StatusBroaderRepute-DisreputePresentableProblemValue erosionPresentableInadequate living and working conditions of immigrant labourersPresentableFamily adaptation of community status quoPresentableExcessively costly prestige projectsPresentableErroneous "business as usual" projectionsPresentableDivisive international NGO postures on consultative relationshipsPresentableDisadvantaged status of international nongovernmental organization personnelPresentableDenial of economic and social rights to refugeesPresentableUnethical ophthalmic practiceUnpresentableParalysis of minority voicesUnpresentableInternational status raceUnpresentableAbuse of charitable status of religious institutionsUnpresentableUncritical preservation of the status quoYet to rateUncertain status of monetary goldYet to ratePursuit of personal prestigeYet to ratePursuit of national prestigeYet to ratePursuit of corporate prestigeYet to ratePassive leadershipYet to rateMeaningless conservation statusYet to rateLow commune priorityYet to rateLoss of earning powerYet to rateLack of political independenceYet to rateStrategyStrengthening legal status of plant genetic resources for agriculturePresentablePromoting education about women's issuesPresentableIncreasing awareness of link between status of women and demographic dynamicsPresentableDesignating conservation statusPresentableReporting on global environmental statusUnpresentablePreparing national environmental synopsesUnpresentableUsing professional statusYet to rateUpgrading status and skills of managers in waste management agenciesYet to rateTaking inferior status employmentYet to rateSupporting development of local financial intermediariesYet to rateSecuring status according to stationYet to rateReviewing personal status lawsYet to rateReviewing information on national parksYet to rateRequiring authorizationYet to rateReporting legal property statusYet to rateRecognizing symbolic functions accruing from social statusYet to rateRecognizing status criteria in relation to occupationYet to rateRecognizing accrued status in societyYet to rateProviding updated project statusYet to ratePreserving status quoYet to ratePreparing periodic status reports on plant genetic resourcesYet to rateObtaining legal status for natural populationsYet to rateObtaining consultant statusYet to rateMonitoring wetland biodiversity conservationYet to rateMonitoring status of forest resourcesYet to rateMonitoring critical habitat statusYet to rateMonitoring conservation of coral reefsYet to rateJustifying status quoYet to rateImproving environmental health monitoringYet to rateImproving conditions of immigrant labourersYet to rateHonouring business cooperativesYet to rateGranting observer statusYet to rateFacilitating earning graduate statusYet to rateEnhancing status of artistsYet to rateEnforcing anonymous statusYet to rateEliminating unnecessary status projectsYet to rateDiscrediting faulty predictions based on maintenance of the status quoYet to rateDenying right to a people to determine their own political statusYet to rateDelineating special rights accruing from statusYet to rateConducting environmental site assessmentYet to rateChanging statusYet to rateCautioning against uncritical preservation of the status quoYet to rateAssessing status of ecosystemsYet to rateAssessing status of coastal areasYet to rateAssessing resident health statusYet to rateAccounting for obligations accruing from social statusYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1663DOCID11316630D7NID192038Last updateDec 2, 2024