FreedomBroaderWillingness-UnwillingnessPresentableRightness-WrongnessPresentableFreedom-RestraintPresentableFacility-DifficultyPresentableExertion-FatiguePresentableEconomy-ProdigalityPresentableProbity-ImprobityUnpresentableProblemHuman tortureExcellentDenial of right to sufficient foodExcellentSuppression of intellectual freedomPresentableRestrictions on freedom of movement among countriesPresentableRestrictions on freedom of informationPresentableRestriction of freedom of expressionPresentableLimited artistic expressionPresentableLimitations of democracyPresentableLack of press freedomPresentableInternment without trialPresentableFear of increased autonomyPresentableExpulsionPresentableDiscrimination against domestic servantsPresentableDenial to experimental animals of the right to freedom from sufferingPresentableDenial to animals of the right to freedom from mass killingPresentableDenial of the right of associationPresentableDenial of right to freedom of religion of indigenous peoplesPresentableDenial of right to freedom from cruel, inhumane or degrading punishmentPresentableDenial of religious libertyPresentableDenial of freedom of thought in communist systemsPresentableDenial of academic freedomPresentableDebt slaveryPresentableViolation of the right of international freedom of navigationUnpresentableTravel restrictionsUnpresentableRestrictions on freedom of worshipUnpresentableRestrictions on freedom of movement within countriesUnpresentableRestrictions on freedomUnpresentableMisleading liberation theologyUnpresentableLack of freedom of movement of children of separated parentsUnpresentableLack of essential freedom due to unawareness of actualityUnpresentableIncitement to hatredUnpresentableExploitation of childrenUnpresentableDenial to food animals of the right to freedom from sufferingUnpresentableDenial of sexual freedomUnpresentableDenial of right to freedom from testifying against oneselfUnpresentableDenial of right to freedom from retroactive laws and punishmentsUnpresentableDenial of right to freedom from imprisonment for failure to fulfil a contractual agreementUnpresentableDenial of freedom of opinionUnpresentableDenial of freedom of expression in clothingUnpresentableDenial of freedom of conscienceUnpresentableArbitrary exileUnpresentableAbuse of freedom of choiceUnpresentableUnbridled license of speechYet to rateUnbridled licenseYet to rateSocial constraints on freedom of imaginationYet to rateFragmented images of personal freedomYet to rateDependence of the disabledYet to rateDenial of right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateDenial of right to educational choiceYet to rateDenial of freedom of thoughtYet to rateAbuse of liberty of conscienceYet to rateStrategyPromoting press freedomPresentablePreserving freedomPresentableEnsuring freedom of association for workersPresentablePromoting religious freedomUnpresentableDefending freedom of the pressUnpresentableUsing public environmentYet to rateUsing freedom of expressionYet to rateUsing discriminationYet to rateThreatening citizenryYet to rateSuppressing intellectual freedomYet to rateStrengthening notion of personal freedomYet to rateRestricting travelYet to rateRestricting freedom of worshipYet to rateRestricting freedom of thoughtYet to rateRestricting freedom of movement between countriesYet to rateRestricting freedom of expressionYet to rateRestricting freedomYet to rateRestoring individual freedomYet to rateRespecting individual language rightsYet to rateRelaxing parental disciplineYet to rateReducing tension between choice and freedomYet to rateRecognizing essential freedomYet to rateProviding sufficient essential freedomYet to rateProviding multiple liability for an single criminal actYet to rateProviding human rights to educationYet to rateProtecting right to freedom from attacks on personal honour and reputationYet to rateProtecting right to freedom from arbitrary expulsionYet to ratePromoting right to freedom of opinion and expressionYet to ratePromoting international freedom of informationYet to ratePromoting freedomYet to ratePreventing excesses in individual behaviourYet to ratePreserving religious freedomYet to ratePermitting holding of private opinionYet to ratePermitting freedom in educationYet to rateObtaining individual freedomYet to rateMonitoring violation of freedom from bond serviceYet to rateMaintaining freedom of life styleYet to rateLimiting freedom of informationYet to rateLimiting artistic expressionYet to rateIncreasing awareness of essential freedomYet to rateHumanizing punishmentYet to rateForming consciences regarding value of human lifeYet to rateFacilitating freedomYet to rateExpelling arbitrarilyYet to rateEnsuring right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateEnsuring right to freedom from arbitrary detentionYet to rateEnsuring right to freedom from arbitrary deprivation of propertyYet to rateEnsuring freedom to publishYet to rateEnsuring freedom of immigrationYet to rateEnsuring freedom from bond serviceYet to rateEnsuring freedom for media personnelYet to rateEnabling international freedom of movementYet to rateDenying sexual freedomYet to rateDenying right to freedom from war propagandaYet to rateDenying right to freedom from tortureYet to rateDenying right to freedom from slaveryYet to rateDenying right to freedom from exploitation of childrenYet to rateDenying right to freedom from cruel, inhumane or degrading punishmentYet to rateDenying right to freedom from compulsory labourYet to rateDenying right to freedom from attacks on personal honour and reputationYet to rateDenying right to freedom from arbitrary deprivation of propertyYet to rateDenying religious freedom for womenYet to rateDenying freedom of thought in communist systemsYet to rateDenying freedom of opinionYet to rateDenying freedom of conscienceYet to rateDenying freedomYet to rateDenying academic freedomYet to rateDefending free speechYet to rateDefending academic freedomYet to rateCultivating spiritual freedomYet to rateControlling freedom in the transfer of propertyYet to rateConstraining freedomYet to rateCampaigning for personal freedomsYet to rateCampaigning for freedomYet to rateAssuring freedom of the pressYet to rateArresting arbitrarilyYet to rateAllowing children freedomYet to rateAbstaining from essential freedom due to unawareness of actualityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityPresentable PresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NC0797DOCID11307970D7NID192806Last updateSep 17, 2024