OvereffectiveOver-effectiveBroaderSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentablePower-ImpotencePresentableInfluence-InfluencelessnessPresentableImportance-UnimportancePresentableExpedience-InexpediencePresentableEloquence-UneloquencePresentableAppropriateness-InappropriatenessUnpresentableProblemPolitical barriers to effective legislationPresentableLack of social service extension officesPresentableInadequate transportation facilities for rural communitiesPresentableCommunication breakdownPresentableLack of world maritime integrationUnpresentableExcessive cost of effective prosecution of offendersUnpresentableUnavailability of effective motivational techniquesYet to rateObstacles to effective international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateInadequate institutional mechanisms for cost-effective debt negotiationYet to rateInability to negotiate effective multilateral safeguard systemsYet to rateDependence of effective cooperation on fearYet to rateStrategyPursuing human rightsExcellentPromoting public relationsExcellentInstituting effective demonstration farmingExcellentFacilitating economic structural adjustmentExcellentAdvancing conflict resolutionExcellentPromoting effective use of fertilizersPresentablePlanning for environmental factorsPresentableMaking effective use of medicinal plantsPresentableInstituting effective domestic securityPresentableImproving human rightsPresentableEnsuring effective child spacingPresentableDeveloping leadershipPresentableDeveloping community leadershipPresentableAssisting those in povertyPresentableIntroducing effective farming methodsUnpresentableInitiating effective crop careUnpresentableImproving NGO access to data needed for researchUnpresentableDeveloping leadership trainingUnpresentableDeveloping effective official statistical servicesUnpresentableClean pollution control technologies for IndustryUnpresentableUtilizing effective farming skillsYet to rateUsing fear to promote effective cooperationYet to rateUsing effective approach in teaching intellectual methodsYet to rateUpgrading effective marketing managementYet to rateTraining leadersYet to rateTraining decision makers to make effective use of early warning systemsYet to rateTeaching effective managerial methodsYet to rateTeaching effective business proceduresYet to rateSupporting regional centres on the effective use of economic instrumentsYet to rateSupplying public informationYet to rateSupplying effective business assistanceYet to rateStructuring effective neighbourhood actionYet to rateStructuring effective development actionYet to rateStructuring effective action channelsYet to rateStructuring care of workersYet to rateStrengthening the United Nations as effective force for global sustainabilityYet to rateStrengthening effective kinship rolesYet to rateStrengthening effective information exchangeYet to rateStarting effective production proceduresYet to rateSharing effective social methodsYet to rateResearching effective delivery programsYet to rateRepresenting effective public interestsYet to rateRegulating resources useYet to rateRecognizing need for strong and effective leadership in the United Nations system to implement Agenda 21Yet to ratePublishing effective printed materialYet to rateProviding regulatory mechanisms of governmentYet to rateProviding motivational methodologiesYet to rateProviding effective support to improve human healthYet to rateProviding effective recreational schemesYet to rateProviding effective public mediaYet to rateProviding effective methods trainingYet to rateProviding effective family managementYet to rateProviding effective consumer inputYet to rateProviding effective consensus methodsYet to rateProviding effective bio-gas sourceYet to rateProviding economic incentivesYet to ratePromoting effective meeting orchestrationYet to ratePromoting effective communicationYet to ratePromoting effective authority presenceYet to ratePlacing effective road culvertsYet to rateOpening channels for societal engagementYet to rateOffering effective leadership methodsYet to rateObtaining effective government liaisonYet to rateNegotiating multilateral safeguard systemsYet to rateMaximizing effective town promotionYet to rateMaximizing effective space useYet to rateMaximizing effective automobile useYet to rateMaking effective and multiple use of existing school facilitiesYet to rateLobbying on effective pesticide policiesYet to rateLearning effective corporate actionYet to rateLearning effective classroom proceduresYet to rateIssuing effective judicial remedyYet to rateIntroducing effective leadership methodsYet to rateInstituting effective building proceduresYet to rateInstituting effective agricultural methodsYet to rateInstalling necessary support