1. Global strategies
  2. Fostering popular participation in development

Fostering popular participation in development

  • Empowering public participation in development
  • Increasing popular participation
  • Offering adequate participation in development
  • Providing sufficient participation in development
  • Enabling stakeholder participation in development


Fostering the intellectual climate, human capabilities and appropriate social conditions to ensure full-scale participation by women and men in the process of development.


The Commission on Sustainable Development of the International Council of Voluntary Associations has a priority programme to promote the empowerment of people, particularly women, facilitating their access to decision-making, to the means of production and the benefits of development.

In 1992, seven Thai cities joined together in a project to develop and apply environmental planning guidelines for community priority-setting on environmental issues. Stakeholder groups were established with municipal support to engage residents and key sectors in the process. Specific projects are being funded to address the identified priorities. Chaing Mai municipality has developed its own Local Agenda 21 within this process.


Participation that does not recognize the public as an equal stakeholder in the deliberative and final decision-making processes is categorically rejected. Full and meaningful participation is fundamentally comprised of access to information, access to decision-making and access to justice. Access to information means that the public should have access to information with only limited, explicit exceptions. Access to decision-making means that the public has the right to participate in the decision-making process and that this participation is taken into account in the final decision. Access to justice means that the public should ultimately have access to an independent and binding review process for infringement of its rights or to challenge a wrongful substantive decision.

Popular community participation must form the basis for planning of NGO assistance and activities. Furthermore, the community's development priorities must override the project demands of donors and NGOs with respect to funding.


People in the Global South – women and men, the young and the old, but above all the poor – are often relegated to the status of subjects. Recognition of this lies behind the call for greater popular participation in development. Broadly-based development of this type is most likely to succeed when the various groups in poverty are well organized. Participation, or the opportunity to participate if one wishes, is of course an end in itself, but participation also has a number of instrumental values which makes it an important feature of human development.

First, participation in representative community-based organizations can help to identify local priorities, to determine which needs are essential or basic and which of secondary importance, and to define the content of development programmes and projects so that they reflect accurately local needs, aspirations and demands. Next, having identified priorities and designed the programmes which incorporate them, participation in functional organizations (service co-operatives, land-reform committees, irrigation societies, women's groups) can be used to mobilize support for national and local policies and programmes and local projects. Last, participation can be used to reduce the cost of public services and investment projects by shifting responsibility from central and local government (where costs tend to be relatively high) to grass-roots organizations (where costs can be low). In some cases, for example, it may be possible to organize the beneficiaries of an investment project and persuade them to contribute their labour voluntarily to help defray construction costs. In other cases some of the public services (clinics, nursery schools) can be organized, staffed and run by local groups rather than by relatively highly paid civil servants brought in from outside. Thus in an appropriate context, participation can flourish and in so doing contribute much to development.


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Sustainable Development Goal #5: Gender EqualitySustainable Development Goal #10: Reduced InequalitySustainable Development Goal #17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


Global strategies
(C) Cross-sectoral strategies
  • Social activity » Participation
  • Government » Public
  • Development » Development
  • Content quality
    Last update
    Nov 30, 2022