MisconstructionBroaderTruth-ErrorPresentableJudgement-MisjudgementPresentableInterpretability-MisinterpretabilityPresentableCommunicativeness-UncommunicativenessPresentableProblemInadequate reservoir planExcellentGender inequalityExcellentUnsafe design of consumer productsPresentableResource demands of the built environmentPresentableReductionistic decision making criteria in the construction industryPresentableProtectionism in the construction and engineering services industriesPresentableLack of training in construction techniques in mountainous conditionsPresentableInstability of construction industryPresentableInequitable distribution of construction expertisePresentableInadequate earthquake resistant constructionPresentableImprovisational housingPresentableHealth risks to workers in construction industryPresentableEnvironmental hazards from the construction industryPresentableEnvironmental degradation due to creation of damsPresentableElitist control of construction technologyPresentableDeconstructionPresentableUnenvisioned construction methodsYet to rateUncommunicativenessYet to rateUnavailability of construction plansYet to rateUnavailability of construction equipmentYet to rateProhibitive construction cost of community buildingsYet to rateLimited construction manpowerYet to rateIndividualistic construction methodsYet to rateInadequate construction expertiseYet to rateExcessive use of land by automobilesYet to rateDifficult road constructionYet to rateDepressing effect of poor housing constructionYet to rateDangerous building constructionYet to rateBuilding and construction noiseYet to rateAbsence of accountability in construction planningYet to rateStrategyEncouraging self-building of housesPresentableDeveloping construction materials industryPresentableDeveloping construction industriesPresentableDeveloping construction expertisePresentableConstructing sustainablyPresentableAssessing costs to support sustainable construction industry activitiesPresentableUtilizing indigenous building materialYet to rateUsing construction technologyYet to rateUsing construction inspectorsYet to rateUsing cheap constructionYet to rateUpgrading technical skills in small construction enterprisesYet to rateTransferring information for sustainable resources use in constructionYet to rateTeaching disaster resistant construction methodsYet to rateSupplying area construction suppliesYet to rateStrengthening construction industry researchYet to rateSoliciting new construction investmentYet to rateSharing basic construction implementsYet to rateSecuring needed construction itemsYet to rateResearching effects of poor housing constructionYet to rateResearching criminal involvement in the construction industryYet to rateReporting negligent building constructionYet to rateReducing protectionism in the construction and engineering services industriesYet to rateProviding nuclear safeguardsYet to rateProtesting new road constructionYet to rateProtecting construction and engineering services industriesYet to rateNeglecting building constructionYet to rateMobilizing local construction talentYet to rateManufacturing construction machineryYet to rateManaging physical developmentYet to rateMaking long-term construction plansYet to rateLaunching waterfront construction projectYet to rateLaunching local construction enterprisesYet to rateImproving construction technologyYet to rateImproving construction of dwellingsYet to rateImproving construction materials supplyYet to rateHolding corporate community workdaysYet to rateForming construction companyYet to rateExpediting construction of needed facilitiesYet to rateExpanding use of local construction technologiesYet to rateExchanging information on construction engineeringYet to rateEvaluating construction researchYet to rateEnabling private housing constructionYet to rateDeveloping building codesYet to rateDemanding accountability in construction planningYet to rateDelineating social sexual frameworkYet to rateCreating skilled building teamsYet to rateCreating construction trucking systemYet to rateCorrupting construction industryYet to rateCooperating on environmental aspects of constructionYet to rateControlling construction technologyYet to rateControlling building developmentYet to rateConducting major construction projectsYet to rateCampaigning against of supermarketsYet to rateAvoiding misconstructionYet to rateAcquiring necessary construction suppliesYet to rateAcquiring home construction fundingYet to rateAbolishing unethical construction practicesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024