DemandingBroaderPrescribing-DemandingYet to rateFormulating strategic contextsYet to rateNarrowerSustaining industrial innovationPresentableExtending producer responsibilityPresentableEstablishing orderly economic marketing systemPresentableDemanding informed opinion on implementing social decisionsPresentableCampaigning for world parliamentPresentableUsing petroleum productsYet to rateStructuring occupational arenasYet to rateRequiring social orderYet to rateRequiring quality of technical workYet to rateRequiring context for sexualityYet to rateRequiring authentic application of scienceYet to rateRegulating industrial proceduresYet to rateMaintaining demand for basic skillsYet to rateInitiating rehearsal of existing customsYet to rateHolding accountableYet to rateGiving critical deliberationYet to rateFacilitating development of new technologiesYet to rateEstablishing citizen protectionYet to rateEncouraging production of industrial equipmentYet to rateDownshifting occupationYet to rateDemanding use of most advanced technologiesYet to rateDemanding use of best capabilitiesYet to rateDemanding universal context for expression of societal meaningYet to rateDemanding uniform methodological approaches to knowledge acquisitionYet to rateDemanding trained personnelYet to rateDemanding tightening of law enforcement during crisesYet to rateDemanding technical processing of raw materialsYet to rateDemanding symbolic leadershipYet to rateDemanding structures for equal rightsYet to rateDemanding statement of political consensusYet to rateDemanding stable monetary systemYet to rateDemanding specialized labourYet to rateDemanding specialist expertiseYet to rateDemanding sophistication of practical toolsYet to rateDemanding social supportYet to rateDemanding social relevanceYet to rateDemanding social relationshipYet to rateDemanding social fabricYet to rateDemanding social conformityYet to rateDemanding social and political structuresYet to rateDemanding service of needsYet to rateDemanding self-conscious relationship to life depthsYet to rateDemanding safe legal abortionYet to rateDemanding review of corporate decision makingYet to rateDemanding responsible exercise of political freedomsYet to rateDemanding response from governing bodiesYet to rateDemanding regulated exchange of goods and servicesYet to rateDemanding re-socialization of criminalsYet to rateDemanding qualityYet to rateDemanding punitive structuresYet to rateDemanding practical industrial skillsYet to rateDemanding political balanceYet to rateDemanding ordered process for developing diplomatic relationsYet to rateDemanding obedience to statutesYet to rateDemanding obedience to social consensusYet to rateDemanding new techniquesYet to rateDemanding new cultural responsesYet to rateDemanding meaning-giving storiesYet to rateDemanding management inputYet to rateDemanding lawful operation of affairsYet to rateDemanding intentionalizationYet to rateDemanding innovative techniques and toolsYet to rateDemanding innovation of natural resource useYet to rateDemanding individual responsibilityYet to rateDemanding individual participation in decision-making in societyYet to rateDemanding improved production methodsYet to rateDemanding honour for all stages of lifeYet to rateDemanding historical context for expression of the profoundYet to rateDemanding grassroots structuresYet to rateDemanding fundamental social values be honouredYet to rateDemanding formless to be formedYet to rateDemanding formalized grounding of beliefYet to rateDemanding formalized family unitsYet to rateDemanding expression of life realitiesYet to rateDemanding exploitation of common resourcesYet to rateDemanding executive accountability to social imperativesYet to rateDemanding exchange system for social benefitsYet to rateDemanding evaluation of decision-making processYet to rateDemanding evaluationYet to rateDemanding equitable returns from marketingYet to rateDemanding equitable conditions of workYet to rateDemanding environmental conservationYet to rateDemanding employment structuresYet to rateDemanding ecosystem modificationYet to rateDemanding drugsYet to rateDemanding disciplined internal cohesion of human knowledgeYet to rateDemanding data classificationYet to rateDemanding continuation of primordial storiesYet to rateDemanding continual operation of technologyYet to rateDemanding conformity to guidelines for common defenceYet to rateDemanding concrete symbols of beliefYet to rateDemanding conceptually excellent expressionYet to rateDemanding common statement of social codesYet to rateDemanding awareness of mysteryYet to rateDemanding authenticity of communal significanceYet to rateDemanding application of market theoryYet to rateDemanding allocation of property ownershipYet to rateDemanding adequate social structuresYet to rateDemanding accountability to social guidelinesYet to rateDemanding accountability in construction planningYet to rateDemanding acceptance of treaty obligations between indigenous peoples and statesYet to rateDemanding acceptable behaviour in the youngYet to rateCoordinating production systemsYet to rateClarifying human resource requirementsYet to rate MetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(A) Abstract fundamental strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NA1361DOCID11113610D7NID194554Last updateDec 3, 2024