Threatened species of Invertebrates

  • Endangered species of Invertebrata
  • Invertebrates at risk of extinction


Invertebrates, which outnumber humans by up to 10 million to one, have hundreds of species threatened with extinction by means of both natural events and human activities (habitat alteration, pollution, introduction of exotic animals and plants, and exploitation). Invertebrate organisms play the key role in supporting the complex food chains of the seas and oceans, only on land do large grazing animals dominate. Any disturbance of ecological balance can lead to a situation in which some species of invertebrates form uncontrolled over-expanding population damaging other species.


An invertebrate is any animal lacking a backbone or bony segment that encloses the central nerve cord.


  1. Threatened species of Vestimentifera
  2. Threatened species of Porifera
  3. Threatened species of Pogonophora [1]
  4. Threatened species of Platyhelminthes
  5. Threatened species of Placozoa
  6. Threatened species of Phoronidae
  7. Threatened species of Phoronida
  8. Threatened species of Onychophora [1]
  9. Threatened species of Nemertinea
  10. Threatened species of Mollusca
  11. Threatened species of Mesozoa
  12. Threatened species of Loricifera
  13. Threatened species of Lobopodia
  14. Threatened species of Kinorhyncha
  15. Threatened species of Hemichordata
  16. Threatened species of Gnathostomulida
  17. Threatened species of Entoprocta
  18. Threatened species of Echiura
  19. Threatened species of Echinodermata
  20. Threatened species of Cycliophora
  21. Threatened species of Ctenophora
  22. Threatened species of Coelenterates
  23. Threatened species of Chaetognatha
  24. Threatened species of Cephalorhyncha
  25. Threatened species of Bryozoa
  26. Threatened species of Brachiopoda
  27. Threatened species of Aschelminthes
  28. Threatened species of Arthropods
  29. Threatened species of Annelida
  30. Threatened species of Acanthocephala
  31. Extinct species of Petalonamae
  32. Extinct species of Fossil miscellanea
  33. Extinct species of Conulariida
  34. Extinct species of Conodonta
  35. Extinct species of Archaeocyatha

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