Standard frameworksBroaderStable density gradient of local relationshipsYet to rateDifferentiation by relationship densityYet to rateCompensating relationships in parallelYet to rateCluster of frameworksYet to rateNarrowerUnstructured common domainYet to ratePerspective-adaptable contextsYet to rateOrganization of structure to enhance autonomy of sub-structuresYet to rateMinimal context interrelating mature and emerging perspectivesYet to rateMinimal context for single perspectiveYet to rateMinimal context for complementary perspectivesYet to rateLimitation on number of occupiable temporary sitesYet to rateInterfacing vehicles of communication and networks of unmediated relationshipsYet to rateExtended pattern of nuclear interactionYet to rateComplexification of perspective contextsYet to rateBlended integration of formal structure and informal contextYet to rateArrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfacesYet to rateAdaptive intersticesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1038DOCID12610380D7NID229633Last updateDec 2, 2024