LossLossesLostBroaderSharing-AppropriationPresentablePossession-LossPresentableIncrease-DecreasePresentableImprovement-ImpairmentPresentableProblemSpeculative flight of capitalExcellentSoil erosionExcellentSexual impotence of menExcellentLoss of plant coverExcellentLoss of agricultural biodiversityExcellentLack of male libidoExcellentHuman sexual disordersExcellentHair thinningExcellentErosion of biological diversityExcellentDisruptive migration of trained personnelExcellentDisappearance of common landExcellentDeforestationExcellentDecreasing diversity of biological speciesExcellentBaldnessExcellentAngle-closure glaucomaExcellentWaste of human resourcesPresentableUnmeaningful relationships to placePresentableUnavailability of farming landPresentableStatelessnessPresentableStateless nationsPresentableSpoilage of agricultural productsPresentableSocial disaffection of the youngPresentableSleep deprivationPresentableSeepage water losses from irrigation systemsPresentableSecond class statesPresentableRising sea levelPresentablePests of plantsPresentableLow self esteemPresentableLost family role in societyPresentableLoss of water to industrial usesPresentableLoss of traditional forms of social securityPresentableLoss of river siltPresentableLoss of micro-organic proteinsPresentableLoss of medical accreditationPresentableLoss of informationPresentableLoss of female libidoPresentableLoss of enemyPresentableLoss of cultural diversityPresentableLoss of cultural content in translationPresentableLoss of credibility of the United NationsPresentableLoss of coastal lagoonsPresentableLoss of civilityPresentableLoss of capacity with agePresentableLogging of old stand forestsPresentableLandlessnessPresentableIrrigation water lossesPresentableIrreversible depletion of natural capitalPresentableInundation of wildlife habitats through damsPresentableInundation of forests through damsPresentableInflexible central governmentPresentableIncreasing proportion of land surface devoted to urbanizationPresentableInappropriate cash crop policyPresentableInadequate packaging of food productsPresentableHumiliationPresentableHearing defectsPresentableFear of the loss of independencePresentableErosion of collective consensusPresentableEnergy leaksPresentableDisrespect for teachersPresentableDespairPresentableDecrease in ice coverPresentableDecline of human relationship to naturePresentableDangerous diet pillsPresentableCyclic business recessionsPresentableCultural suicidePresentableBereaved childrenPresentableAttrition of integrity of institutionsPresentableAlopecia areataPresentableAccidents to nuclear weapons systemsPresentableVisual impairmentUnpresentableUnsuccessful economic venturesUnpresentableUnrecovered lost authorityUnpresentableUnemployment in the wood industryUnpresentableSlaughter of diseased animalsUnpresentableMisuse of mangrovesUnpresentableLost knowledgeUnpresentableLoss of the sense of GodUnpresentableLoss of sense of sinUnpresentableLoss of regional identity within countriesUnpresentableLoss of propertyUnpresentableLoss of natural heritageUnpresentableLoss of memory due to tortureUnpresentableLoss of international technological leadershipUnpresentableLoss of fish nurseriesUnpresentableLoss of credibility of diplomacyUnpresentableLoss of credibility in international institutionsUnpresentableLoss of civil capacity for married womenUnpresentableLoss of beneficial plants and animalsUnpresentableLoss of appetiteUnpresentableLoss of animal productivityUnpresentableLimited irrigation waterUnpresentableInvoluntary loss of nationality of childrenUnpresentableInsufficient retirement fundsUnpresentableInhumanityUnpresentableInflicted loss of visionUnpresentableHaemorrhageUnpresentableFaecal incontinenceUnpresentableEconomic loss through reduced productivity of diseased animalsUnpresentableEconomic lossUnpresentableDistrust of medical servicesUnpresentableDisintegration of technological capacityUnpresentableDevaluation of real estateUnpresentableDecline of company townsUnpresentableCrop failuresUnpresentableCredibility gapUnpresentableContempt for traditional atttitudes to natureUnpresentableAtaxiaUnpresentableAbsence of limbUnpresentableUnwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateUnreported financial lossesYet to rateUnknown relativesYet to rateUnidentifiable urban neighbourhoodsYet to rateThreatened species of