1. World problems
  2. Mockery of religion

Mockery of religion

  • Disrespect for religion
  • Contempt of episcopal authority


If a soul overcomes all such obstacles and commits himself to God, Satan reveals his true nature and becomes his foe from then onwards. The devil is angered and irritated and decides to prevent the soul from progressing though he was unable to prevent his commitment. Resolving thus, he begins his warfare with man, employing his weapons one by one. Dear children of God, one such weapon of Satan is mockery. Mockery is a weapon of war employed by Satan through one's friends, relatives and neighbors. When Christ offered Himself as a living sacrifice, Satan made use of this weapon powerfully. (John 18:12-13).

Jesus declared Himself to be the king of Jews. Because of this, they took Him to the king's court, clothed Him with a scarlet robe, covered His head with a crown of thorns and gave a reed in His hand. And they bowed the knee before Him and mocked Him, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews!" They spat on Him and took the reed and struck Him on the head (Matt. 27:28-31).

As we grow in faith, become strong in spirit and begin to declare Jesus before people, Satan can not tolerate that and being afraid of more souls drawn to our fold, attempts to obstruct our ministry by resorting to mockery. King Hezekiah sent couriers from city to city and declared the mercy of God in an attempt to make the people return to the Lord. They laughed at them, scorned and mocked them (II Chr. 30:10).

Though many mock at us, let us receive glory from God by delivering the few from eternal destruction and introduce them into the kingdom of God. Let not this world engage our attention. Though people mock at us of our divinity, hope and ministry they have a special regard and fear for us and our words (II Kings 9:1-13).

Therefore let us march forward unperturbed by sarcasm. "There would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts" (Jude 1:18).

People who make fun of the words of the Sages are punished with boiling excrements (Gittin 56a). Stinking vapors rise up to their brains, leaving them twisted and confused. No matter how much they may study Torah, they will never be able to derive true guidance from it about the way to lead their lives. Their hearts are as filthy as a privy. They never have a clear idea how to live at all. This kind of cynicism leads in the end to severe decrees being passed against the Jewish people. They are expelled from the countries they were living in, and the end result of the upheavals is that whole areas of Torah wisdom become lost to us, notably the mystery of Ibbur, which underlies the structure of the Jewish calendar with its intercalated leap-years. The loss of this wisdom causes strife and factionalism (61:1-3).

When a person makes fun of something holy, it is "the laughter of the fool" (Ecclesiastes 7:6).

One of the biggest obstacles in the search for truth is other people, especially those who make fun of religion with "sophisticated" jokes. They are under the spell of philosophical speculation and other current ideas. The damage they cause is quite obvious. They have the power to corrupt people completely, God forbid. What is even more insidious is the sharp wit of people who give the appearance of being respectable and well meaning, but who have a way of turning all kinds of religious matters into a joke. Many people are deterred from true religion because of this. At least where the blatant mockery of the philosophers is concerned most people have the sense to be wary and keep away, knowing as they do that philosophy has the power to deprive you of both worlds, this one and the next, and to throw you down into the lowest pit of hell, God forbid. But the "wit and wisdom" of those who give the impression of being decent and religious can be more dangerous because their words possess a certain aura of truth. Travel the path of purity and you will walk in trust. Keep well away from this crowd and pay no attention to their humor and wise ideas. Walk with simplicity and purity along the ancient path of our forefathers (Rabbi Nachman's Wisdom 81).

When religion is banished from the school, from education and from public life, when the representatives of Christianity and its sacred rites are held up to ridicule, are we not really fostering the materialism which is the fertile soil of Communism? (Papal Encyclical, Divini Redemptoris, 19 March 1937).




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Sustainable Development Goal #16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


World problems
(F) Fuzzy exceptional problems
Biological classification
  • Government » Authorities
  • Religious practice » Bishops
  • Religious practice » Religion
  • Content quality
    Last update
    Oct 4, 2020