ExtinctionExtinctExtinctionsBroaderRestoration-DestructionPresentableLife-DeathPresentableHeat-ColdPresentableAppearance-DisappearanceYet to rateProblemThreatened species of PhocidaeExcellentThreatened species of AmphibiansExcellentInadequate monitoring of marine extinctionExcellentExtinct megafaunaExcellentDecreasing diversity of biological speciesExcellentThreatened species of UrsidaePresentableThreatened species of ReptilesPresentableThreatened species of ProtozoaPresentableThreatened species of ProcyonidaePresentableThreatened species of PiscesPresentableThreatened species of PhyseteridaePresentableThreatened species of OdobenidaePresentableThreatened species of MustelidaePresentableThreatened species of MolluscaPresentableThreatened species of MammalsPresentableThreatened species of InvertebratesPresentableThreatened species of InsectivoraPresentableThreatened species of InsectaPresentableThreatened species of HyaenidaePresentableThreatened species of HolothuroideaPresentableThreatened species of GastropodaPresentableThreatened species of FelidaePresentableThreatened species of crustaceansPresentableThreatened species of ChiropteraPresentableThreatened species of CetaceaPresentableThreatened species of CarnivoraPresentableThreatened species of BirdsPresentableThreatened species of ArthropodsPresentableThreatened species of AnimaliaPresentableRecurring mass extinctions of speciesPresentableExtinction of rainforest speciesPresentableExtinct species of SynapsidaPresentableExtinct species of HesperornithiformesPresentableExtinct species of DinornithiformesPresentableExterminationPresentableAnimal extinctionPresentableThreatened species of VombatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ViverridaeYet to rateThreatened species of Tremarctos ornatusYet to rateThreatened species of ThryonomyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of TenrecidaeYet to rateThreatened species of TarsiidaeYet to rateThreatened species of SciuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of PteropodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of populous EnphraticaYet to rateThreatened species of PlatanistidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PhyllostomidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PhascolarctidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PhalangeridaeYet to rateThreatened species of PetauridaeYet to rateThreatened species of PeramelidaeYet to rateThreatened species of PedetidaeYet to rateThreatened species of OchotonidaeYet to rateThreatened species of NycteridaeYet to rateThreatened species of NotoryctidaeYet to rateThreatened species of MyocastoridaeYet to rateThreatened species of MusYet to rateThreatened species of MonotremataYet to rateThreatened species of MolossidaeYet to rateThreatened species of MegadermatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of MarsupaliaYet to rateThreatened species of MacroscelididaeYet to rateThreatened species of MacropodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of LemuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of HylobatidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Euastacus armatusYet to rateThreatened species of ErinaceidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ErethizontidaeYet to rateThreatened species of EmballonuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of ElephantidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ElasmidaeYet to rateThreatened species of EchimyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of DidelphidaeYet to rateThreatened species of DaubentoniidaeYet to rateThreatened species of DasyuridaeYet to rateThreatened species of DasypodidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CynocephalidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CtenomyidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ChinchillidaeYet to rateThreatened species of Chelonia mydasYet to rateThreatened species of CercopithecidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CavidaeYet to rateThreatened species of CastoridaeYet to rateThreatened species of CallitrichidaeYet to rateThreatened species of ArachnidsYet to rateThreatened species of AnomaluridaeYet to rateFear of deathYet to rateExtinct species of ZignodelphidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ZegdoumyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ZalambdalestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of YingabalanaridaeYet to rateExtinct species of YalkaparidontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of XyelydidaeYet to rateExtinct species of XyelotomidaeYet to rateExtinct species of WynyardiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of WakinoichthiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of WaipatiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ViverravidaeYet to rateExtinct species of UronemidaeYet to rateExtinct species of UrenchelyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of UranolophidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TurkmenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TuarangiaceaYet to rateExtinct species of TsaganomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TrochonemataceaYet to rateExtinct species of TrigonalyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TriassuridaeYet to rateExtinct species of TregobatrachidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ToxochelyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TomognathidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TodralestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ThylacosmilidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ThylacoleonidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TheroteinidaeYet to rateExtinct species of TheridomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SudamericidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SubulitaceaYet to rateExtinct species of StomatosuchidaeYet to rateExtinct species of StigmaphronidaeYet to rateExtinct species of StichocentridaeYet to rateExtinct species of StegodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of StagodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SqualorajidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SqualodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SphenocephalidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SphecomyrmidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SphecidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SiricidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SinoryssidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SingididaeYet to rateExtinct species of SimoliophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SimimyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SerrilepidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SepulcidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SciuravidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ScapherpetontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SaxonellidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SardinioididaeYet to rateExtinct species of SapheosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of SalminopsidaeYet to rateExtinct species of SagenodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RoproniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RhynchosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of RhynchodipteridaeYet to rateExtinct species of RhizodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RhabdosteidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RhabdodermatidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RepropcidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RemingtonocetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of RasnitsyniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PycnosteroididaeYet to rateExtinct species of PseudosiricidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PseudophoraceaYet to rateExtinct species of PseudomelanaceaYet to rateExtinct species of ProtostomiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProtostegidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProtosirenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProtoptychidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProtocetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProtoceratidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProteomyridaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProsirenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProscalopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProsaliridaeYet to rateExtinct species of ProrastomidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PraelamellodontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of PraeichneumonidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PraecardiaceaYet to rateExtinct species of PraeaulacidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PowichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PorolepidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PolydolopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PliopithecidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PliohyracidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PleurosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of PlesiosoricidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PlesiadapidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PlatycerataceaYet to rateExtinct species of PlagiomenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PlacentidentidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PilkipildridaeYet to rateExtinct species of PicrodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PhyllodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PhiomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PhilisidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PharmacichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PhaneropleuridaeYet to rateExtinct species of PediomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PattersonellidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PatavichthidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PatagoniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParoryssidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParomomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParasynarcualidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParasemionotidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParasaniwidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PararchexyelidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParapithecidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParanguillidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParamyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParamacellodidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ParaeoliscidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PanderichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalorchestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeotrochaceaYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeoryctidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeorhynchidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeopeltidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeomerycidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeocynipidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeochiropterygidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PalaeobatrachidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PachyrhizodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of PachyophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OsteolepidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OsmeroididaeYet to rateExtinct species of OromerycidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OrogomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OriostomataceaYet to rateExtinct species of OreopithecidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OnychodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OmomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of OdobenocetopsidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NyctitheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NotobatrachidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NoterpetontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NotelopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NigeropheidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NerineaceaYet to rateExtinct species of NecrosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of NecrolestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of NardoichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MyophiomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MylagaulidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MurchisoniaceaYet to rateExtinct species of MosasauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of MoeritheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ModiomorphaceaYet to rateExtinct species of MixodectidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MiralinidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MingotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MilananguillidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MicrosyopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MicropternodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MicrodomataceaYet to rateExtinct species of MiacidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MetacheiromyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MesoserphidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MerycoidodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MenaspidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MekosuchidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MeiolaniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MegatheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MegalodontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of McconichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MayulestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MammutidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MaimetshidaeYet to rateExtinct species of MacrocephalosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of MacluritaceaYet to rateExtinct species of LycopteridaeYet to rateExtinct species of LophiodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LophialetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LlanocetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LimnetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LeptomerycidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LeptochoeridaeYet to rateExtinct species of LaugiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LasalidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LaredomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of LamellotaceaYet to rateExtinct species of KushlukiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KuehneosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of KollikodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KenyamyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KentriodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KennalestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KayentachelyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of KarauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of KaratavitidaeYet to rateExtinct species of JurapriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of JudeichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IvanantoniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IsectolophidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IschyromyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IlariidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IchthyotringidaeYet to rateExtinct species of IcaronycteridaeYet to rateExtinct species of HyracodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HypsobatidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HypertragulidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HylaeochampsidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HoplitomerycidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HoloptychiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HippuritaceaYet to rateExtinct species of HelohyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HelcionellaceaYet to rateExtinct species of HelaletidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HaplobunodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HalecidaeYet to rateExtinct species of HadronectoridaeYet to rateExtinct species of GroeberiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GondwanatheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GomphotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GobiatidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GlyptopsidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GlyptodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GigasiricidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GerocynipidaeYet to rateExtinct species of GeolabididaeYet to rateExtinct species of GelocidaeYet to rateExtinct species of FulengidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ForficidaeYet to rateExtinct species of FlorentiamyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of FistularioididaeYet to rateExtinct species of FalsiformicidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EutypomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EusthenopteridaeYet to rateExtinct species of EurypholidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EuposauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of EuporosteidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EuomphalaceaYet to rateExtinct species of ErrolichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ErnanodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EpoicotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EphialtitidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EosimiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EomoropidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EoichneumonidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EocardiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EocaeciliaidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EntelopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EntelodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EnchodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EnaliarctidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ElopidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ElectrotomidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EktopodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of EdmondiaceaYet to rateExtinct species of EchinochimaeridaeYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia stewardsoniYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia sampsoniYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia propinquaYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia personataYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia lewisiiYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia leniorYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia lefevreiYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia haysianaYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia flexuosaYet to rateExtinct species of Dysnomia arcaeformisYet to rateExtinct species of DormaaliidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DonodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DolichosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of DolichochampsidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DistylomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DistobatidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DipteridaeYet to rateExtinct species of DiprotodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DipnorhynchidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DiplocercididaeYet to rateExtinct species of DinopterygidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DinilysiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DimylidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DidymoconidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DichobunidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DiamantomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DesmatophocidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DercetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DeperetellidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DeltatheridiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DeinotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of DalpiazinidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CyrtodontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of CynipidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CymaprimadontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CylindrodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CycloconchaceaYet to rateExtinct species of CtenodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CtenodontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of CrossognathidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CretevaniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CraspedostomataceaYet to rateExtinct species of ConchopomidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CoelacanthidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CocomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CochliodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ClisospiraceaYet to rateExtinct species of ClaraziidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CimolichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChondrosteidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChoeropotamidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CheirothricidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CharitosomidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChapattimyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChanglelestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChangjiangidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ChalicotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CeutholestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CetotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CebochoeridaeYet to rateExtinct species of CaturidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CarusiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CarpolestidaeYet to rateExtinct species of CanowindridaeYet to rateExtinct species of CainotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BrontotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BroilisauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of BorhyaenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BonapartheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BethylonymidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BernardichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BellerophontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of BeichuaniaceaYet to rateExtinct species of BavarisauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of BatrachosauroididaeYet to rateExtinct species of BasilosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of BarytheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BaissodidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BaenidaeYet to rateExtinct species of BabinkaceaYet to rateExtinct species of AustroniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AulacidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArmintomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArmaniidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArgyrolagidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArdeosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArchanodontaceaYet to rateExtinct species of ArchaeophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AraripichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of ArambourgellidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnthracotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnthracosiaceaYet to rateExtinct species of AnthracobunidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnoplotheriidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnomphalaceaYet to rateExtinct species of AnomopterellidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnomalophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnguilloididaeYet to rateExtinct species of AnguillavidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AndinichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmynodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmphistiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmphimerycidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmphilemuridaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmphicyonidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AmbonychiaceaYet to rateExtinct species of AmberleyaceaYet to rateExtinct species of AlbireonidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AlagomyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AipichthyidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AigialosauridaeYet to rateExtinct species of AgriochoeridaeYet to rateExtinct species of AgorophiidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AetiocetidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AegialodontidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AdapidaeYet to rateExtinct species of AcrodelphidaeYet to rateStrategyRecovering endangered speciesPresentablePreventing plant extinctionsPresentableThreatening extinctionYet to rateRisking extinctionYet to ratePreventing species extinctionsYet to ratePreventing extinction of rainforest speciesYet to ratePreventing animal extinctionsYet to rateInforming about unsafe nuclear missilesYet to rateHonouring extinct speciesYet to rateConserving endangered species of mammalsYet to rateConserving endangered species of invertebratesYet to rateConserving endangered species of fishYet to rateConserving endangered species of farm animalsYet to rateConserving endangered species of birdsYet to rateConserving endangered species of amphibiaYet to rateConserving endangered predatory animalsYet to rateCausing mass extinctionYet to rateCausing extinction of speciesYet to rateCausing extinction of reptiliaYet to rateCausing extinction of rainforest speciesYet to rateCausing extinction of predatory animalsYet to rateCausing extinction of plantsYet to rateCausing extinction of mammaliaYet to rateCausing extinction of invertebratesYet to rateCausing extinction of frogs and toadsYet to rateCausing extinction of fishYet to rateCausing extinction of birdsYet to rateCausing extinction of animalsYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » DestructionContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglishLast updateDec 2, 2024