DemonstratingNarrowerDocumenting population trendsPresentableDemonstrating in publicPresentableDemonstrating importance of stylePresentableDemonstrating educational patternsPresentableDemonstrating benefits of integrated pest management in agriculturePresentableAffirming unity of humankindPresentableActivismPresentableDemonstrating new food typesUnpresentableTraining early education teachersYet to rateProving new methodsYet to rateProtesting environmental issuesYet to ratePropelling new images of wealthYet to rateProclaiming community historyYet to ratePractising solidarityYet to ratePracticing celibacyYet to ratePerforming corporate citizen tasksYet to rateMotivating cooperationYet to rateMinimizing needed capital investmentYet to rateIntroducing new surgical techniquesYet to rateIncreasing amount of housingYet to rateImproving construction of dwellingsYet to rateImproving access to development capitalYet to rateDeveloping animal husbandry skillYet to rateDescribing interrelationships between problemsYet to rateDemonstrating world welfare needsYet to rateDemonstrating vocational significanceYet to rateDemonstrating vocational passionYet to rateDemonstrating viable new harvestsYet to rateDemonstrating various profitable techniquesYet to rateDemonstrating various capital patternsYet to rateDemonstrating utilization of surplusesYet to rateDemonstrating supplemental fishing meansYet to rateDemonstrating special work projectsYet to rateDemonstrating sound environmental managementYet to rateDemonstrating social tacticsYet to rateDemonstrating small scale farmingYet to rateDemonstrating signal involvementYet to rateDemonstrating servanthood engagementYet to rateDemonstrating role accountabilityYet to rateDemonstrating restrictive effects of external capital on developmentYet to rateDemonstrating quick cash opportunityYet to rateDemonstrating profitable resource useYet to rateDemonstrating practical implementation of corporate decisionsYet to rateDemonstrating practical finance systemsYet to rateDemonstrating outrageYet to rateDemonstrating new production unitsYet to rateDemonstrating need for ordered languageYet to rateDemonstrating need for effective use of resourcesYet to rateDemonstrating modern work practicesYet to rateDemonstrating modern equipmentYet to rateDemonstrating machine equipment repairYet to rateDemonstrating low-cost feasible designsYet to rateDemonstrating local residents talentYet to rateDemonstrating local possibilitiesYet to rateDemonstrating local craft skillsYet to rateDemonstrating local careYet to rateDemonstrating intentionallyYet to rateDemonstrating fusion powerYet to rateDemonstrating fullness of life cyclesYet to rateDemonstrating external life stylesYet to rateDemonstrating evaluative methodsYet to rateDemonstrating deliberative systems locallyYet to rateDemonstrating creative space useYet to rateDemonstrating corporate response possibilityYet to rateDemonstrating corporate powerYet to rateDemonstrating corporate group successYet to rateDemonstrating concern for the disabledYet to rateDemonstrating community serviceYet to rateDemonstrating community resurgenceYet to rateDemonstrating community investment planYet to rateDemonstrating community corporatenessYet to rateDemonstrating child raising techniquesYet to rateDemonstrating child care curriculumYet to rateDemonstrating beneficial marine developmentYet to rateDemonstrating basic preventive measuresYet to rateDemonstrating basic agriculture techniquesYet to rateDemonstrating appropriate common methodsYet to rateDemonstrating alternativesYet to rateDemonstrating alternative energy usesYet to rateDemonstrating alternative building designsYet to rateDemonstrating adequate rural community dwellingsYet to rateDemonstrating actional stylesYet to rateDemonstrating absurdity through contingencyYet to rateCreating demonstrating modelYet to rateCarrying out pilot projects to demonstrate waste minimization practices and technologiesYet to rate MetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(A) Abstract fundamental strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NJ7425DOCID12074250D7NID195290Last updateDec 3, 2024