SupportBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableSharing-AppropriationPresentableSafety-DangerPresentablePatience-ImpatiencePresentableHope-HopelessnessPresentableCourage-FearPresentableApproval-DisapprovalPresentableVindication-CondemnationUnpresentableStrength-WeaknessUnpresentableProvability-UnprovabilityUnpresentableComfort-AggravationUnpresentableAssent-DissentUnpresentableProblemRestricted state support of the familyPresentableDeficient local structures for the unemployedPresentableInefficient support for widowersUnpresentableInadequate system of child support enforcementUnpresentableInadequate assistance to victims of abuse of powerUnpresentableGovernment protectionism through national commodity price supportUnpresentableSubversive regime changeUnpresentableFailure to capitalize on inventionsUnpresentableDependence on external expertiseUnpresentableAlienation of support for international organizations and programmesUnpresentableUndeveloped business supportYet to ratePassive public support of terrorismYet to rateLack of governmental supportYet to rateInsufficient minority culture supportYet to rateInsufficient enabling structuresYet to rateInsufficient councilman supportYet to rateInadequate peace research supportYet to rateDisorganized liaison with formal supportYet to rateDecline in public interest broadcastingYet to rateComplicity with structural injusticeYet to rateStrategyProviding affordable loans to womenExcellentEnsuring national economic policies support sustainable developmentExcellentEmploying appropriate technologyExcellentDeveloping international environmental lawExcellentSupporting national efforts to integrate environment and developmentPresentableStrengthening sustainable development through trade cooperationPresentableStrengthening shelter sectorPresentableStrengthening national research to support sustainable developmentPresentableReducing fiscal inequalityPresentableProviding technical assistance in support of business developmentPresentableProviding support services for persons with disabilitiesPresentableProviding regional agricultural supportPresentableProviding international financial resources for global biodiversity conservationPresentableProviding institutional support for business developmentPresentableProviding foreign aid in support of social services for the poorPresentableProviding foreign aid in support of impoverished vulnerable groupsPresentableProviding extension services to support local environmental managementPresentableProviding community servicesPresentableMobilizing funds through UNDP to support national capacity building for sustainable developmentPresentableInstituting effective domestic securityPresentableGenerating employmentPresentableGenerating community support for environmental health programmesPresentableFostering external support relationsPresentableFostering economic cooperation among developing countriesPresentableExpanding support for farmers' organizationsPresentableExchanging best practices in developmentPresentableEstablishing official support for population controlPresentableDeveloping relevant youth policiesPresentableCreating rural banking systemsPresentableConverting military technology in support of sustainable developmentPresentableAssessing costs to support sustainable construction industry activitiesPresentableAnalysing social networksPresentableMaintaining educational support systemsUnpresentableImproving minority culture supportUnpresentableFostering regular educational supportUnpresentableDeveloping institutional supportUnpresentableDeveloping ceramics industryUnpresentableWithdrawing support from unfriendly governmentsYet to rateUsing support groups to help clear arrears of countries with economic reform programmesYet to rateUsing medical life support systemsYet to rateUsing internet to seek global supportYet to rateUsing information to support democracyYet to rateUsing animals for supportYet to rateTraining in genetic cloningYet to rateTraining additional support staffYet to rateSymbolizing support systemsYet to rateSwitching from price support to conservation supportYet to rateSupporting spirituallyYet to rateSupporting public participation in urban environment improvement programmesYet to rateSupporting parents of sick childrenYet to rateSupporting integrated coastal zone management in developing countriesYet to rateSupportingYet to rateStudying life support systemsYet to rateStructuring care of workersYet to rateStrengthening rural institutions and programmes that support environmentally sound farmingYet to rateStrengthening public support for anti-corruption programmesYet to rateStrengthening programmes of intergovernmental organizations to support Agenda 21Yet to rateStrengthening bilateral aid programmes in support of sustainable developmentYet to rateSoliciting increased adult supportYet to rateSoliciting community financial supportYet to rateSoliciting appropriate agency supportYet to rateSecuring specific private supportYet to rateSecuring religious support for population controlYet to rateSecuring local industry supportYet to rateSecuring informal leadership supportYet to rateSecuring additional industrial supportYet to rateSecuring active family supportYet to rateRestricting financial support for unsound developmentYet to rateResearching social securityYet to rateResearching foundation supportYet to rateRemoving perverse environmental subsidiesYet to rateQuickening individual conviction to corporate governanceYet to rateProviding transitional support for youthYet to rateProviding technical support on using economic instruments for sustainable developmentYet to rateProviding technical support on health of vulnerable groups to governments and organizationsYet to rateProviding technical supportYet to rateProviding technical aids for disabled personsYet to