UninfluenceBroaderWillingness-UnwillingnessPresentableJustice-InjusticePresentableBroadmindedness-NarrowmindednessPresentableProblemDiscriminatory religious influence on the lawExcellentUndue political pressurePresentableUndue military influencePresentableSubstance abuse during control of complex equipmentPresentablePoliticization of public servicePresentablePolitical intervention by transnational corporationsPresentableObstruction of administration of justice by undue influencePresentableIrresponsible private control of communications mass mediaPresentableForced separation of parents and childrenPresentableDrunk drivingPresentableDisruptive foreign influencePresentableDeteriorating social environments for raising childrenPresentableDangerous toysPresentableAbuse of influencePresentableLack of consumer influence on industryUnpresentableCovert imperialismUnpresentableUrban biasYet to rateUnquestioned control by economic forcesYet to rateUndue religious influence on secular lifeYet to rateRestrictive influence of religion on the massesYet to rateNegative influence of peer groupsYet to rateExtraterrestrial invasionYet to rateCorrupting influence of fictionYet to rateAntagonistic power blocsYet to rateStrategyFaith healingExcellentExpanding influencePresentableDeveloping codes of conduct for international businessPresentableLobbying politiciansUnpresentableStudying influence of foreign televisionYet to rateResisting external influenceYet to rateReleasing secular religious styleYet to rateReducing religious influence on societyYet to rateReducing influence of tribalismYet to rateReducing excessive political influence by traditional vested interestsYet to rateReducing discriminatory religious influence on the lawYet to rateRecruiting agents of influenceYet to rateProtecting children from negative television influenceYet to ratePeddling influenceYet to rateNeutralizing negative influence of peer groupsYet to rateLocating leadership influence spheresYet to rateInvestigating proprietorial influence syndrome in the mediaYet to rateExerting military influenceYet to rateEncouraging influence by extra-terrestrial aliensYet to rateDividing the world into spheres of influenceYet to rateCondemning influence peddlingYet to rateCompiling data to influence governanceYet to rateAvoiding gypsiesYet to rateAssessing influence of vulnerable groups on sustainable developmentYet to rateAffirming influence of peer groupsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1823DOCID11318230D7NID192888Last updateDec 2, 2024