HeritageBroaderAncestry-PosterityUnpresentableProblemDestruction of human heritagePresentableAdulteration of cultural heritagePresentableAbusive exploitation of cultural heritagePresentableTerrorist attacks on cultural heritageUnpresentableLoss of natural heritageUnpresentableLost family heritageYet to rateStrategyPreserving historical and cultural treasuresExcellentPromoting study of industrial archaeologyPresentablePreserving documentary heritagePresentablePreserving cultural heritagePresentableInvesting in heritage conservationPresentableDisseminating common heritagePresentableCultivating appreciation of cultural heritagePresentableConserving world heritagePresentableConserving built heritagePresentableConserving religious heritageUnpresentableConserving natural heritageUnpresentableValuing cultural heritageYet to rateUsing architectural heritageYet to rateUncovering cultural heritageYet to rateTransmitting local cultural heritageYet to rateTransmitting heritage of indigenous peoplesYet to rateStructuring heritage programmeYet to rateRespecting cultural integrity of indigenous peoples and communitiesYet to rateResearching culture heritageYet to rateReenacting common heritageYet to rateRecovering regional heritage patternsYet to rateRecovering artistic heritageYet to ratePublishing significant heritage talesYet to rateProviding sufficient access to cultural heritageYet to ratePreserving scientific heritageYet to ratePreserving musical heritageYet to ratePreserving heritageYet to ratePreserving common past heritageYet to rateListing heritage buildingsYet to rateIncreasing public access to cultureYet to rateIncreasing awareness of past heritageYet to rateIncorporating cultural heritage into daily lifeYet to rateFacilitating emergency preservation of cultural heritageYet to rateExploiting cultural heritageYet to rateEnriching cultural heritageYet to rateDisplaying local community heritageYet to rateDiscussing cultural heritage issuesYet to rateDeveloping common cultural heritageYet to rateDevaluing cultural heritageYet to rateDestroying cultural heritageYet to rateDesigning ethnic heritage interchangeYet to rateCultivating cultural heritageYet to rateConserving social heritageYet to rateConserving cultural heritageYet to rateConserving cinematographic heritageYet to rateCampaigning for the protection of national monumentsYet to rateAwakening cultural heritageYet to rateAbstaining from access to cultural heritageYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0895DOCID11308950D7NID191103Last updateDec 2, 2024