Deltistes luxatusYet to rateSense of impermanenceYet to rateRefusal of licence renewalYet to rateProfessional salary lossesYet to rateNeedle loss by conifersYet to rateMislaid objectsYet to rateLost farming skillsYet to rateLost family heritageYet to rateLost emigrant contactYet to rateLost covenantal understanding of sexualityYet to rateLost child labour due to government lawsYet to rateLoss of the significance of workYet to rateLoss of tendon reflexYet to rateLoss of spiritual guidanceYet to rateLoss of respectYet to rateLoss of linguistic traditionYet to rateLoss of leadership credibilityYet to rateLoss of international political leadershipYet to rateLoss of international market leadershipYet to rateLoss of international leadershipYet to rateLoss of internal political bordersYet to rateLoss of institutional credibilityYet to rateLoss of humility in relation to the environmentYet to rateLoss of foolsYet to rateLoss of faith in religionYet to rateLoss of earning powerYet to rateLoss of cultural heritageYet to rateLoss of confidence in government leadersYet to rateLoss of biodiversity during complex emergenciesYet to rateLoss of agricultural land due to artificial floodingYet to rateLack of social commitmentYet to rateIntermittent explosive disorderYet to rateInsufficient minority culture supportYet to rateInane conversationYet to rateInadequate sense of timeYet to rateHistorical rootlessnessYet to rateHeight lossYet to rateFear of loss of propertyYet to rateFear of losing controlYet to rateFailure to sacrifice any personal advantageYet to rateExpiry of drug patentYet to rateEndangered unwritten languagesYet to rateDisorders of the sense organsYet to rateDishonourYet to rateDestruction of scientific recordsYet to rateDesacralization of lifeYet to rateDependence of the disabledYet to rateDeclineYet to rateDecision-making tradition lostYet to rateCollapse in the meaning of participating in societyYet to rateAnimal deathsYet to rateAnaesthesiaYet to rateStrategyConstructing low energy buildingsExcellentCombating deforestationExcellentReducing loss and waste of food during handlingPresentableProtecting best farmland for agriculturePresentableCoping with bereavementPresentableConserving vulnerable vegetable germplasmPresentableAlerting wetland desecrationPresentableProtecting coastal wetlandsUnpresentableDecreasing agricultural crop lossesUnpresentableUsing high-performance windowsYet to rateTreating fear of loss of identityYet to rateStockpiling nuclear materialYet to rateRisking loss of documentsYet to rateRisking deathYet to rateRestoring plant coverYet to rateRestoring beachesYet to rateRespecting unwillingness to risk loss of lifeYet to rateRespecting human lifeYet to rateResisting loss of personal investmentYet to rateReporting cost overrunsYet to rateReducing loss of common open spacesYet to rateReducing heat loss in buildingsYet to rateReducing amount of wasted energy resourcesYet to rateRecovering land lost to plantationsYet to rateRecovering from financial lossesYet to ratePreserving worthYet to ratePreserving skillsYet to ratePreserving sense of timeYet to ratePreserving sense of placeYet to ratePreserving sacrednessYet to ratePreserving respectYet to ratePreserving propertyYet to ratePreserving knowledgeYet to ratePreserving institutional credibilityYet to ratePreserving informationYet to ratePreserving human resourcesYet to ratePreserving honourYet to ratePreserving heritageYet to ratePreserving harvested foodsYet to ratePreserving hairYet to ratePreserving ethnicityYet to ratePreserving economic assetsYet to ratePreserving earning powerYet to ratePreserving domestic capitalYet to ratePreserving civilityYet to rateMinimizing soil erosionYet to rateMinimizing intermediate income lossYet to rateManaging urbanization to minimize biodiversity lossYet to rateLocating relatives lost during warfareYet to rateKeeping private losses privateYet to rateInvestigating biodiversity loss through desertificationYet to rateEnsuring credibilityYet to rateEliminating unnecessary produce lossYet to rateCompensating for lossesYet to rateCompensating for loss of tradeYet to rateAvoiding terrain loss fearYet to rateAccepting personal lossYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectCommerce ยป FinanceContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND3789DOCID11437890D7NID191193Last updateDec 2, 2024