Advocating sustainable development

  • Promoting environmentally sustainable development
  • Supporting sustainable development
  • Encouraging ecologically sustainable development


Sustainable development represents an intended approach which should provide solutions to the development problems within all the dimensions of social systems and their environments. From a political perspective, this calls for a political system that secures effective citizen participation in decision-making. From an economic perspective, this calls for a system that is able to generate surpluses on a self-reliant and self-sustained basis. From an ethical perspective, this calls for a social system that provides solutions to the tensions that arise from disharmonious development. From an environmental perspective, this calls for a production system that respects obligation to preserve the ecological basis for development. From a conceptual perspective, this calls for a technological system that can search continuously for new solutions. From an institutional perspective, this calls for an administrative system that is flexible and has the capacity for self-correction. From a global perspective, this calls for an international system that fosters sustainable and enduring patterns of trade and finance.


At the dawn of this new century, we have at our disposal the human and material resources to achieve sustainable development, not as an abstract concept but as a concrete reality. The unprecedented developments in production and information technologies, the emergence of a younger generation with a clear sense of optimism, solidarity and values, women increasingly aware and with an enhanced and active role in society – all point to the emergence of a new consciousness. We can decrease poverty by half by 2015 without degrading the environment, we can ensure environmental security through early warning, we can better integrate environmental consideration in economic policy, we can better coordinate legal instruments and we can realize a vision of a world without slums. We commit ourselves to realizing this common vision.


The Centre for Our Common Future, promotes initiatives outlined in the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development through a network of 250 partner organizations concerned to ensure that concepts and actions designed to ensure the challenges of sustainable development are seriously followed-up.

Counter claim

  1. In the broad manner in which it is defined and without operational indicators and measurements, sustainable development may be seen as just another "motherhood and apple pie" objective that inhibits critical examination. For the concept to be operationally useful it must be more than just an expression of social values or political preferences disguised in scientific language. It should be definable such that individuals and groups with widely differing values, political preferences, or assumptions about human nature, could agree whether the criteria are being met in a concrete development program.


  1. Testifying at environmental hearings
  2. Strengthening role of indigenous communities for sustainable development
  3. Strengthening participation of women in sustainable development programmes
  4. Sharing the benefits in biodiversity conservation
  5. Respecting community of life
  6. Providing assistance to community environmental action
  7. Providing access to appropriate technology
  8. Promoting transparency in trade
  9. Promoting sustainable use of forest biodiversity
  10. Promoting sustainable use of biodiversity
  11. Promoting sustainable rangeland management
  12. Promoting sustainable organizations
  13. Promoting sustainable livelihoods
  14. Promoting sustainable energy consumption
  15. Promoting sustainable development in transition economies
  16. Promoting sustainable development in decision making
  17. Promoting sustainable capitalism
  18. Promoting sustainable agriculture
  19. Promoting regional and subregional capacity building for sustainable development
  20. Promoting proactive approaches to sustainable development
  21. Promoting open trade for sustainable development
  22. Promoting involvement of civil society in sustainable development
  23. Promoting indigenous development
  24. Promoting gender-responsive development
  25. Promoting environmentally sound economic growth
  26. Promoting environmentally friendly paper products
  27. Promoting ecofeminism
  28. Promoting cooperation on sustainable transport for health and environment
  29. Producing declaration on habitat preservation
  30. Lobbying on environmental issues
  31. Limiting depletion of resources
  32. Increasing public awareness of sustainable development
  33. Establishing codes of practice for science
  34. Ensuring sustainable energy in human settlements
  35. Developing international sustainable energy policy
  36. Creating global alliance for environmental sustainability
  37. Cooperating for sustainable development
  38. Changing personal attitudes
  39. Changing consumption patterns
  40. Advocating responsible tourism
  41. Adopting integrated approaches to sustainable development

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