Threatened species of Buteo galapagoensis

  • Threatened species of Galápagos hawk


Buteo galapagoensis was apparently once common in open rocky scrub country on most of the main islands of the Galapagos. Owing to human persecution and possibly food competition from introduced competitors, it is now extinct on five islands and greatly reduced on Santa Cruz, though still quite common on Santiago, Espaniola, Isabela, Fernandia, Pinta, Marchena and Santa Fe. Being cooperatively polyandrous, the population is difficult to quantify except by breeding territories, of which about 130 are known.


Buteo galapagoensis is found in the Galapagos, Ecuador.


Buteo galapagoensis is considered by the IUCN as "Vulnerable", and listed by CITES as "Appendix 2".

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