ServiceBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableRestoration-DestructionPresentableKindness-UnkindnessPresentableFreedom-RestraintPresentableObedience-DisobedienceUnpresentableFormality-InformalityUnpresentableAppropriateness-InappropriatenessUnpresentableProblemVulnerability of telephone systemsPresentableUnsatisfactory retail bankingPresentableProtectionism against imports of service-related goodsPresentablePoliticization of public servicePresentableNeglect of cultural diversity by social service agenciesPresentableMisconduct of medical executivesPresentableInappropriate use of the mail servicePresentableInadequate conditions of work and employment of public service personnelPresentableInadequate air transport servicePresentableFragmentation of health servicePresentableDraft evasionPresentableDistrust of professional service deliveryPresentableDiscrimination against foreign nationals in the military servicePresentableDiscrimination against domestic servantsPresentableDecreasing consumer choicePresentableDebt slaveryPresentableConflicting social service ideologiesPresentableCompulsory military servicePresentableUnfair trade practices in the service sectorUnpresentableSectoral maldistribution of professional skillsUnpresentableProlonged repair servicesUnpresentableOfficial disregard for people as human beingsUnpresentableMilitary desertionUnpresentableInappropriate use of telecommunications servicesUnpresentableInadequate public transportationUnpresentableExtra-legal conscriptionUnpresentableDenial of right to hold public officeUnpresentableDenial of right of conscientious objection to military serviceUnpresentableCrimes related to military service obligationsUnpresentableUnsurveyed consumer needsYet to rateUnethical practices in the service sectorYet to rateUndervaluation of community serviceYet to rateUncontrolled installation of water plumbingYet to rateSocial service inconsistenciesYet to rateOvergrowth of the service industries sectorYet to rateMisused ambulance serviceYet to rateIrregular hospital transportationYet to rateInadequate utilization of volunteer social service workersYet to rateInadequate taxi serviceYet to rateInadequate regulation of restrictive business practices in service industriesYet to rateHealth risks to workers in service industriesYet to rateStrategyUtilizing volunteer task forcesPresentableRegulating Internet service providersPresentableProviding rapid emergency responsePresentableProviding community servicesPresentableEvaluating family planningPresentableEstablishing standby humanitarian food servicePresentableCreating physical infrastructurePresentableCompiling renewable energy informationPresentableProviding telecommunications serviceUnpresentableProviding information service on workUnpresentableProviding information service on parliamentsUnpresentableMaking use of the public serviceUnpresentableDeveloping publication serviceUnpresentableDeveloping broad distribution serviceUnpresentableVolunteering for military serviceYet to rateVolunteeringYet to rateValuing community serviceYet to rateUtilizing practical service skillYet to rateUndervaluing community serviceYet to rateUncovering service benefitsYet to rateTrusting professional service deliveryYet to rateTransferring service competencesYet to rateTraining public service officialsYet to rateTraining married couples in responsible procreationYet to rateTaking long-service leaveYet to rateSupporting service leaguesYet to rateStudying teaching serviceYet to rateStudying causes of poor service delivery in urban environmentsYet to rateStrengthening volunteer service forceYet to rateSetting scale of charges for servicesYet to rateReviewing information on national parksYet to rateResearching crimes related to military service obligationsYet to rateRequiring social service bureaucracyYet to rateRequiring compulsory military serviceYet to rateReporting negligent public service employeesYet to rateReporting malpractice by service companiesYet to rateRegulating passenger serviceYet to rateRegularizing transport serviceYet to rateReducing discriminatory subsidies in the service sectorYet to rateProviding telephone/mail serviceYet to rateProviding sufficient service selectionYet to rateProviding sufficient bus serviceYet to rateProviding servicesYet to rateProviding regular repair serviceYet to rateProviding regular postal serviceYet to rateProviding mail order serviceYet to rateProviding information service to membersYet to rateProviding home doctor serviceYet to rateProviding fair trade practices in the service sectorYet to rateProviding extension officesYet to rateProviding emergency accident serviceYet to rateProviding daily mail serviceYet to rateProviding consumer servicesYet to rateProviding complete home serviceYet to rateProviding civil serviceYet to rateProviding advisory serviceYet to ratePromoting multi-service retail centreYet to ratePromoting ideal of serviceYet to ratePromoting