KnowledgeBroaderKnowledge-IgnorancePresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableEducation-MiseducationPresentableCommunicativeness-UncommunicativenessPresentableProblemLanguage as a barrier to communicationExcellentTheft of tradition knowledge for commercial gainPresentableScientific ignorancePresentableProhibitive cost of knowledge and informationPresentableLimited agricultural advicePresentableLimitation of current scientific knowledgePresentableLack of wisdom systemPresentableInappropriate development policyPresentableInadequate medical trainingPresentableInadequacy of available knowledge for articulation of appropriate policiesPresentableCommercialization of knowledgePresentableBarriers to the international flow of knowledge and educational materialsPresentableTax barriers to the dissemination of technical knowledgeUnpresentableMisprision of treasonUnpresentableLost knowledgeUnpresentableLack of knowledgeUnpresentableIrrelevant available informationUnpresentableInadequate marketing knowledgeUnpresentableInadequate knowledge of incubation periods for animal diseasesUnpresentableVictimization of grassroots knowledgeYet to rateUnvalued indigenous resourcesYet to rateUnrecorded knowledgeYet to rateUnethical practice of the life sciencesYet to rateUnavailability of appropriate expertiseYet to rateUnapplied scientific knowledgeYet to rateMonopoly of competence for intervention in the futureYet to rateMonopolization of knowledgeYet to rateMisprision of heresyYet to rateMisprisionYet to rateMinimal pest knowledgeYet to rateManipulative knowledgeYet to rateLimited poultry knowledgeYet to rateLimited insecticide knowledgeYet to rateLimited consumer knowledgeYet to rateLack of knowledge of eligibility for benefitsYet to rateInsufficient programme knowledgeYet to rateInsufficient information on plantsYet to rateIncreasing lag in education against growth in knowledgeYet to rateInadequate budgeting practicesYet to rateInadequate application of available knowledge to solve problemsYet to rateInaccessibility of knowledgeYet to rateInaccessibility of family knowledgeYet to rateInability to distinguish right and wrongYet to rateImbalanced distribution of knowledgeYet to rateFragmentation of knowledgeYet to rateFear of knowledgeYet to rateEndangered unwritten languagesYet to rateConcealment of esoteric knowledgeYet to rateCalculated delay in publication of documentsYet to rateAuthoritarian propagation of knowledgeYet to rateStrategyProviding certitudeExcellentImproving knowledge on ecosystem processesExcellentEducating in nutritionExcellentTeaching basic health practicesPresentableSupporting traditional health carePresentableResearchingPresentableProtecting traditional knowledgePresentableOrganizing knowledgePresentableManaging knowledgePresentableLinking established science with indigenous knowledgePresentableIncorporating women's knowledge of conservation in sustainable development databasesPresentableExpanding knowledge resources on health implications of hazardous wastesPresentableConveying sociological sciencesPresentableCompiling urban indicatorsPresentableAdapting indigenous pest control knowledgePresentableMaking knowledge availableUnpresentableImproving knowledgeUnpresentableGlobalizing knowledgeUnpresentableExchanging knowledge on planetary scienceUnpresentableDisseminating transport knowledgeUnpresentableDisseminating professional informationUnpresentableDisseminating paediatric knowledgeUnpresentableDisseminating cartographic knowledgeUnpresentableConverting knowledge to practical usesUnpresentableUsing knowledgeYet to rateUsing expert systemsYet to rateUsing environmental knowledgeYet to rateUsing biological knowledgeYet to rateUnifying scientific knowledgeYet to rateUndermining societal knowledge resistanceYet to rateUnbalancing distribution of knowledgeYet to rateTreating fear of knowledgeYet to rateTransmitting accumulated knowledgeYet to rateTesting communal wisdomYet to rateSustaining techniques for transmission of cultural knowledgeYet to rateSupporting healing knowledgeYet to rateStudying palaeontologyYet to rateStudying children's rightsYet to rateStructuring historical continuity of knowledgeYet to rateStimulating desire for knowledgeYet to rateSharing water resource management knowledgeYet to rateSharing community experience of developmentYet to rateSetting context for scientific studyYet to rateReviewing accumulated human knowledgeYet to rateRevealing esoteric knowledgeYet to rateRestructuring knowledgeYet to rateRestricting movement of knowledgeYet to rateResisting societal knowledgeYet to rateResearching parasitic diseaseYet to rateRequiring universal validity of accumulated knowledgeYet to rateRequiring relevance in information acquisitionYet to rateRequiring particular knowledge before implementation of resource useYet to rateRejecting irrelevant knowledgeYet to rateRefusing to share knowledgeYet to rateReducing cost of knowledgeYet to rateReducing confusion of illiteracy with ignoranceYet to rateRecording social techniquesYet to rateRecording knowledgeYet to rateRecognizing social context for meaningful involvementYet to rateQuestioning usefulness of accumulated knowledgeYet to rateProviding sufficient knowledgeYet