CapacityBroaderSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentablePreparedness-UnpreparednessPresentablePower-ImpotencePresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableStrength-WeaknessUnpresentableProblemInadequate capacity for technology assessmentExcellentMaldistribution of science and technologyPresentableLimited country capacity to absorb foreign aidPresentableInhibited capacity to visualize a creative futurePresentableInadequate satellite capacity for telecommunicationsPresentableInadequate production capacityPresentableInadequate prison capacityPresentableInadequate negotiation of entrance terms for transnational corporationsPresentableInadequate investment in capacity buildingPresentableFalling rate of carbon sequestrationPresentableExcess capacity in the shipping industryPresentableDiminished personal capacityPresentableDecline in import capacityPresentableDecline in capital investment in productive capacityPresentableMaldistribution of productive capacityUnpresentableLoss of civil capacity for married womenUnpresentableIncapacity from workUnpresentableInadequate storage facilitiesUnpresentableExcess military capacityUnpresentableDisintegration of technological capacityUnpresentableDisguised increases in capacity of military weaponryUnpresentableDecline in public sector savingsUnpresentableLimited gardening experienceYet to rateStrategyImproving capacity for environmentally sound technology needs assessmentExcellentEnhancing technology for agricultureExcellentStrengthening scientific and technological capacityPresentableStrengthening research capacityPresentableStrengthening national capacities for environmental health interventionsPresentableStrengthening marine research capacityPresentableStrengthening local capacity to adapt appropriate technologiesPresentableStrengthening institutional capacity to implement sustainable development plansPresentableStrengthening capacity to control communicable diseasesPresentableStrengthening capacity to build demographic factors into national sustainable development policiesPresentableMobilizing funds through UNDP to support national capacity building for sustainable developmentPresentableLiving within earth's carrying capacityPresentableIntegrating sustainable development informationPresentableImproving investment in capacity buildingPresentableImproving community capacity for environmental educationPresentableImproving capacity to develop environmentally sound technologyPresentableImproving capacity for crop planningPresentableExpanding capacity of research centres for sustainable agricultural productionPresentableEnsuring participation of developing countries in international researchPresentableEnhancing vocational training capacityPresentableDeveloping methodologies for impact assessment of atmospheric changePresentableDesigning sustainable urban settlementsPresentableConducting technology assessmentsPresentableBuilding technological capabilityPresentableBuilding national capacity for monitoring and evaluationPresentableBuilding capacity for conserving biological diversityPresentableValuing spare capacityUnpresentableStrengthening production capacity of the poorUnpresentableImproving satellite capacity for telecommunicationsUnpresentableFreeing up human information processing capacityUnpresentableBuilding capacity for environmental managementUnpresentableUpgrading airportsYet to rateUndertaking long-term capacity building measures for improved water managementYet to rateSustaining design capabilitiesYet to rateStrengthening water management agenciesYet to rateStrengthening training capacity in developing countriesYet to rateStrengthening network capacityYet to rateStrengthening negotiating capacity of governments with transnational corporationsYet to rateStrengthening national capacity for safe treatment and disposal of wasteYet to rateStrengthening national capability to assess global climate changeYet to rateStrengthening national and local capacity for managing rapidly growing citiesYet to rateStrengthening international institutional capacity for sustainable use of forest resourcesYet to rateStrengthening institutional capacity to benefit from biotechnology developmentsYet to rateStrengthening institutional capacity for economic policy-makingYet to rateStrengthening government administrative and financial systemsYet to rateStrengthening developing country capacity to manage waste from nuclear programmesYet to rateStrengthening capacity to meet primary health care needsYet to rateStrengthening capacity to manage demographic changeYet to rateStrengthening capacity to detect illegal trafficYet to rateStrengthening capacity to conduct and apply scientific research to the environmentYet to rateStrengthening capacity to combat povertyYet to rateStrengthening capacity to assess atmospheric emissionsYet to rateStrengthening capacity of developing countries for sustainable use of marine living resourcesYet to rateStrengthening capacityYet to rateSeeking national consensus on capacity building strategies for implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateRestricting productive capacityYet to rateRestricting electrical energyYet to rateReinforcing strategic planning capacityYet to rateReducing military capabilityYet to rateRecovering capacity for handling problemsYet to rateRaising capacity utilization of manufacturing plantYet to rateProviding sufficient lookout capacityYet to rateProviding local planning resourcesYet to rateProviding funding for capacity building in developing countriesYet to rateProviding financial resources for facilitating national capacity-buildingYet to rateProtecting vulnerable groupsYet to ratePromoting regional and subregional capacity building for sustainable developmentYet to ratePreserving capacity with ageYet to ratePreparing capacity building strategies for implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateNegotiating multilateral safeguard systemsYet to rateModelling groundwater flow problemsYet to rateMobilizing donor resources for national capacity building on sustainable developmentYet to rateManaging technological changeYet to rateLimiting storage capacityYet to rateLimiting production capacityYet to rateLimiting country capacity to absorb foreign aidYet to rateLimiting civil administrative capacityYet to rateInvolving relevant interest groups in identifying priorities for capacity building strategiesYet to rateIncreasing water storage capacityYet to rateIncreasing urban water treatment capacityYet to rateIncreasing power generation capacityYet to rateIncreasing market capacityYet to rateIncreasing country capacity to absorb foreign aidYet to rateIncreasing capacity to meet water needs of unserved urban populationsYet to rateIncreasing basic commercial capacityYet to rateImproving production capacityYet to rateImproving preparedness capacity to aid displaced peoplesYet to rateImproving national capacity to monitor marine living resourcesYet to rateImproving national capacity to implement land conservationYet to rateImproving management skills in rural communitiesYet to rateImproving institutional capacity on waste management planning and service deliveryYet to rateImproving institutional capacity for effective monitoring of complianceYet to rateImproving human capacity to respond to computer-generated decisionsYet to rateImproving external debt management capacityYet to rateImproving capacity to assess hazardous waste risksYet to rateImproving capacity of shipping systemsYet to rateImproving capacity of developing countries to organizeYet to rateImproving capacity for national developmentYet to rateFreeing up storage capacityYet to rateFreeing up electrical capacityYet to rateFreeing up civil administrative capacityYet to rateFocusing capacity building on local communitiesYet to rateExtending citizen buying capacityYet to rateEstablishing international capacity for responding quickly to drought related emergenciesYet to rateEstablishing institutional capacity for national environmental action plansYet to rateEnlarging existing storage capacityYet to rateEnhancing science and technology trainingYet to rateEnhancing cognitive capacityYet to rateEmphasizing national capacity building for sustainable developmentYet to rateDoing without adequate lookout capacityYet to rateDistributing productive capacityYet to rateDeveloping consultative processes on international funding for national capacity building in sustainable developmentYet to rateDetermining capacity of credit exchangesYet to rateDesigning adequate transportation capacityYet to rateCreating desired futuresYet to rateCooperating between industry and trade unions to improve capacity for sustainable development operationsYet to rateCapacity-building in the field of water resourcesYet to rateBuilding institutional capacityYet to rateBuilding environmental capacity in governmentsYet to rateBuilding capacity for land managementYet to rateAssuring necessary electrical capacityYet to rateAssessing small island carrying capacity and development optionsYet to rateAssessing national population carrying capacity and impact on key resourcesYet to rateAssessing earth's carrying capacityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0289DOCID11302890D7NID191696Last updateDec 2, 2024