HomeBroaderWealth-PovertyPresentableUnity-DualityPresentableSociability-UnsociabilityPresentableLocation-DislocationYet to rateProblemToxic substances in the homePresentableSocially disruptive effects of video gamesPresentableOccupational domestic accidentsPresentableLead poisoning in the homePresentableImpermanent living conditionsPresentableDiscrimination against transnational banksPresentableArbitrary external interference in family lifePresentableUnderprivileged home environmentUnpresentableTrivial requests for medical assistanceUnpresentableToxic household insecticidesUnpresentableProhibitive cost of home maintenanceUnpresentableNeglect of property maintenanceUnpresentableIncompetent household managementUnpresentableFailure to employ skills of home-bound educated womenUnpresentableDisowned childrenUnpresentableDenial of right to private home lifeUnpresentableCrimes in the homeUnpresentableArrears in payments for housingUnpresentableUnsupportive home structures for educationYet to rateUnsupervised home birthsYet to rateUnprofitable home industriesYet to rateUninsulated buildingsYet to rateUncontrollable manufacture of destructive productsYet to rateThreatened species of Kinixys homeanaYet to rateStrong external drawYet to rateLimited home nursingYet to rateHouse-breakingYet to rateHome-bound leisure activitiesYet to rateFear of resettlementYet to rateConfining home dutiesYet to rateArtificial separation of home and workplaceYet to rateStrategyWorking from homeExcellentCultivating home gardensExcellentSupporting women working in the homePresentablePromoting safety for older people at homePresentableEncouraging self-building of housesPresentableEducating home-owners to use renewable energyPresentableConserving energy in the householdPresentableWatching home videosYet to rateValuing homeYet to rateTeaching complete home managementYet to rateTeaching basic home remediesYet to rateSupplying home purchasing assistanceYet to rateStudying household pestsYet to rateStabilizing family lifeYet to rateSharing emergency home techniquesYet to rateSeparating home and workplaceYet to rateScheduling regular home visitsYet to rateRenting home repair toolsYet to rateRelocating homeYet to rateReducing economic discrimination against workers at homeYet to rateProviding immediate home aidYet to rateProviding home doctor serviceYet to rateProviding complete home serviceYet to ratePromoting home-schoolingYet to ratePromoting home ownershipYet to rateProcuring interior home equipmentYet to rateOffering home arts classesYet to rateOffering competent in-home attentionYet to rateMaking home-made environmentally friendly household productsYet to rateInitiating home manufacturing venturesYet to rateImproving home water efficiencyYet to rateImproving home economics abilitiesYet to rateImproving construction of dwellingsYet to rateImproving advantages of home-working employeesYet to rateHome-makingYet to rateHaving a holiday homeYet to rateFostering home organizational techniquesYet to rateForcing repatriationYet to rateEstablishing needed home careYet to rateEstablishing home postal exchangeYet to rateEnsuring home health requirementsYet to rateEnsuring domicile sanctityYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive home careYet to rateEnhancing domestic environmentYet to rateEncouraging ongoing home careYet to rateEncouraging home investment schemesYet to rateEncouraging home electrical usageYet to rateEncouraging home beautificationYet to rateEnabling home ownershipYet to rateEducating quality home buildersYet to rateDeveloping home safety measuresYet to rateDeveloping home power supplyYet to rateDevaluing homeYet to rateDestroying household pestsYet to rateCoordinating profitable home industriesYet to rateConserving resources in the homeYet to rateConserving available home heatYet to rateChoosing to die at homeYet to rateBuilding home delivery networkYet to rateBeing homelessYet to rateBeautifying local home sitesYet to rateAssisting underprivileged home environmentYet to rateApplying home maintenance skillsYet to rateAllowing easy home shoppingYet to rateAcquiring home construction fundingYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectAmenities ยป HouseholdsContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0910DOCID11309100D7NID190824Last updateDec 2, 2024