Delays in implementation of social changeBroaderInadequate social innovationPresentableDelayPresentableInadequate social reformYet to rateNarrowerSocial hardships of economic reformExcellentDeclining confidence in meaningful economic and social changePresentableRejection of proposals for social changeYet to rateDelayed development of regional plansYet to rateDelay in societal impact of innovationYet to rateDelay in societal impact of educationYet to rateDelay in project implementationYet to rateDelay in implementation of commitmentsYet to rateAggravatesElimination of jobs by automationExcellentUndetermined procedures for adapting tradition-bound culturesPresentableDisillusionmentUnpresentableOutmoded functional skills in rural communitiesYet to rateAggravated bySocial revolutionPresentableResistance to changePresentableFear of future changePresentableUnconvincing alternatives to existing societiesYet to rateShort perseverance spanYet to rateLag in policy conceptualizationYet to rateGovernment resistance to institutional changeYet to rateStrategyAdapting to changePresentableResisting changeYet to rateForming world-wide social change coalitionsYet to rateDelaying implementation of social changeYet to rateChanging societyYet to rateValueUnsociableYet to rateNonimplementationYet to rateImplementationYet to rateDelayYet to rateChangeablenessYet to rateChangeYet to rateMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(C) Cross-sectoral problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectSocietal problems » DelaySociety » SocialContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NC6989DOCID11369890D7NID137801Last updateOct 4, 2020