PriorityBroaderLeading-FollowingPresentableImportance-UnimportancePresentableAuthority-LawlessnessPresentableProblemLow athletics priorityUnpresentableDisincentives against farmingUnpresentableUnrecognized relevance of educationYet to rateUnpractised dental preventionYet to ratePayment priority conflictsYet to rateLow commune priorityYet to rateDisputed priority of innovationsYet to rateStrategySupporting sustainable development of small island developing countriesPresentableImproving access of girls to basic educationPresentableGiving priority to education literacy programmes for womenPresentableFinancing essential clinical health servicesPresentableRevealing imbalances in priorities for resource consumptionYet to rateRequiring resource planning prioritiesYet to rateRequiring priority response to consumption demandsYet to rateRaising farming priorityYet to rateRaising commercial priorityYet to ratePutting profit in its placeYet to rateProcessing low priority legislative reformYet to ratePointing to consumption prioritiesYet to rateMonitoring priority changes in national environmental action plansYet to rateLowering commercial priorityYet to rateInfluencing priority decisionsYet to rateImproving priority technical skillsYet to rateImproving economic priority systemYet to rateGiving priority to universal sustainable development curricula in primary schoolsYet to rateGiving priority to training on safety proceduresYet to rateGiving priority to training in traditional biotechnologiesYet to rateGiving priority to primary environmental care in deprived urban and rural areasYet to rateGiving priority to cryogenic storageYet to rateGiving priority in education budgets to primary educationYet to rateGiving higher priority to budgets in sustainable development education and trainingYet to rateEstablishing priority needs for consumption of goods and servicesYet to rateEmphasizing profitYet to rateDisputing priority of innovationsYet to rateDirecting determined prioritiesYet to rateConvening international meetings on priority biotechnology issuesYet to rateClarifying priority context for consumption of goods and servicesYet to rateAssessing existing biotechnology programmes and priority needs of developing countriesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1355DOCID11313550D7NID193032Last updateDec 2, 2024