systemsYet to rateInstalling effective water deliveryYet to rateInnovating effective commercial schemesYet to rateInitiating effective oral hygieneYet to rateInitiating effective marketing systemsYet to rateIncreasing research on cost-effective alternatives for hazardous processesYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of communicationYet to rateImproving wild animal managementYet to rateImproving use of languageYet to rateImproving institutional mechanisms for cost-effective debt negotiationYet to rateImproving institutional capacity for effective monitoring of complianceYet to rateImplementing effective crime prevention strategiesYet to rateImaging effective habitat plansYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to satellite communicationsYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to efficient utilization of timeYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to effective international nongovernmental organizationsYet to rateHighlighting effective developmentYet to rateHelping developing countries implement effective commodity policiesYet to rateGenerating effective dynamic teachersYet to rateGenerating community investment fundYet to rateFostering social cohesionYet to rateFostering effective neighbourhood organizationsYet to rateFostering effective interchange systemYet to rateExtending effective legal assistanceYet to rateExtending effective business adviceYet to rateExposing effective negative loans from development banks to developing countriesYet to rateExploring hybrid seed varietiesYet to rateExpanding waste collection and disposal servicesYet to rateExpanding effective tools stockYet to rateExpanding basic community structuresYet to rateEstablishing strong citizen voiceYet to rateEstablishing new small industriesYet to rateEstablishing effective privacy legislationYet to rateEstablishing effective feeding areasYet to rateEnvisioning future developmentYet to rateEnsuring social participationYet to rateEnsuring effective transport useYet to rateEnsuring effective protectionYet to rateEnsuring effective firearms controlYet to rateEnsuring effective child rearingYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive family careYet to rateEnhancing creative community participationYet to rateEncouraging more effective aid utilizationYet to rateEncouraging effective corporate leadersYet to rateEnabling effective machine maintenanceYet to rateEnabling effective leisure useYet to rateEnabling effective community functionYet to rateEnabling competent business managementYet to rateEmpowering popular leaderYet to rateEmphasizing effective use of technical resourcesYet to rateDevising effective crime prevention strategiesYet to rateDevising effective commuter transportationYet to rateDeveloping managerial competenceYet to rateDeveloping fiscal methodsYet to rateDeveloping effective technologies for treating wasteYet to rateDeveloping effective policiesYet to rateDeveloping effective pesticide policiesYet to rateDeveloping effective new social policiesYet to rateDeveloping effective health training policiesYet to rateDeveloping effective education and training programmesYet to rateDeveloping effective biological control agents against disease transmitting vectorsYet to rateDeveloping cost effective merchandiseYet to rateDeveloping agency relationshipsYet to rateDesigning common distributionYet to rateDemonstrating new agricultural methodsYet to rateDemonstrating need for effective use of resourcesYet to rateDemonstrating modern farm technologyYet to rateDemonstrating basic agriculture techniquesYet to rateDefining effective incentivesYet to rateCreating effective work forcesYet to rateCreating effective assembly proceduresYet to rateCoordinating effective vehicle usageYet to rateConstructing modern public toiletsYet to rateCommunicating effective participationYet to rateBuilding effective social patternsYet to rateBuilding effective external relationsYet to rateBuilding effective decision makingYet to rateBuilding effective community ownershipYet to rateBuilding consensusYet to rateBroadening effective leadership rolesYet to rateAssuring proper space careYet to rateAssuring effective service continuityYet to rateAssuring effective information flowYet to rateAssuring effective electrical operationsYet to rateAssisting water agencies to become more cost-effectiveYet to rateAssisting effective money managementYet to rateAssessing radiation for safe and effective useYet to rateApplying effective chemical supplementsYet to rateAdapting cost-effective methods of environmental control to local conditionsYet to rateAbstaining from effective communicationYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND4709DOCID11447090D7NID190659Last updateDec 2, 2024