ConsumptionBroaderRestoration-DestructionPresentablePossession-LossPresentableIncrease-DecreasePresentableImprovement-ImpairmentPresentableAppropriateness-InappropriatenessUnpresentableProblemTuberculosisExcellentNutritional deficienciesExcellentHuman consumption of animalsExcellentHealth risks of alcohol consumptionExcellentExcessive consumption of sugarExcellentConsumption of alcoholExcellentUnnecessary personal consumptionPresentableSocial costs of substance abusePresentableResource demands of the built environmentPresentableReplicating patterns of unsustainable consumptionPresentableMaldistribution of resourcesPresentableJuvenile alcoholismPresentableExcessive consumption of vitaminsPresentableExcessive consumption of specific foodstuffsPresentableExcessive consumption of resources in industrialized countriesPresentableExcessive consumption of goods and servicesPresentableExcessive consumption of fatsPresentableInadequate dietary fibreUnpresentableExcessive consumption of saltUnpresentableExcessive consumption of proteinUnpresentableExcessive consumption of carbohydratesUnpresentableDependence of agriculture on oil consumptionUnpresentableConsumption of unclean animal productsUnpresentableConsumption of resources for agricultureUnpresentableConspicuous consumption by international civil servantsUnpresentableUnsustainable consumption patternsYet to rateProduction serving false consumption needsYet to ratePredominance of fast foodYet to rateIncreased food consumptionYet to rateInability to reduce petroleum consumptionYet to rateExcessive consumption of spicesYet to rateAnimal cannibalismYet to rateStrategyVegetarianismExcellentUncoupling consumption from resource consumptionPresentableShifting from energy-intensive consumptionPresentableReviewing progress made in achieving sustainable consumption patternsPresentableReducing youth smokingPresentableReducing fossil fuel usePresentableReducing energy consumptionPresentablePromoting sustainable energy consumptionPresentableIntroducing carbon taxesPresentableImproving consumption practicesPresentableEnsuring sustainable personal consumptionPresentableDeveloping national policies to change unsustainable consumption patternsPresentableDesigning products that serve real needsPresentableAssessing role of women in consumptionPresentableAssessing impact of unsustainable production and consumption patternsPresentableAchieving sustainable production and consumptionPresentableBalancing depletion and replacement rates of natural resourcesUnpresentableUsing production to serve consumption needsYet to rateTaxing resources in high consumption countriesYet to rateStudying causes of poor consumption practicesYet to rateStandardizing international consumption of resourcesYet to rateStandardizing energy consumptionYet to rateSetting priorities for consumptionYet to rateSetting appropriate fashion for consumption of goods and servicesYet to rateRevealing imbalances in priorities for resource consumptionYet to rateRestricting energy consumptionYet to rateRequiring resource planning prioritiesYet to rateRequiring priority response to consumption demandsYet to rateRejecting materialismYet to rateReducing meat consumption to conserve grainYet to rateReducing international disparity in the consumption of resourcesYet to rateReducing demand for tobacco consumptionYet to rateRecovering product for local consumptionYet to rateRearing rabbits for consumptionYet to ratePublicizing services supporting sustainable production and consumptionYet to rateProviding new data on consumption requirementsYet to rateProjecting resource consumption trendsYet to ratePointing to consumption prioritiesYet to rateMaintaining minimal consumption requirementsYet to rateMaintaining international disparity in the consumption of resourcesYet to rateLimiting consumption of common assetsYet to rateIntentionalizing use of resourcesYet to rateIndicating need for resource planningYet to rateIncreasing dietary proteinYet to rateIncreasing consumption of vegetables and fruitYet to rateIdentifying sustainable consumption patternsYet to rateGlobalizing consumption patternsYet to rateForecasting energy consumptionYet to rateExploiting international disparity in the consumption of resourcesYet to rateExpanding databases on production and consumption patternsYet to rateExamining forces that drive consumptionYet to rateEstablishing priority needs for consumption of goods and servicesYet to rateEstablishing need for resourcesYet to rateEncouraging intentionality in consumption of resourcesYet to rateEncouraging disparities in energy consumptionYet to rateEncouraging cocoa consumptionYet to rateEnabling planning of future consumptionYet to rateDefining minimum consumption requirementsYet to rateDecreasing consumptionYet to rateControlling drinking consumptionYet to rateControlling consumption plansYet to rateControlling consumption of alcohol by adolescentsYet to rateClarifying priority context for consumption of goods and servicesYet to rateChanging food consumption patternsYet to rateChallenging reductionisms in assessing consumption needsYet to rateBalancing consumption against social necessityYet to rateAvoiding unsustainable consumption patterns in developing countriesYet to rateAssessing urban energy production and consumption patternsYet to rateAssessing effectiveness of instruments to reduce consumptionYet to rateAssessing costs and financing to change consumption patternsYet to rateArticulating perspective on consumption of economic goods and servicesYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectAmenities ยป ConsumptionContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0461DOCID11304610D7NID192154Last updateDec 2, 2024