressing year 2000 problem for chemical safetyYet to rateAddressing unfashionable solutions to problemsYet to rateAddressing unexpected combined effects of problemsYet to rateAddressing technical solutions to environmental problemsYet to rateAddressing shortage of adequately trained personnel to act against problemsYet to rateAddressing resignation to problemsYet to rateAddressing problems of social marginalizationYet to rateAddressing problems of marginalized young peopleYet to rateAddressing problems of marginalization of traditional economiesYet to rateAddressing problems of marginalization of the United NationsYet to rateAddressing problems of forced relocation of peasants onto marginal landsYet to rateAddressing problem interrelationshipsYet to rateAddressing problem familiesYet to rateAddressing problem childrenYet to rateAddressing problem avoidanceYet to rateAddressing official inaction in remedial response to problemsYet to rateAddressing obsession with immediate problemsYet to rateAddressing new social problemsYet to rateAddressing multiplicity of problems facing societyYet to rateAddressing minimization of problemsYet to rateAddressing marital problemsYet to rateAddressing latent problemsYet to rateAddressing irreversible problem emergenceYet to rateAddressing insoluble scientific problemsYet to rateAddressing inadequate public information concerning problemsYet to rateAddressing inadequate organizational mechanisms to act against problemsYet to rateAddressing inaction on problemsYet to rateAddressing inability to resolve problems realisticallyYet to rateAddressing governmental resistance in response to problemsYet to rateAddressing government failure to mobilize support against problemsYet to rateAddressing general obstacles to problem alleviationYet to rateAddressing fixation on partial solutions to problemsYet to rateAddressing fear of urban problemsYet to rateAddressing failure to include local populations in solutions to problemsYet to rateAddressing failure of programmes against problemsYet to rateAddressing delay of religions in acknowledging social problemsYet to rateAddressing contractual constraints on reporting systemic problemsYet to rateAddressing continuing debt problems of poorest heavily-indebted countriesYet to rateAddressing constraint of inherited problems on policy innovationYet to rateAddressing belief that wealth eliminates all problemsYet to rateAddressing acute debt-servicing problemsYet to rateActing on problemsYet to rateAcknowledging social problemsYet to rateAccepting problemsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND5193DOCID11451930D7NID191522Last updateDec 2, 2024