BeingBroaderFuturity-AntiquityPresentableExistence-NonexistencePresentableProblemNegative effects of maternityPresentableKidnappingPresentablePaternityUnpresentableContradiction between having and beingUnpresentableSingle child familyYet to rateRejection of the meaningfulness of beingYet to rateRansomYet to rateHazards of being a black motoristYet to rateFear of ostracismYet to rateExcessive dietingYet to rateDenial of right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateBeing the eldest childYet to rateBeing a burdenYet to rateAccusing channels for dialogue of being restrictiveYet to rateAbandonment of investigation of beingYet to rateStrategyWorking from homeExcellentRecycling nutrients in urinePresentableProtecting elephantsPresentableLiberalismPresentableGender reassignmentPresentableEmploying diplomacyPresentableBeing on a dietPresentableBeing impetuousPresentableBefriendingPresentableAnarchismPresentableUsing authoritarianismUnpresentableProtecting the human genomeUnpresentablePopularizing global stewardshipUnpresentableConflicting verballyUnpresentableWorking hardYet to rateWithdrawing trustYet to rateWalkingYet to rateUsing opportunismYet to rateUsing insubordinationYet to rateUsing counter-intuitionYet to rateUsing complicityYet to rateUsing clairvoyanceYet to rateUsing bigotryYet to rateUsing barbarityYet to rateSustaining ongoing social well-beingYet to rateSmoothing roughnessYet to rateShowing discretionYet to rateShowing condescensionYet to rateShowing biasYet to rateSeeking immortalityYet to rateRisking being kidnappedYet to rateReducing risk of being kidnappedYet to rateRecognizing religionYet to rateProviding consistencyYet to rateProtecting reptilesYet to ratePromoting lazinessYet to ratePretendingYet to ratePreserving civilityYet to ratePreparing for the second coming of ChristYet to ratePracticing hedonismYet to rateMoving frequentlyYet to rateMonitoring civil rightsYet to rateLiving with natureYet to rateLabouring on the landYet to rateImitating ChristYet to rateHaving bad debtsYet to rateFollowingYet to rateFocusing on wholenessYet to rateFocusing on modernismYet to rateExpressing concerned with healthYet to rateEnsuring right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateEnsuring remembrance of past injusticeYet to rateEngaging in hooliganismYet to rateEngaging human creativityYet to rateEmploying violenceYet to rateEmphasizing activityYet to rateEmbodying foundational images of socially responsible behaviourYet to rateDoubtingYet to rateDefyingYet to rateCriticizingYet to rateConveying sincerityYet to rateConveying dogmatismYet to rateCommitting original sinYet to rateCausing disaffectionYet to rateBurglingYet to rateBeing weak-mindedYet to rateBeing unfriendlyYet to rateBeing truthfulYet to rateBeing toughYet to rateBeing tactfulYet to rateBeing suspicious of other governmentsYet to rateBeing suspicious of bureaucracyYet to rateBeing superiorYet to rateBeing subjectiveYet to rateBeing spousesYet to rateBeing softYet to rateBeing socially backwardYet to rateBeing socially anonymousYet to rateBeing sociableYet to rateBeing snobbishYet to rateBeing sentimentalYet to rateBeing scepticalYet to rateBeing sadisticYet to rateBeing roughYet to rateBeing rigidYet to rateBeing resoluteYet to rateBeing ready for combatYet to rateBeing punctualYet to rateBeing preparedYet to rateBeing politeYet to rateBeing petulantYet to rateBeing pessimisticYet to rateBeing penpalsYet to rateBeing penitentYet to rateBeing peacefulYet to rateBeing ostentatiousYet to rateBeing orthodoxYet to rateBeing obstinateYet to rateBeing obsequiousYet to rateBeing objectiveYet to rateBeing obedientYet to rateBeing narcissisticYet to rateBeing mutableYet to rateBeing modestYet to rateBeing mindfulYet to rateBeing loyalYet to rateBeing late for appointmentsYet to rateBeing intolerantYet to rateBeing indisposedYet to rateBeing indiscreteYet to rateBeing indifferentYet to rateBeing indecisiveYet to rateBeing incorrigibleYet to rateBeing in the presence of GodYet to rateBeing idiosyncraticYet to rateBeing hypocriticalYet to rateBeing humbleYet to rateBeing hostileYet to rateBeing homelessYet to rateBeing greedyYet to rateBeing fraudulentYet to rateBeing foolhardyYet to rateBeing flexibleYet to rateBeing fierceYet to rateBeing fiendishYet to rateBeing fallibleYet to rateBeing fallaciousYet to rateBeing exclusiveYet to rateBeing elegantYet to rateBeing economically inactiveYet to rateBeing eclecticYet to rateBeing eccentricYet to rateBeing double mindedYet to rateBeing disloyalYet to rateBeing discourteousYet to rateBeing disagreeableYet to rateBeing derelict of dutyYet to rateBeing delinquentYet to rateBeing definitiveYet to rateBeing defensiveYet to rateBeing defectiveYet to rateBeing decadentYet to rateBeing debauchedYet to rateBeing cruel to womenYet to rateBeing cruel to plantsYet to rateBeing cruel to childrenYet to rateBeing cruel to animalsYet to rateBeing cruelYet to rateBeing credulousYet to rateBeing crazyYet to rateBeing covetousYet to rateBeing controversialYet to rateBeing contemptuousYet to rateBeing contagiousYet to rateBeing conspicuousYet to rateBeing considerateYet to rateBeing concerned with weightYet to rateBeing concerned with sexYet to rateBeing concerned with procreationYet to rateBeing concerned with personal attractivenessYet to rateBeing concerned with noveltyYet to rateBeing concerned with immediate problemsYet to rateBeing concerned with efficiencyYet to rateBeing concerned with computersYet to rateBeing concerned with celebritiesYet to rateBeing concerned with booksYet to rateBeing concernedYet to rateBeing conceitedYet to rateBeing complicit in crimeYet to rateBeing competitive at the country levelYet to rateBeing clumsyYet to rateBeing closed mindedYet to rateBeing chauvinisticYet to rateBeing certainYet to rateBeing carelessYet to rateBeing capriciousYet to rateBeing bloody-mindedYet to rateBeing blindYet to rateBeing belligerentYet to rateBeing banalYet to rateBeing badYet to rateBeing awkwardYet to rateBeing awfulYet to rateBeing attachedYet to rateBeing assertiveYet to rateBeing arrogantYet to rateBeing apatheticYet to rateBeing angryYet to rateBeing an apostateYet to rateBeing afraidYet to rateBeing absurdYet to rateBeing absentmindedYet to rateBeing a social parasiteYet to rateBeing a recluseYet to rateBeing a public servantYet to rateBeing a parentYet to rateBeing a generalistYet to rateBeing a foreign reporterYet to rateBeing a devilYet to rateBeing a demagogueYet to rateBeing a cowardYet to rateBeing a burden to othersYet to rateBearing childrenYet to rateAttacking verballyYet to rateAffirming positiveYet to rateAdopting passive stanceYet to rateAdopting active stanceYet to rateAddressing interior beingYet to rateActing cautiouslyYet to rateAbstaining from respectYet to rateAbstaining from religionYet to rateAbstaining from appreciation of cultural differencesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0225DOCID11302250D7NID192520Last updateDec 2, 2024