ImpositionImposedImposingBroaderLeniency-CompulsionPresentableJustice-InjusticePresentableFacility-DifficultyPresentableRepresentation-MisrepresentationUnpresentableCircumscription-IntrusionUnpresentableProblemRestrictions on export activity due to licensing arrangementsPresentableRestrictions imposed on foreign aidPresentableProscribed thinking and behaviourPresentableLoneliness in adultsPresentableForced social intimacyPresentableForced marriagePresentableExcessive imposition of states of emergencyPresentableCoercive population controlPresentableImposition of trade quotas for political reasonsUnpresentableGovernment imposition of rural cooperative projectsUnpresentableDiscriminatory imposition of standardsUnpresentableDenial of right to a nameUnpresentableTemporal imperialismYet to rateSuspicion of imposed changeYet to rateSubstitution of fantasy for realityYet to rateObsolete educational valuesYet to rateInappropriate projection of values onto other culturesYet to rateImposition of trade quotas for health reasonsYet to rateImposition of payment obligations after expiration of industrial property rightsYet to rateImposition of national priorities on other countriesYet to rateImposition of a universally valid truthYet to rateImposed official decisionsYet to rateImposed career interruptionsYet to rateDisregard for internationally imposed economic sanctionsYet to rateClosure of schoolsYet to rateStrategySanctioningExcellentIntroducing pollution-based tax systemPresentableImposing economic sanctionsPresentableImposing capital punishmentPresentableEmploying eugenicsPresentableTaxing drink containersYet to rateReducing discriminatory imposition of standardsYet to rateProviding uniformityYet to rateImposition of payment obligationsYet to rateImposing voluntary system of cryptographyYet to rateImposing universal way of lifeYet to rateImposing time standardsYet to rateImposing standardsYet to rateImposing social exclusion on offendersYet to rateImposing retaliatory trade tariffsYet to rateImposing priorities on natural resource useYet to rateImposing official decisionsYet to rateImposing national priorities on other countriesYet to rateImposing meeting formatsYet to rateImposing mediated solutions to regional conflictsYet to rateImposing intimate forms of addressYet to rateImposing government abortionsYet to rateImposing general moral restrictionsYet to rateImposing fictional worldviewYet to rateImposing embargoesYet to rateImposing corporate disciplineYet to rateImposing controlsYet to rateImposing context for judicial procedureYet to rateImposing career interruptionsYet to rateImposing attitudesYet to rateExiling radical offendersYet to rateDisciplining children's conductYet to rateDesigning common distributionYet to rateCommunicating value systemsYet to rateAcknowledging internationally imposed economic sanctionsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND2969DOCID11429690D7NID192681Last updateDec 2, 2024