InvulnerabilityBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableStability-ChangeablenessYet to rateProblemVulnerability of marine environment to catastrophic warfare damageExcellentHeterosexual infection of women with AIDSExcellentEconomic inflationExcellentDroughtExcellentDestruction of wetland environmentsExcellentDeclining breeds of cultivated plantsExcellentCrop vulnerabilityExcellentCrimeExcellentAvoidance of copyrightExcellentVulnerability to long-term climate cyclesPresentableVulnerability of world genetic resourcesPresentableVulnerability of world cable communicationsPresentableVulnerability of women refugeesPresentableVulnerability of women and children in emergenciesPresentableVulnerability of telephone systemsPresentableVulnerability of socio-economic systems to globalizationPresentableVulnerability of social systemsPresentableVulnerability of refugee childrenPresentableVulnerability of protected natural areasPresentableVulnerability of nuclear power sourcesPresentableVulnerability of nuclear defence control systemsPresentableVulnerability of marriage as an institutionPresentableVulnerability of marine ecosystemsPresentableVulnerability of least developed countriesPresentableVulnerability of lakes and riversPresentableVulnerability of island developing countries and territoriesPresentableVulnerability of human intellectPresentableVulnerability of government to lobbyingPresentableVulnerability of frontier workersPresentableVulnerability of food chainsPresentableVulnerability of encryption codesPresentableVulnerability of ecosystem nichesPresentableVulnerability of economies to import penetrationPresentableVulnerability of drug users to AIDSPresentableVulnerability of crops to weatherPresentableVulnerability of children to pesticide residues in foodPresentableVulnerability of children to AIDSPresentableVulnerability of children during armed conflictPresentableVulnerabilityPresentableViolation of sacred sitesPresentableViolation of immunities of international civil servantsPresentableThreatened species of living organismsPresentableOccupational risks and hazards of the medical professionPresentableMilitary insecurity and vulnerabilityPresentableInstability of the world economyPresentableInsecurity of mobile telephone communicationPresentableInsecurity and vulnerability of nuclear weapon statesPresentableInequality induced by remote sensing systemsPresentableInappropriate foreign investmentPresentableGovernment harassment of human rights activistsPresentableEndangered forestsPresentableDeforestation of mountainous regionsPresentableConsumer vulnerabilityPresentableAgricultural risksPresentableVulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyUnpresentableVulnerability of the disabled during states of emergencyUnpresentableVulnerability of stock marketsUnpresentableVulnerability of small townsUnpresentableVulnerability of organismsUnpresentableVulnerability of human organismUnpresentableVulnerability of arid developing countriesUnpresentableVulnerability of animals during states of emergencyUnpresentableTravel risksUnpresentableNational insecurity and vulnerabilityUnpresentableInsecurity of propertyUnpresentableExploitation of the elderlyUnpresentableEuropean insecurity and vulnerabilityUnpresentableEnergy dependence and vulnerabilityUnpresentableDependency of the elderlyUnpresentableVulnerability to abuse of strategically distributed productsYet to rateVulnerability of society to truthYet to rateVulnerability of national economies to vagaries of external markets for goods and servicesYet to rateVulnerability of middle-classYet to rateVulnerability of marine animal communicationYet to rateVulnerability of indigenous populations to introduction of diseasesYet to rateVulnerability of holy places during conflictYet to rateOccupational hazards of paintersYet to rateJeopardization of universalityYet to rateInternational economic recessionYet to rateGeopolitical vulnerabilityYet to rateStrategyProtecting wetland ecosystemsExcellentConserving plant genetic resourcesExcellentProtecting national socio-economic systems from globalizationPresentableProtecting mountain habitatsPresentableProtecting intellectual propertyPresentableCombating droughtPresentableAssisting women refugeesPresentableProtecting plants and animalsUnpresentableProtecting against vulnerability of food chainsUnpresentableResisting foreign government interventionYet to rateReducing vulnerability to aggressionYet to rateReducing vulnerability of women and children to HIV infectionYet to rateReducing vulnerability of arid developing countriesYet to rateReducing travel risksYet to rateReducing threat to the survival of marriageYet to rateReducing occupational risks and hazards of the medical professionYet to rateProviding sufficient crop protectionYet to rateProviding security for nuclear weapon statesYet to rateProviding security for land-locked countriesYet to rateProviding protection for disabled during states of emergencyYet to rateProviding national securityYet to rateProviding military securityYet to rateProviding European securityYet to rateProtecting women and children in emergenciesYet to rateProtecting vulnerable womenYet to rateProtecting vulnerable industriesYet to rateProtecting vulnerable countriesYet to rateProtecting threatened and vulnerable minoritiesYet to rateProtecting socially endangered childrenYet to rateProtecting propertyYet to rateProtecting ocean resources from catastrophic warfare damageYet to rateProtecting nuclear power plantsYet to rateProtecting marine ecosystemsYet to rateProtecting fragile ecosystemsYet to rateProtecting consumersYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability to long-term climate cyclesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability to economic cyclesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of world genetic resourcesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of world cable communicationsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of universal principlesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of technologyYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of stock marketsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of society to truthYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of small townsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of sacred sitesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of protected natural areasYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of performers' rightsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of organismsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of nuclear defence control systemsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of national economies to vagaries of external marketsYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of national economiesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of middle-classYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of marine animal communicationYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of least developed countriesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of human organismYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of holy places during conflictYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of government to lobbyingYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of encryption codesYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of elders' propertyYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of countries to inflationYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of agriculture to declines in productionYet to rateProtecting against vulnerabilityYet to rateProtecting against overseas importsYet to rateProtecting against geopolitical vulnerabilityYet to rateProtecting against forest vulnerabilityYet to rateProtecting against energy dependence and vulnerabilityYet to ratePreventing crimeYet to rateMaintaining social orderYet to rateImproving drought relief measuresYet to rateAssisting refugee childrenYet to rateAnalysing economic vulnerabilityYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1025DOCID11310250D7NID191620Last updateDec 2, 2024