Monitoring trade in live animalsReporting on live animal tradeBroaderRecording trade in speciesPresentableMonitoring agricultural tradeUnpresentableMonitoring wildlifeYet to rateMonitoring livestock productivityYet to rateMonitoring animalsYet to rateNarrowerMonitoring international trade in endangered speciesUnpresentableConstrainsDestabilizing trade in live animalsYet to rateFacilitatesConserving wildlifeUnpresentable ValueStabilityYet to rateInstabilityYet to rateWeb linkFAOSTAT Trade Live AnimalsLivestock trade networks for guiding animal health surveillanceTRAFFIC: The Wildlife Trade Monitoring NetworkDigital Surveillance: A Novel Approach to Monitoring the Illegal Wildlife TradeAn overview of international wildlife trade from Southeast AsiaAustralian Livestock Exporters' Council Agriculture and Food TradeSummarizing the Evidence on the International Trade in Illegal WildlifeAgEcon End Illegal Wildlife TradeWTO trade topicsMonitoring of Wildlife PopulationsSpecies Survival NetworkDetailed Discussion of Trade in Wild-Caught Reptiles TRADE & ANIMAL WELFAREWorld Organisation for Animal Health: OIE standards and international tradeWildlife TradeTRAFFICLive Export: Feces, Falls and Flooding The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraLive animal export trade Illegal Wildlife TradeLivecorpRough Trade: Animal Welfare in the Global Wildlife TradeSDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(G) Very specific strategiesSubjectCommerce » TradeLife » LifeResearch, standards » Inspection, testsZoology » AnimalsContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NV7503DOCID13275030D7NID205031Last updateJan 29, 2019