Unstructured common domainBroaderStandard frameworksYet to rateLinear relationships enhanced by non-linear processesYet to rateIntegrating a new dimensionYet to rateInformal context for formal processesYet to rateCluster of frameworksYet to rateAccessible non-linearityYet to rateNarrowerSpontaneous relationship formation amongst emerging perspectivesYet to ratePatterning of complex structuresYet to rateOrientation of structures to enhance receptivity to external insightYet to rateOff-centering the focal point of a common domainYet to rateLocal cultivation of sources of perspective nourishmentYet to rateInteraction with coherent irrational perspectivesYet to rateInsight capturing non-linear extensions of structuresYet to rateHierachy of perspectives favouring the broadestYet to rateFunctional enhancement of domains separating complementary structuresYet to rateCultivation of productive non-linearityYet to rateContexts for exploratory relationship formation challenging emerging perspectivesYet to rateContext for acknowledgement of past perspectivesYet to rateCompetitive interaction opportunities transposed to a concrete levelYet to rateCommon external context for inactivityYet to rateAccess to contained irrationalityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1067DOCID12610670D7NID229414Last updateDec 2, 2024