- Permissive society
Permissiveness characterized American society in the 1960's. Children brought up in these years were called the 'one' generation, as they learned to put self-interest first. World-wide, homosexuality has come out of the 'closet'; and divorce rates and the demand for abortions climbed. At the same time drug dependence has increased, along with mental illness.
Public and parental insistence on certain moral and social conventions has declined under pressures from sexual and social deviants, subversive ideologies, organized crime, and substance abusers, as well as from national cultural malaise and from unregulated commercial opportunism prevalent in free-market societies. Permissiveness has resulted in violence, perversion, obscenity, vulgarity, and the excessive pursuit of pleasure wherever it leads and at whatever cost.
Permissiveness positively encourages people to break up marriages, or get pregnant casually.