ReformBroaderRestoration-DestructionPresentableProduction-ReproductionPresentableEvolution-RevolutionPresentableConversion-ReversionUnpresentableProblemMaldistribution of agricultural landPresentableObstruction of governmental medical reformYet to rateInadequate social reformYet to rateInadequate fiscal policiesYet to rateDeliberate governmental avoidance of legislative reformYet to rateDeliberate blockage of reformsYet to rateStrategyFacilitating economic structural adjustmentExcellentUsing economic instruments to mitigate climate changePresentableResearching public sector reformPresentableReforming tax systemsPresentableImplementing land reformPresentableCalling for drug law reformUnpresentableUsing support groups to help clear arrears of countries with economic reform programmesYet to rateStudying social reformYet to rateReducing delay in benefits from reform in transition economiesYet to rateReducing cost of reform schoolsYet to rateProviding sufficient social progressYet to rateProviding sufficient reformYet to rateProviding new and concessional funds to poor countries with economic reform programmesYet to rateProviding loans for planning and reformYet to rateProcessing low priority legislative reformYet to rateOpposing social innovationYet to rateMonitoring contraceptive failureYet to rateManaging administrative changeYet to rateLegislating educative reformYet to rateIntroducing environmental taxesYet to rateInnovating policies for legal reformYet to rateImplementing work reformYet to rateExchanging knowledge on penal reformYet to rateCalling for re-evaluation of lawYet to rateAvoiding reformYet to rateAbstaining from reformYet to rateAbstaining from agrarian reformYet to rateAbstaining from administrative reformYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectDevelopment » ReformContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1443DOCID11314430D7NID192877Last updateDec 2, 2024