Implementing programmesBroaderImplementingYet to rateNarrowerPrivatizing the public sectorExcellentPreventing terrorismExcellentDeveloping national strategies for sustainabilityExcellentStrengthening participation of women in sustainable development programmesPresentableRecovering endangered speciesPresentableRecognizing major non-governmental groups as key partners in implementing Agenda 21PresentableImplementing urban air pollution programmesPresentableImplementing major international research programmesPresentableImplementing health, nutrition, education and poverty alleviation programmes for childrenPresentableManaging fragile ecosystemsYet to rateIncreasing public awareness of sustainable developmentYet to rateIncreasing involvement of NGOs in designing and implementing education programmes for sustainable developmentYet to rateIncreasing financial support to NGO participation in United Nations programmesYet to rateIncorporating expertise of NGOs in planning United Nations programmesYet to rateImproving implementation of programmes against problemsYet to rateImproving coordination and complementarity of UNCED follow-up programmes in the United Nations systemYet to rateImplementing water and sanitation programmes for the urban poorYet to rateImplementing waste recycling programmesYet to rateImplementing voluntary environmental programmes by industryYet to rateImplementing urban storm-water run-off and drainage programmesYet to rateImplementing programmes on sustainable livelihoodsYet to rateImplementing environmental impact assessment for development programmesYet to rateImplementing energy savings programmesYet to rateImplementing efficient rural water cost-recovery programmesYet to rateImplementing development programmesYet to rateDeveloping sanitation for low-income city areasYet to rateCooperating with NGOs in implementing national policies and programmesYet to rate MetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(C) Cross-sectoral strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NJ7808DOCID12078080D7NID195332Last updateDec 3, 2024