ArtBroaderTaste-VulgarityPresentableSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentableProblemTheft of works of artPresentableIndecent artPresentableDismembered works of artPresentableDeterioration of the physical condition of art objectsPresentableDestructive performance artPresentableDebasement of works of artPresentableCommercialization of artPresentableArt vandalismPresentableArt forgeryPresentableArt censorshipPresentableAbuse of traditional cultural expressions of peoplesPresentableTerrorist attacks on cultural heritageUnpresentableLack of security for art loans to museumsUnpresentableInadequate documentation of works of artUnpresentableMisguided restoration of works of artYet to rateIllicit export of works of artYet to rateArt as propagandaYet to rateStrategyLinking national patent officesPresentableCultivating appreciation of cultural heritagePresentableEncouraging expressive art workUnpresentableValuing art treasuresYet to rateUsing performance artYet to rateUsing art therapyYet to rateUsing art form conversationYet to rateUsing art as propagandaYet to rateTransferring art techniquesYet to rateTrading in art outside the lawYet to rateTrading in artYet to rateStudying relationships between art and scienceYet to rateStrengthening aesthetic educationYet to rateSharing unique art-formsYet to rateRestricting possible forms of socially significant artYet to rateRestoring cultural property to its country of originYet to rateRepresenting regional artYet to rateReducing art valuesYet to rateRecognizing female artistsYet to rateProtecting dramatic artYet to ratePropagating dramatic artYet to ratePromoting interdisciplinary artYet to ratePromoting contemporary artYet to ratePromoting ceramic artYet to ratePreserving old paintingsYet to ratePresenting global art formsYet to rateModernizing artYet to rateMarketing traditional art objectsYet to rateMaking affordable artYet to rateIntroducing community art formsYet to rateIntroducing art formsYet to rateInflating art valuesYet to rateImporting artYet to rateFostering traditional art formYet to rateExhibiting art formsYet to rateExchanging cultural artsYet to rateExchanging contemporary visual artYet to rateExchanging among folk art communityYet to rateEstablishing imaginal social artYet to rateEnhancing access to artYet to rateEngaging social artYet to rateEducating through artYet to rateDisplaying local art formsYet to rateDeveloping international network of mail artYet to rateDeveloping cinema artYet to rateDeveloping art of peaceYet to rateDeveloping architectural artYet to rateCreating traditional art objectsYet to rateCreating artYet to rateCataloguing artYet to rateAdvancing art historyYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0169DOCID11301690D7NID191713Last updateDec 2, 2024