CriticismCriticalBroaderTaste-VulgarityPresentableJudgement-MisjudgementPresentableApproval-DisapprovalPresentableProblemIrreversible environmental trendsExcellentDenigrating comparative advertisingExcellentUncritical thinkingPresentableMedia illiteracyPresentableDubious superiority of expensive drugsPresentableDeconstructionPresentableCritical illnessesPresentableUnderstaffing of basic facilitiesUnpresentableUncritical acceptance of another personUnpresentableCriticism of religious institutionsUnpresentableUncritical preservation of the status quoYet to rateUncritical acceptance of dogmas and standardsYet to rateUncritical acceptance of authorityYet to rateIntolerance of criticismYet to rateExceeding critical pollution loadsYet to rateExaggeration of merits of particular solutionsYet to rateDiscriminatory language in the artsYet to rateCriticism of official institutionsYet to rateCriticismYet to rateAnticipation of criticismYet to rateStrategyUsing critical path methodPresentableReaching critical massPresentableDeveloping technologiesPresentableConserving critical coastal and marine habitatsPresentableAdvancing critical careUnpresentableSustaining critical intrusionYet to rateReducing pollution loadsYet to rateProviding artistic criticismYet to rateMonitoring critical pollution loadsYet to rateMonitoring critical habitat statusYet to rateMaintaining critical communications accessYet to rateInsuring against critical illnessYet to rateIdentifying critical areas for water resource researchYet to rateIdentifying critical areas for agricultural productivityYet to rateGiving critical deliberationYet to rateFostering theatrical criticismYet to rateExtending knowledge accessYet to rateEmploying critical load assessment for transboundary air pollutionYet to rateDeveloping methods to identify critical threshold levels of atmospheric pollutantsYet to rateCriticizing the mediaYet to rateCriticizing structural adjustment programmesYet to rateCriticizing ineffective medical techniquesYet to rateCriticizingYet to rateConducting research on critical problems of waste management and disposalYet to rateChallenging legitimacy of public authorityYet to rateCautioning against uncritical thinkingYet to rateCautioning against uncritical solution hypeYet to rateCautioning against uncritical preservation of the status quoYet to rateCautioning against uncritical preference for expensive medical treatmentsYet to rateCautioning against uncritical acceptance of dogmas and standardsYet to rateCautioning against uncritical acceptance of another personYet to rateAccepting criticismYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND1017DOCID11410170D7NID190581Last updateDec 2, 2024