alternative civilian serviceYet to ratePromoting alternative civil serviceYet to rateProhibiting dumping in the service sectorYet to rateProcuring regular veterinary serviceYet to rateOrganizing service exchangesYet to rateOrganizing international service associationYet to rateOrganizing essential volunteer groupsYet to rateOrganizing community task forcesYet to rateOrchestrating social service activitiesYet to rateOpening sufficient service storesYet to rateOpening community service opportunitiesYet to rateOffering gifts of serviceYet to rateNeglecting public serviceYet to rateMonitoring violation of freedom from bond serviceYet to rateMonitoring dumping in the service sectorYet to rateMaintaining libraryYet to rateMaintaining continuous repair serviceYet to rateLaunching small service industriesYet to rateInvolving service clubsYet to rateIntroducing savings loan serviceYet to rateInternational postal serviceYet to rateInitiating economic serviceYet to rateInforming on regional legislationYet to rateInfluencing international service trade negotiationsYet to rateIncreasing effectiveness of civil serviceYet to rateImproving regulation of restrictive business practices in service industriesYet to rateImproving public utilities in urban areasYet to rateImproving public sector working conditionsYet to rateImproving institutional capacity on waste management planning and service deliveryYet to rateImproving food serviceYet to rateImproving community service performanceYet to rateImproving communication within companiesYet to rateImproving air transport serviceYet to rateGuiding vocations for international serviceYet to rateGenerating volunteer service rolesYet to rateFulfilling service expectationsYet to rateForming corporate service enterprisesYet to rateFocusing needed service groupsYet to rateExtending water tap serviceYet to rateExtending essential service programsYet to rateExtending dependable power serviceYet to rateExpanding waste collection and disposal servicesYet to rateExpanding use of information technology for lawYet to rateExpanding urban communication serviceYet to rateExpanding service sectorYet to rateExpanding knowledge of available servicesYet to rateEstablishing student employment serviceYet to rateEstablishing standby humanitarian police serviceYet to rateEstablishing small consultancy practicesYet to rateEstablishing manufacturing capabilitiesYet to rateEquipping social service volunteersYet to rateEnsuring service facility accessYet to rateEnsuring regular vehicle serviceYet to rateEnsuring rapid local serviceYet to rateEnsuring full cost recovery from waste generatorsYet to rateEnsuring freedom from bond serviceYet to rateEncouraging service awarenessYet to rateEncouraging commercial banks to participate in debt and debt-service reductionsYet to rateEnabling wide service opportunitiesYet to rateEnabling service satisfactionYet to rateEnabling arbitration of service supply contractsYet to rateDoing without adequate service selectionYet to rateDoing without adequate bus serviceYet to rateDisseminating international health dataYet to rateDeveloping symbolic service forceYet to rateDeveloping public service systemYet to rateDeveloping oral health serviceYet to rateDeveloping international civil serviceYet to rateDeveloping attitudes of service in workYet to rateDetermining service extension needsYet to rateDenying right of conscientious objection to military serviceYet to rateDemonstrating community serviceYet to rateDemanding service of needsYet to rateCreating voluntary service corpsYet to rateCreating information source for telecommunicationsYet to rateCreating customer dependencyYet to rateCorrupting prison serviceYet to rateCoordinating vehicle service outletsYet to rateConstructing utility service sheltersYet to rateConstructing local service centresYet to rateConstructing essential service facilitiesYet to rateCommunalizing serviceYet to rateCombining small service outletsYet to rateCollecting international health service dataYet to rateBroadening consumer service businessesYet to rateBlocking service to societyYet to rateBeginning realistic service routesYet to rateAvoiding military serviceYet to rateAugmenting daily bus serviceYet to rateAssuring reliable repair serviceYet to rateAssuring effective service continuityYet to rateAssuming water service responsibilityYet to rateAnalysing cost and benefits of labour-based approachesYet to rateAdvertising basic service requirementsYet to rateAccounting for obligations accruing from social statusYet to rateAbolishing unethical use of telephone serviceYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices of public service employeesYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices in the service sectorYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectSocial activity ยป ServicesContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1605DOCID11316050D7NID191367Last updateDec 2, 2024