1. Global strategies
  2. Fostering external support relations

Fostering external support relations

  • Establishing linkages for cooperation


Enlisting the support and co-operation of all the sectors (public, private, voluntary) with the local project people. This includes the support services of government agencies, non-government agencies, banks etc. Also seeking the authorization of the political and economic power structures in carrying through a project.


Successful developers have found that the resources of the public and private sectors can be involved in carrying through projects, whether the resources are expertise, technology, or capital funding.


[Coordinated Services]

Coordinate services in relation to local plans of all sectors including various levels of government, commerce or industry which influence the local situation.

[Regional Cooperation]

The institutions at the regional level: government agencies, banks, private corporations and voluntary organizations and NGOs work together to co-ordinate their actions at the village level.

[Committed Individuals]

The present socio-economic structure is not very conducive for the development of persons from the weaker segments. It is therefore necessary to organize individuals from all segments of government, industry, banking, medicine and social sciences who can help whenever there are obstacles and difficulties from the present structure. Participation of rich and powerful people can also be elicited through education.

[Convergent Journey]

The convergence does not mean the end of the project but a coming together of the various services from the earliest stages of and through the development process. At the level of the community, the nutritionist, the health worker, the sanitarian, the water supply technician and the pre-school teacher/worker have to learn to work together. They need to be trained not only in techniques, but even more strongly in their attitudes, and be exposed to one another's aims and disciplines.

[Global Fraternity]

Placing emphasis on building a movement of human development beyond the project itself thus linking it with a national and global 'fraternity' of projects, organizations, and dedicated people.

[Special Concerns]

1. Transforming images of 'donor-receiver', 'expert-ignorant', 'source-target' into one of 'partnership'. 2. Ensuring that the benefits of government programmes get to everyone not just to the clever or well-positioned. 3. Figuring out what the necessary linkages are. 4. Timing delivery of services to be most enabling to the village. 5. Avoiding creating dependency relationships on outside sources.

[Optional Programme Operations]

1. Education programmes to make the people aware of what government programmes/rural credit schemes are available. 2. Creation of 'Human Development Associations' at the village cluster level that include as members: the village associations' state bank branch managers' interested professionals' and business representatives. 3. Health camps-special events where the services of trained personnel who volunteer their time can effectively be made available to village populations. 4. A special wing of an NGO created to handle co-ordination with the local governments in the project area and to train officials in reorienting their approach to the people. 5. Having the linkage for an agricultural credit institution be performed by a mobile credit officer who visits the farmers who take out the loans in the village. 6. Linking service clubs in nearby towns with projects for help in delivering short-term assistance. 7. Joint circuits where field workers from government agencies and non-governmental organizations make the rounds of villages together to serve the residents in a more integrated, less bureaucratic way. 8. Other suggestions are (a) having the permanent residence of the government technician in the community allows more flexible communication with the people and encourages their participation more easily; (b) creating 'great spheres' (clusters of villages) where horizontal and vertical linkages are improved; (c) linking village women's groups with national and international women's groups to provide helpful pressure for policy changes or enforcement of existing rights.




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Sustainable Development Goal #16: Peace and Justice Strong InstitutionsSustainable Development Goal #17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal


Global strategies
(C) Cross-sectoral strategies
  • Society » Foreign
  • Content quality
    Last update
    Nov 14, 2022