rateProviding support by eldersYet to rateProviding supportYet to rateProviding sufficient support for local commercial servicesYet to rateProviding sufficient governmental supportYet to rateProviding structural citizen supportYet to rateProviding social security servicesYet to rateProviding social safety netsYet to rateProviding rural supportYet to rateProviding public supportYet to rateProviding mutual supportYet to rateProviding logistics support for outreach programmes especially in rural areasYet to rateProviding logistic supportYet to rateProviding legal support for social stabilityYet to rateProviding international support for drinking water supply and sanitation programmesYet to rateProviding intellectual supportYet to rateProviding institutional and legal support on land tenure for farmersYet to rateProviding industrial support servicesYet to rateProviding humanitarian supportYet to rateProviding grassroots supportYet to rateProviding formal academic supportYet to rateProviding effective support to improve human healthYet to rateProviding development supportYet to rateProviding concrete supportYet to rateProviding biosystematic consultationYet to rateProviding basic support structuresYet to rateProviding basic support servicesYet to ratePromoting interchange of technical assistanceYet to ratePromoting hand hygiene supportYet to rateProcuring public supportYet to rateProcuring broad-based expert supportYet to ratePreparing national action plans for implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateOrganizing liaison with formal supportYet to rateOrganizing citizens supportYet to rateOffering parent supportYet to rateObtaining private sector supportYet to rateObtaining necessary local supportYet to rateNetworkingYet to rateMobilizing support against problemsYet to rateManaging international financial support for biodiversity conservationYet to rateLimiting government supportYet to rateLimiting financial supportYet to rateLending financial support to liberation movementsYet to rateInviting widespread funding supportYet to rateIntroducing environmental taxesYet to rateIntensifying community consensusYet to rateInstitutionalizing supportYet to rateInstalling necessary support systemsYet to rateInitiating financial support systemsYet to rateIncreasing support for sustainable development programmes of small and medium enterprisesYet to rateIncreasing support for improving environmentally sound technology and managementYet to rateIncreasing support for hazardous waste research in developing countriesYet to rateIncreasing financial support to NGO participation in United Nations programmesYet to rateImproving system of child support enforcementYet to rateImproving support for widowersYet to rateImproving support for inventorsYet to rateImproving socio-cultural factors which support population policiesYet to rateImproving peace research supportYet to rateImproving military technologyYet to rateImproving marketing to support sustainable developmentYet to rateImproving competitiveness to support sustainable developmentYet to rateImproving commodity processing to support sustainable developmentYet to rateGlobal local community planningYet to rateGiving moral supportYet to rateGenerating broad-based local supportYet to rateForgiving regimes that support international terrorismYet to rateForging fiscal support systemsYet to rateFinancingYet to rateExpanding community support servicesYet to rateEstablishing support systemsYet to rateEstablishing secretariat support structure in the United Nations to follow up UNCED and implement Agenda 21Yet to rateEstablishing regional centres for support to small island statesYet to rateEstablishing official supportYet to rateEstablishing fundamental financial supportYet to rateEnsuring support of United Nations system for national policies and programmes to implement Agenda 21Yet to rateEnsuring political support for sustainable policiesYet to rateEnsuring existing group supportYet to rateEnsuring debt reduction packages support the evolving international debt strategyYet to rateEnsuring continuous external supportYet to rateEnlisting practical support servicesYet to rateEngaging community school supportYet to rateEnabling continuing kinship supportYet to rateEliciting broad regional supportYet to rateEducating public healthYet to rateDiscerning possible government supportYet to rateDeveloping technologies which support alternative sources of incomeYet to rateDeveloping relevant policies for the elderlyYet to rateDeveloping business supportYet to rateDesigning life support systemsYet to rateDemanding social supportYet to rateDefaulting on alimonyYet to rateCreating decision support systemsYet to rateCoordinating data and statistical systems to support long-term scientific assessment of the environmentYet to rateConvening international consultations to support local authoritiesYet to rateCondemning government support for undemocratic regimesYet to rateCompensating for loss of tradeYet to rateCatalyzing regional business supportYet to rateCaring for widowsYet to rateCampaigning for the protection of national monumentsYet to rateBuilding community supportYet to rateBroadcasting in the public interestYet to rateAssuring practical engagement supportYet to rateAssisting supportYet to rateAssessing role of environmental taxes in support of sustainable developmentYet to rateArranging local teacher supportYet to rateAiding inter monastique supportYet to rateAiding economically disadvantaged countriesYet to rateAddressing government failure to mobilize support against problemsYet to rateActualizing corporate economic supportYet to rateAbstaining from support for local commercial servicesYet to rateAbstaining from governmental supportYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1711DOCID11317110D7NID190396Last updateDec 2, 2024