ChangeBroaderChange-PermanencePresentableProblemTranssexualismExcellentGlobal warmingExcellentResistance to changePresentableReduction in demand for primary commodities due to technological changePresentableRapidly changing culturesPresentableLack of political willPresentableHuman-caused climate changePresentableHealth risks of atmospheric destructionPresentableGlobal crisisPresentableGeneral obstacles to problem alleviationPresentableFear of future changePresentableDetrimental changes in ocean characteristicsPresentableDisruptive changeUnpresentableDenial of right to change religionUnpresentableDenial of right to change nationalityUnpresentableDelays in implementation of social changeUnpresentableUnwanted changes of personalityYet to rateUnfinished imperfect universeYet to rateSuspicion of imposed changeYet to rateRejection of proposals for social changeYet to rateProliferation of management theoriesYet to rateMenopauseYet to rateLoss of earning powerYet to rateGovernment resistance to institutional changeYet to rateFear of vocational changeYet to rateAphoniaYet to rateStrategyDeveloping policy on climate changeExcellentAssessing health impacts of climate changeExcellentAdapting to climate changeExcellentUsing economic instruments to mitigate climate changePresentableUndertaking interdisciplinary research on health effects of climate changePresentableStudying human dimensions of environmental changePresentableStudying global warmingPresentableStudying global changePresentableStrengthening coordination and cooperation among research programmes on global changePresentableResearching effect of climate change on agriculturePresentableResearching ecological effects of climate changePresentableReducing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrationsPresentablePromoting public education on health effects of climate changePresentablePreparing contingency plans to mitigate the health effects of climate changePresentablePartnering for changePresentableMonitoring agricultural changePresentableInforming about health effects of climate changePresentableImproving international research on climate changePresentableIdentifying vulnerable groups for health effects of climate changePresentableGender reassignmentPresentableEvaluating monitoring systems for health effects of climate changePresentableEstablishing regional centres for health action on climate changePresentableEstablishing environmental health indicators for climate changePresentableDialoguing between North and SouthPresentableDeveloping scenarios for population growthPresentableDeveloping regional health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping preventive policies for health impacts of climate changePresentableDeveloping national policies to change unsustainable consumption patternsPresentableDeveloping national health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping methodologies for impact assessment of atmospheric changePresentableDeveloping health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping early warning public health information systems for climate changePresentableCreating alternative societyPresentableConducting social invention workshopsPresentableAssessing impact of climate change on water resourcesPresentableAnalysing land cover changePresentableAdapting to changePresentableAdapting health policy for climate changePresentableAdapting health needs to climate changePresentablePromoting planetary transformationUnpresentableOffering tools for changeUnpresentableInforming about global environmental changeUnpresentableCountering global warmingUnpresentableTreating fear of vocational changeYet to rateStudying social reformYet to rateStudying possible links between climate change and current droughtsYet to rateStrengthening research cooperation and exchange of information on demographic changeYet to rateStrengthening political willYet to rateStrengthening national capability to assess global climate changeYet to rateStrengthening capacity to manage demographic changeYet to rateRevising climate change estimatesYet to rateResisting institutional changeYet to rateResisting changeYet to rateRequiring change in nonconforming social behaviourYet to rateRelieving social change powerlessnessYet to rateRejecting technological changeYet to rateRejecting proposals for social changeYet to rateReforming policyYet to rateReducing demand for primary commodities due to technological changeYet to rateRecognizing eco-pioneers in technologyYet to rateProviding loans for national institutional changeYet to ratePromoting intersectoral research cooperation on climate changeYet to ratePromoting intersectoral cooperation on climate changeYet to ratePromoting interdisciplinary research on climate changeYet to ratePreparing contingency plans to mitigate effects of climate changeYet to rateManaging technological changeYet to rateManaging environmental changeYet to rateManaging demographic changeYet to rateManaging changeYet to rateManaging administrative changeYet to rateIntegrating climate change and environmental monitoring programmesYet to rateInforming about climate changeYet to rateInducing climate changeYet to rateIncreasing demand for primary commodities due to technological changeYet to rateImplementing response strategies to global climate changeYet to rateGlobalizing changeYet to rateGenerating political changeYet to rateForming world-wide social change coalitionsYet to rateForming intentional communitiesYet to rateFearing changeYet to rateFacilitating changeYet to rateExpanding models of social changeYet to rateExchanging data on the impact of climate change on the marine environmentYet to rateEmpowering political changeYet to rateEmbodying changeYet to rateDiversifying agents of demographic changeYet to rateDeveloping special programmes on migration causing or caused by environmental changeYet to rateDemanding ecosystem modificationYet to rateDelaying implementation of social changeYet to rateDefining transition from war to peaceYet to rateCountering adverse impact of climate change on water resourcesYet to rateCounselling fear of future changeYet to rateCoordinating monitoring of climate change related coastal parametersYet to rateControlling global changeYet to rateChecking practical feasibility of implementing decisionsYet to rateChanging directionYet to rateChangeYet to rateCatalyzing possibility of changeYet to rateAssisting developing countries improve scientific capabilities on climate change and the marine environmentYet to rateAssessing likely effects of climate change on the coastal environmentYet to rateAssessing interaction of forests and climate changeYet to rateAssessing impact of climate change on marine environmentYet to rateAssessing impact of atmospheric change on natural processesYet to rateAssessing health costs of climate changeYet to rateAssessing effects of climate change on freshwater resources and flood controlYet to rateAssessing costs of climate changeYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to manage demographic changeYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to change consumption patternsYet to rateAnticipating possible development needsYet to rateAnalysing links between demographic factors and environmental changeYet to rateAdapting workforce to industrial changeYet to rateAccepting proposals for social changeYet to rateAccepting institutional changeYet to rateAccepting inevitability of changeYet to rateAccepting changeYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0309DOCID11303090D7NID191878Last updateDec 2, 2024