InvolvementBroaderSociability-UnsociabilityPresentableSharing-AppropriationPresentableJustice-InjusticePresentableInnocence-GuiltPresentableFeeling-UnfeelinglessnessPresentableAttention-InattentionPresentableVindication-CondemnationUnpresentableSimplicity-ComplexityUnpresentableInclusion-ExclusionYet to rateProblemUnethical sporting practicesPresentableLack of private sector involvement in biodiversity conservationPresentableLack of grassroots involvement in economic planningPresentableDisproportionate involvement of scientists in defence researchPresentableUnethical practices concerning movement of peopleUnpresentableUnproven new methodsYet to rateScarce options for involvement in cultural activitiesYet to rateMinimal church-school involvementYet to rateInsufficient images of political involvementYet to rateFear blocking participationYet to rateConfining home dutiesYet to rateStrategyRecognizing major non-governmental groups as key partners in implementing Agenda 21PresentableIncreasing involvement of women in science and technologyPresentableExpanding public participation of women in water projectsPresentableEliciting adequate healthful involvementUnpresentableUsing indigenous methods to maximize local involvement in drinking water supply and sanitationYet to rateUsing community education structuresYet to rateTraining ecological involvementYet to rateSupporting involvement in experimental initiativesYet to rateStudying great power regional involvementYet to rateStudying criminal involvement of the pressYet to rateStudying criminal involvement by consultantsYet to rateStudying criminal activityYet to rateStrengthening involvement of NGOs in trade negotiationsYet to rateStimulating local organization involvementYet to rateSetting individual context for meaningful involvementYet to rateSatisfying customersYet to rateResearching social actionYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in the property sectorYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in the construction industryYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in insurance industryYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in clothes productionYet to rateRequiring involvement of reproductive members of societyYet to rateRecognizing social context for meaningful involvementYet to rateRecognizing future possibilities for meaningful involvementYet to rateRecognizing escape patternsYet to rateProviding sufficient involvement in community affairsYet to rateProviding relevant economic involvementYet to rateProviding images of meaningful involvement in societyYet to rateProviding cultural lifeYet to ratePromoting total community involvementYet to ratePromoting paternal involvement in child rearingYet to ratePreserving youth engagementYet to rateOrganizing structural involvement of familyYet to rateOrganizing creative local involvementYet to rateOpening channels for societal engagementYet to rateMonitoring government involvement in human rights violationsYet to rateMonitoring doctors' involvement in tortureYet to rateLimiting participation in neighbourhood actionYet to rateLimiting desire for social involvementYet to rateInforming individuals on life optionsYet to rateIncreasing public involvement in the collection of wasteYet to rateIncreasing involvement of students' familiesYet to rateIncreasing involvement of NGOs in designing and implementing education programmes for sustainable developmentYet to rateIncreasing church-school involvementYet to rateGuarding meaningful involvementYet to rateFulfilling purposeful vocationYet to rateFostering involvement of international nongovernmental organizations in regional developmentYet to rateFostering civic training involvementYet to rateFostering broad significant involvementYet to rateExposing scandal in the militaryYet to rateExposing criminal involvement with the entertainment industryYet to rateExposing criminal involvement in travel abusesYet to rateExpanding NGO involvement in the United Nations systemYet to rateExpanding involvement of NGOs in public information and education programmesYet to rateEnsuring structured participation of eldersYet to rateEnsuring social participationYet to rateEnlisting responsible civic involvementYet to rateEncouraging extended parental involvementYet to rateEncouraging all age activitiesYet to rateEnabling particular task involvementYet to rateEliciting practical citizen involvementYet to rateEliciting ongoing financial involvementYet to rateEliciting active parent participationYet to rateDesigning fulfilling life styleYet to rateDemonstrating signal involvementYet to rateDefining vocational possibilitiesYet to rateCreating structural adjustments for biodiversity conservationYet to rateCreating social tension through involvement in corporate welfareYet to rateCreating community youth participationYet to rateCoordinating industrial involvementYet to rateCombining public and private sector resources in biodiversity conservationYet to rateBuilding parent/child involvementYet to rateAffording supported activities for the youngYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1023DOCID11310230D7NID190868Last updateDec 2, 2024