AuthorityBroaderTruth-ErrorPresentableSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentablePower-ImpotencePresentableIntelligence-UnintelligencePresentableInfluence-InfluencelessnessPresentableAuthority-LawlessnessPresentableProblemSubstance abuse by role modelsPresentableMisuse of personal authority for political purposesPresentableDenial of right of complaintPresentableAbuse of authorityPresentableUnrecovered lost authorityUnpresentableMockery of religionUnpresentableFlouting regulatory authorityUnpresentableUncritical acceptance of authorityYet to rateMisrepresentation of religious authorityYet to rateInflexible leadershipYet to rateFalse positive representation to authorityYet to rateDisorganized liaison with formal supportYet to rateDiffuseness of regulatory authorityYet to rateDependence on authorityYet to rateContempt for authorityYet to rateStrategyAssigning authority for national environmental health action plansPresentableUsing local government authorityYet to rateSupporting country enforcement authorityYet to rateStrengthening local authority capabilities on water protectionYet to rateSetting limits to government authorityYet to rateRetaining leadershipYet to rateRespecting authorityYet to rateReforming local authority legislationYet to rateRedistributing authorityYet to rateProviding sufficient local authority planningYet to ratePromoting effective authority presenceYet to rateObeying religious authorityYet to rateLeading without authorityYet to rateInstituting authority testYet to rateIncreasing municipalization of landYet to rateIncluding resource recovery in local authority waste management plansYet to rateImplementing executive functionsYet to rateExercising authority illegallyYet to rateExercising authorityYet to rateEstablishing universal worldwide authorityYet to rateEmpowering legal baseYet to rateDisrespecting authorityYet to rateDisobeying legislated principlesYet to rateDecentralizing decisions to the lowest appropriate levelYet to rateDeceiving authorityYet to rateCoordinating local authorityYet to rateChallenging legitimacy of public authorityYet to rateAssuring family authorityYet to rateAgreeing executive authority for implementation of collective willYet to rateAdvocating free access to telecommunication networksYet to rateActivating executive authorityYet to rateAccepting authorityYet to rateAbstaining from local authority planningYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectGovernment » AuthoritiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0205DOCID11302050D7NID191156Last updateDec 2, 2024