AgeAgeingAgedBroaderYouth-AgePresentableNewness-OldnessPresentableProblemSubstandard shipping vesselsExcellentLoneliness in old ageExcellentAlzheimer dementiaExcellentAgeing war disabledExcellentAgeing of world populationExcellentAge discrimination in employmentExcellentUnnecessary restraint of elderly patientsPresentableUnmeaningful social roles for the agedPresentableUnequal distribution of old age pensions between men and womenPresentableSubstance abuse by the elderlyPresentableStifled potential for social interaction among different age groupsPresentableSocial withdrawal of agedPresentableSocial disadvantage of the agedPresentableSlowness of sensori-motor activities in the agedPresentableParalysis of elders faced with the futurePresentableNew Age spiritualityPresentableMisallocation of resources to protect the elderlyPresentableMiddle-age spreadPresentableMental disorders of the agedPresentableMacular degenerationPresentableLoss of capacity with agePresentableJuvenile alcoholismPresentableInadequate maintenance of infrastructurePresentableInadequate income in old agePresentableInadequate housing for the agedPresentableHuman ageingPresentableGeneration communication gapPresentableDiscrimination between countries on the legal age of consentPresentableDepressed industriesPresentableAgeismPresentableAgeing industrial plants and processesPresentableAge segregationPresentableAbusive treatment of the agedPresentableVulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyUnpresentableUnequal pension rightsUnpresentableRigidity and inadaptability in the agedUnpresentableObsolete industriesUnpresentableNeglect of the agedUnpresentableInsufficient retirement fundsUnpresentableIneffective mixed age levelsUnpresentableInadequate recreation for the elderlyUnpresentableExcessive longevityUnpresentableDiscrimination against women at retirement ageUnpresentableDependency of the elderlyUnpresentableDenial of right to minimum work ageUnpresentableDenial of equal benefits to elderly workersUnpresentableAlienation in old ageUnpresentableResurgence of a new dark ageYet to rateLeadership age gapYet to rateInappropriate generalization of research results across generationsYet to rateHousehold segregation by age groupYet to rateGerontocideYet to rateFear of growing oldYet to rateDirty occupationsYet to rateCrisis in long-term pension fundsYet to rateAgeing of the rural populationYet to rateStrategyPromoting safety for older people at homePresentableImproving housing for the elderlyPresentableCaring for the agedPresentableWitnessing human finitude in ageingYet to rateTreating drug abuse and alcohol dependency of the agedYet to rateTaking advantage of ageYet to rateStimulating future interest for the elderlyYet to rateSlowing down ageingYet to rateSegregating households by age groupYet to rateSegregating age groupsYet to rateSafeguarding age limitations on employmentYet to rateRestricting under-age sexYet to rateResponding to needs of all citizens according to ageYet to rateRepudiating age differencesYet to rateReporting negligent old age careYet to rateReducing prejudice against the agedYet to rateReducing dependence of the agedYet to rateReducing age discrimination in employmentYet to rateRecognizing age criteria in relation to occupationYet to rateProviding old-age pensionsYet to rateProviding company in old ageYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyYet to ratePreserving capacity with ageYet to ratePreparing for a new dark ageYet to rateObserving drinking age lawsYet to rateNeglecting the agedYet to rateMarketing drugs and alcohol to the elderlyYet to rateInvestigating murder of the agedYet to rateIncreasing productivity of agedYet to rateIncreasing housebound seniors' mobilityYet to rateImproving adaptability in the agedYet to rateIdentifying with age rolesYet to rateGiving attention to eldersYet to rateFurnishing age securityYet to rateFearing ageingYet to rateEstablishing New Age communitiesYet to rateEstablishing a minimum age for marriageYet to rateEnsuring structured participation of eldersYet to rateEnsuring social rights of the agedYet to rateEncouraging all age activitiesYet to rateEliminating abusive child labourYet to rateDiscriminating on the legal age of consentYet to rateDiscriminating on basis of age in employmentYet to rateDisaggregating population data by sex and ageYet to rateDecreasing requirements for aged personsYet to rateCorrecting mental disorders of the agedYet to rateCoping with population ageingYet to rateCommunicating between generationsYet to rateCommitting murder of the agedYet to rateCampaigning to reduce the age of consentYet to rateCampaigning to raise legal age of marriageYet to rateCampaigning against juvenile prostitutionYet to rateAgeingYet to rateAdapting work to an ageing workforceYet to rateAbstaining from protection of the aged during disastersYet to rateAbstaining from developments for the agedYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSociety ยป ElderlyContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND0149DOCID11401490D7NID190971Last updateDec 2, 2024