DisincentiveBroaderMotivation-DissuasionPresentableProblemTrade barriers against developing countriesExcellentRisk of capital investmentPresentablePerverse environmental subsidiesPresentableLack of response to monetary incentivesPresentableDisincentives to market entryPresentableDisincentive to invest in over-indebted countriesPresentableDecline in foreign direct investmentPresentableInadequate incentives for increased national productivityUnpresentableDisincentives to inventionUnpresentableDisincentives against farmingUnpresentableProperty tax disincentivesYet to rateNegative effects of family allowancesYet to rateLow learning expectationsYet to rateLimited manufacturing incentivesYet to rateLack of retraining incentivesYet to rateLack of incentives for tourismYet to rateInsufficient renovation incentivesYet to rateInsufficient educational incentivesYet to rateInadequate working conditions of teachersYet to rateInadequate economic incentivesYet to rateDisincentives to complainingYet to rateDebilitating poverty imageYet to rateStrategyProviding incentives to farmers for biodiversity conservationPresentableProviding incentives for waste reuse and recyclingPresentableProviding incentives for sustainable use of natural resources by farmersPresentableProviding incentives for biodiversity conservationPresentableInvesting in environmental conservationPresentableUsing performance-related incentivesYet to rateUsing fiscal incentives in innovative financingYet to rateResponding to monetary incentivesYet to rateReplacing existing fiscal incentivesYet to rateRemoving barriers to environmental innovationYet to rateRegulating tobaccoYet to rateReducing smoking with tax incentivesYet to rateReducing smoking with health incentivesYet to rateReducing disincentives to hire workersYet to rateReducing barriers and providing incentives for transfer of environmentally sound technologyYet to rateProviding wage incentivesYet to rateProviding incentives to undertake conservation measuresYet to rateProviding incentives to market entryYet to rateProviding incentives to local authorities to recycle wastesYet to rateProviding incentives to improve the marketability of recyclable wastesYet to rateProviding incentives to economic developmentYet to rateProviding incentives for unemployedYet to rateProviding incentives for managersYet to rateProviding incentives for investment in forestry development in drylandsYet to rateProviding incentives for industry to use cleaner production technologyYet to rateProviding incentives for financial investmentYet to rateProviding incentives for farmingYet to rateProviding incentives for efficient investmentYet to rateProviding incentivesYet to rateProviding incentive to transfer communal wisdomYet to rateProviding incentive conditions for productionYet to rateProviding financial incentives to landowners for biodiversity conservationYet to rateProviding financial incentives for biodiversity conservationYet to rateProviding export incentives for developing countries productsYet to rateProviding educational incentivesYet to rateProviding economic incentives for conservation of natural resourcesYet to rateProviding economic incentivesYet to rateIncreasing land supply by incentivesYet to rateIncreasing export benefitsYet to rateImproving work incentivesYet to rateImproving national incentives for waste managementYet to rateImproving care of community propertyYet to rateHarmonizing fiscal incentivesYet to rateEstablishing beneficial policies for foreign investmentYet to rateEncouraging saving in developed countriesYet to rateEliminating material incentivesYet to rateDefining effective incentivesYet to rateDecreasing incentives for agricultural outputYet to rateCultivating incentives to knowledgeYet to rateAbstaining from structures for community careYet to rateAbstaining from response to monetary incentivesYet to rateAbstaining from provision of incentives for studentsYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4ND1649DOCID11416490D7NID192858Last updateMay 20, 2022