Reforming policyAdapting policiesImproving policyImplementing structural policy changeRealigning policiesChanging policyBroaderReformingYet to rateImplementingYet to rateDeveloping policyYet to rateChangingYet to rateNarrowerMaintaining national monetary and fiscal disciplineExcellentEnsuring national economic policies support sustainable developmentExcellentReforming health policyPresentableReforming foreign aid policyPresentableReforming domestic trade policyPresentableIntegrating national energy efficiency policyPresentableImproving policy coherence for foreign aidPresentableImproving food aid policies and programmesPresentableHumanizing refugee policyPresentableEnhancing favourable trading environmentPresentableDeveloping sustainable policy for public procurementPresentableDeveloping health policy for climate changePresentableDeveloping appropriate educational policiesPresentableRealigning politics around ecologyUnpresentableImproving access to environmentally sound technologyUnpresentableCalling for drug law reformUnpresentableStrengthening public finance policiesYet to rateStrengthening institutional capacity for economic policy-makingYet to rateReviewing sustainability of policies of international agencies and finance institutionsYet to rateReinforcing strategic planning capacityYet to rateIntegrating international policyYet to rateImproving worker cooperation with multinational enterprisesYet to rateImproving socio-cultural factors which support population policiesYet to rateImproving social planning for human settlementsYet to rateImproving policies to promote investment in urban water managementYet to rateImproving national waste management and control policiesYet to rateImproving national policiesYet to rateImproving money lending policyYet to rateImproving long-term environmental policies, technology and risk assessmentYet to rateImproving governmental resource conservation policiesYet to rateImproving fiscal policiesYet to rateImproving economic policy-makingYet to rateImproving credit policiesYet to rateImproving coordination of policy on hazardous wasteYet to rateImproving available knowledge for articulation of appropriate policiesYet to rateImproving adequacy of development policiesYet to rateImproving acceptability of conserver society policiesYet to rateElaborating national employment policiesYet to rateCreating educational policyYet to rateAdmitting policy errorsYet to rateAdapting environmental policies to changes in production and tradeYet to rateFacilitatesReforming institutionsYet to rateMitigating social consequences of structural adjustment programmesYet to rateFacilitated byUsing policy analysisYet to rateStudying public policyYet to rateMonitoring development policiesYet to rate ProblemSocial hardships of economic reformExcellentInappropriate policiesPresentablePolicy shockYet to rateInadequate social reformYet to rateBureaucratic resistance to self-reviewYet to rateValueUnchangingYet to rateChangeablenessYet to rateChangeYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(C) Cross-sectoral strategiesSubjectDevelopment » ReformPolicy-making » PolicyContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NJ0420DOCID12004200D7NID194453Last updateDec 3, 2024