CrueltyCruelBroaderKindness-UnkindnessPresentableCompassion-PitilessnessPresentableProblemViolence against womenExcellentCruelty to animalsExcellentCruel treatment of animals for researchExcellentTrapping of animalsPresentableMisuse of animals for toxicological experimentsPresentableInhumane killing of animalsPresentableInhumane food preparationPresentableDiscrimination against the disabledPresentableDenial of right to freedom from cruel, inhumane or degrading punishmentPresentableCruelty to plantsPresentableCruelty to livestock during transportationPresentableCruelty to childrenPresentableCruelty to animals in factory farmingPresentableCrueltyPresentableCruel sportsPresentableCruel methods of destruction of stray dogsPresentableCruel culling of sealsPresentableMilitary brutalityUnpresentableMaltreatment of livestockUnpresentableFishing for sportUnpresentableMental crueltyYet to rateDisguised crueltyYet to rateCruelty to insectsYet to rateStrategyPromoting cruel sportsYet to ratePreventing crueltyYet to rateHumanizing punishmentYet to rateEnding cruelty to animalsYet to rateDenying right to freedom from cruel, inhumane or degrading punishmentYet to rateBeing cruel to womenYet to rateBeing cruel to plantsYet to rateBeing cruel to childrenYet to rateBeing cruel to animalsYet to rateBeing cruelYet to rateBanning unusual and cruel punishmentYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems » MaltreatmentContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND1033DOCID11410330D7NID193205Last updateDec 2, 2024