Access to contained irrationalityBroaderUnstructured common domainYet to rateSub-domain boundaryYet to rateSpontaneous relationship formation amongst emerging perspectivesYet to rateRelationship to indeterminacyYet to rateInformal context for formal processesYet to rateFunctionality enhancementYet to rateCommon external context for inactivityYet to rateCoherent pattern of relationship densitiesYet to rateCluster of frameworksYet to rateAccess to patterns of active irrationalityYet to rateNarrowerProvision for temporary perspective inactivityYet to rateOrientation of structures to enhance receptivity to external insightYet to rateOff-centering the focal point of a common domainYet to rateIntegrating coordinated exposure to irrationality into structuresYet to rateContexts of self-organizing non-linearityYet to rateCompetitive interaction opportunities transposed to a concrete levelYet to rateCommunication pathways enfolded by non-linearityYet to rateAmbiguous boundariesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1071DOCID12610710D7NID229770Last updateDec 2, 2024