UnionBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableNearness-DistancePresentableConjunction-SeparationPresentableAgreement-DisagreementPresentableAccord-DisaccordPresentableRelatedness-UnrelatednessUnpresentableConcurrence-CounteractionYet to rateProblemTrade union opposition to profit-sharingPresentableThwarted cooperative successPresentableDenial of trade union rights to public employeesPresentableDenial of the right of trade union associationPresentableViolent repression of trade union demonstrationsUnpresentableViolation of the right to organize trade unions in government servicesUnpresentableViolation of right of workers to join trade unionsUnpresentableTrade union militancyUnpresentableSeizure of trade union property by public authoritiesUnpresentableRestrictive trade union practicesUnpresentableProhibition of trade union meetingsUnpresentableOccupation of trade union premises by public authoritiesUnpresentableIsolation of trade union members from their representativesUnpresentableForced disappearances of trade union leadersUnpresentableDismissal of workers to prevent legal strike actionUnpresentableDeprivation of trade union funds and propertyUnpresentableDenial of right to union activity for special groupsUnpresentableDenial of right to union activity for rural workersUnpresentableDenial of right to recruit union membersUnpresentableCollusion of trade union leaders with employers and governmentUnpresentableAssassination of trade union leadersUnpresentableUnion protectionismYet to rateUnion monopoly and violenceYet to rateUnion bustersYet to rateThreatened species of Poecilmitis hyperionYet to rateRestrictive trade union policies concerning employmentYet to rateRestricted union entryYet to rateLack of trade union recognitionYet to rateIneffective worker organizationsYet to rateStrategyEnsuring freedom of association for workersPresentableDeveloping union participationUnpresentableUnifying currenciesYet to rateTaking illegal trade union actionYet to rateSecuring bomb-grade nuclear material from the former Soviet UnionYet to rateRelocating key European Union institutions to BrusselsYet to rateReducing trade union rivalryYet to rateReducing trade union meetingsYet to rateProtecting trade union leadersYet to rateProsecuting misconduct of trade union representativesYet to rateProposing union policiesYet to rateOrganizing community trading companyYet to rateInfluencing proposed union policiesYet to rateImitating ChristYet to rateFostering trade union participation in sustainable development programmesYet to rateFostering regional international integrationYet to rateForming commercial unionYet to rateFacilitating exchange on training for sustainabilityYet to rateExposing violation of trade union rightsYet to rateExpanding trade union participation in sustainable developmentYet to rateEstablishing joint trade union/employer policies for the work environmentYet to rateEstablishing community credit unionYet to rateEngaging in trade union rivalryYet to rateDeveloping trade union policies on sustainable developmentYet to rateDenying right to trade union activityYet to rateDenying right to protection of trade union leadersYet to rateDenying right of trade union associationYet to rateCreating Western CommunityYet to rateCreating transatlantic communityYet to rateCreating interregional communityYet to rateCreating American UnionYet to rateCorrecting misconduct of trade union representativesYet to rateCombating discrimination in employmentYet to rateClosing union shopsYet to rateClaiming intimidation of trade union organizersYet to rateActivating commercial cooperative unionYet to rateAbolishing unethical trade union practicesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1825DOCID11318250D7NID192227Last updateDec 2, 2024