Encouraging immigration
- Accepting immigrants
- Assisting emigration
An OECD paper (2002) said that if the EU, Canada, Japan and the US allowed migrants to make up 4% of their workforce, the returns to poor countries could be $160bn to 200bn a year – https://www.worldfinance.com/infrastructure-investment/government-policy/encouraging-immigrationfar more than any debt relief could provide.
Immigrants are by nature a superior breed. Knowing that they face adjustment problems in a strange and frequently hostile environment, they are nevertheless ready to leave their homelands in hopes of improving their lives. While they often encounter difficulties, on the whole they contribute significantly to the economy as entrepreneurs, technicians, craftspeople, farmers and unskilled workers. Their crime rate is remarkably low, and, contrary to allegations that they are a social burden, they invariably generate more tax revenues than they take in services. Parents sacrifice themselves to educate their children, who in turn strive to succeed in order to repay their debt to their parents.