1. Global strategies
  2. Strengthening scientific cooperation on conserving biological resources

Strengthening scientific cooperation on conserving biological resources


This strategy features in the framework of Agenda 21 as formulated at UNCED (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), now coordinated by the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and implemented through national and local authorities.

Agenda 21 recommends promoting technical and scientific cooperation on conservation of biological diversity and the sustainable use of biological and genetic resources. It indicates that special attention should be given to developing and strengthening national capabilities by means of human resource development and institution-building, including transfer of technology and/or development of research and management facilities such as herbaria, museums, gene banks and laboratories related to conservation of biodiversity.


The Man and the Biosphere programme (MAB), begun by UNESCO in 1971, promotes cooperation in a number of areas relating to conservation, development and the management of ecosystems and their resources. This programme also concentrates on sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity. Under its auspices, hundreds of "Biosphere Reserves" – protected ecosystems which are centres for research, education and monitoring – have provided a unique intergovernmental framework that is promoting global cooperation in this field. This network, in more than 80 countries, represents about two-thirds of the world's variety of ecosystems.

Article 17 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, entitled, Exchange of Information, states: (1) The Contracting Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, from all publicly available sources, relevant to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account the special needs of developing countries; (2) Such exchange of information shall include exchange of results of technical, scientific and socio-economic research, as well as information on training and surveying programmes, specialized knowledge, indigenous and traditional knowledge as such and in combination with the technologies referred to in Article 16, paragraph 1. It shall also, where feasible, include repatriation of information.

Article 18, entitled, Technical and Scientific Cooperation, states: (1) The Contracting Parties shall promote international technical and scientific cooperation in the field of conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, where necessary, through the appropriate international and national institutions; (2) Each Contracting Party shall promote technical and scientific cooperation with other Contracting Parties, in particular developing countries, in implementing this Convention, inter alia, through the development and implementation of national policies. In promoting such cooperation, special attention should be given to the development and strengthening of national capabilities, by means of human resources development and institution building; (3) The Conference of the Parties, at its first meeting, shall determine how to establish a clearing-house mechanism to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation; (4) The Contracting Parties shall, in accordance with national legislation and policies, encourage and develop methods of cooperation for the development and use of technologies, including indigenous and traditional technologies, in pursuance of the objectives of this Convention. For this purpose, the Contracting Parties shall also promote cooperation in the training of personnel and exchange of experts; and (5) The Contracting Parties shall, subject to mutual agreement, promote the establishment of joint research programmes and joint ventures for the development of technologies relevant to the objectives of this Convention.


Groups within the scientific community are more used to facing "internal" confrontation with their own community rather than with a wider one. There are a number of reasons for this. On the one hand, researchers tend to defend their own research field from intrusions by other disciplines and overall by non-scientists. In some way they are primarily responsible for their own isolation. On the other hand, planners and decision-makers prefer to get rapid solutions to solve present problems rather than complicated longer-term analyses.





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    Dec 1, 2022