to rateProviding sufficient expert knowledgeYet to rateProviding source of wisdom for solutionsYet to rateProviding screen for philosophical questionsYet to rateProviding reference points for cultural knowledgeYet to rateProviding opposition to information from other disciplinesYet to rateProviding knowledge and informationYet to rateProviding information on polymersYet to rateProviding education materialYet to ratePromoting studies of the earthYet to ratePromoting mutual appreciation of culturesYet to ratePromoting knowledge societyYet to ratePromoting knowledgeYet to ratePreserving unwritten knowledgeYet to ratePreserving knowledgeYet to ratePreserving community knowledgeYet to ratePreaching religionYet to rateMatching public policy and current scientific knowledgeYet to rateMarketing knowledgeYet to rateManipulating knowledgeYet to rateMaintaining record of past encounterYet to rateMaintaining flow of knowledge for societal advancementYet to rateMaintaining consistency of knowledge transferYet to rateLocalizing advanced medical knowledgeYet to rateLimiting scientific knowledgeYet to rateLimiting monopolization of knowledgeYet to rateLimiting medical knowledgeYet to rateLimiting health knowledgeYet to rateInterchanging neurosurgical knowledgeYet to rateInterchanging medical knowledgeYet to rateIntegrating planning of action against problemsYet to rateInspiring execution of insightsYet to rateIncreasing medical knowledgeYet to rateIncreasing health knowledgeYet to rateIncreasing business management expertiseYet to rateIncorporating traditional knowledge of marine living resources in management plansYet to rateIncorporating traditional knowledge in coastal zone management programmesYet to rateIncorporating scientific knowledgeYet to rateIncorporating human wisdomYet to rateImproving women's knowledge of family planning sourcesYet to rateImproving understanding of hygieneYet to rateImproving organization of knowledgeYet to rateImproving marketing knowledgeYet to rateImproving knowledge on environmental issuesYet to rateImproving farmers' knowledgeYet to rateImproving basic dietary knowledgeYet to rateImproving available knowledge for articulation of appropriate policiesYet to rateImproving access to informationYet to rateHumanizing knowledge centresYet to rateHealing the spiritYet to rateGuiding creation of communal knowledgeYet to rateFreeing up current scientific knowledgeYet to rateFragmenting knowledgeYet to rateFostering useful family knowledgeYet to rateFacilitating regular knowledge exchangeYet to rateFacilitating access of developing countries to pollution control knowledge and technologiesYet to rateExtending scientific knowledgeYet to rateExtending medical knowledgeYet to rateExtending knowledge accessYet to rateExpanding knowledge of available servicesYet to rateExpanding human knowledgeYet to rateExpanding family care knowledgeYet to rateExchanging scientific knowledgeYet to rateExchanging knowledge on penal reformYet to rateExchanging industrial marketing knowledgeYet to rateExchanging geographical knowledgeYet to rateExchanging environmental knowledgeYet to rateEstablishing exchanges for international understandingYet to rateDisseminating toxicological knowledgeYet to rateDisseminating surgical knowledgeYet to rateDisseminating physical-care knowledgeYet to rateDisseminating modern productivity knowledge techniquesYet to rateDisseminating knowledgeYet to rateDisseminating informationYet to rateDisseminating environmental knowledge using local customsYet to rateDisseminating ecological knowledgeYet to rateDisseminating archaeological knowledgeYet to rateDeveloping scientific knowledgeYet to rateDeveloping knowledgeYet to rateDeveloping environmental knowledgeYet to rateDeveloping a multidisciplinary ecological knowledge base on mountain ecosystemsYet to rateDemanding uniform methodological approaches to knowledge acquisitionYet to rateDemanding disciplined internal cohesion of human knowledgeYet to rateCultivating incentives to knowledgeYet to rateCritiquing methods of accumulating knowledgeYet to rateCoping with unpredictable ecological disastersYet to rateContributing new dataYet to rateConducting pilot studies to link established science with indigenous knowledgeYet to rateConcealing esoteric knowledgeYet to rateCommunicating basic hygiene knowledgeYet to rateCelebrating ultimate knowledgeYet to rateBroadening knowledge about youthYet to rateBlocking availability of knowledgeYet to rateBalancing distribution of knowledgeYet to rateAssessing local knowledge of forestsYet to rateApplying scientific knowledgeYet to rateAffirming local knowledge in education programmesYet to rateAdvancing optics researchYet to rateAdvancing nursing knowledgeYet to rateAdvancing dentistryYet to rateAcquiring relevant commercial knowledgeYet to rateAcquiring knowledgeYet to rateAccumulating knowledgeYet to rateAccessing knowledge for significant social actionsYet to rateAbstaining from scientific knowledgeYet to rateAbstaining from knowledge of eligibility for benefitsYet to rateAbstaining from knowledgeYet to rateAbstaining from expert knowledgeYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1047DOCID11310470D7NID190952Last updateDec 2, 2024